Section Ideas To Include In Your Newsletter Design

Writen by Ladan Lashkari

A good newsletter template is not only consisted of a good design, but also good sections to make your newsletter interesting.

I spend a lot of time studying successful newsletters and collected a list of section ideas for my own newsletter. Then I thought the list would be helpful to other people who want to start their own newsletter too. So I decided to share it with you. Here they are...

#1. Table of Contents: If your newsletter is consisted of more than 3 sections, a table of contents is a must. It gives your newsletter a professional look and feel.

#2. Editor's Notes: This is the best place to let your personality shine. Share your personal opinions, views, memories, and feelings here to establish a strong relationship with your readers.

#3. Feature Article: This is the main part of your newsletter so focus of the quality of content you provide here.

#4. Guest Article: This is an optional section. You may post another informative article by another expert here.

#5. Google AdSense: If you publish an HTML newsletter, you can easily make money from your newsletter by placing AdSense ads in each issue. The best place for the ads would be in your article because it will be the most read section of your newsletter so you'll get the highest click-through rate here.

#6. Ask the Editor: Offer your subscribers an email address or an online form to submit their questions. You can choose the most common questions, answer them in an article, and publish it in your future issues. You'll get awesome article ideas this way. It will also make your newsletter interactive which creates loyal readers.

#7. Review a Helpful Product: People love an "honest" review about a helpful product that will save them time, money, or energy.

#8. Quote of the Day: According to Wordtracker, over 17500 people search for the word "quotes" every day. People love quotes and words of wisdom. Quotes inspire and motivate people to enjoy their life and reach their dreams. So adding a quote to your every issue will add a little spice to it.

#9. Joke of the Day: People are usually tired from daily chores and hard work, so they will embrace any fun break you give to their mind and soul. Did you know that over 48500 people search for the word "jokes" every day?

#10. Recommended Resources: You might know some helpful resources that your subscribers will benefit from. Share a couple of useful resources in every issue. Your readers will appreciate your kindness with their trust and loyalty.

#11. Reader's Feedback: If you provide quality content in your newsletter, you will always receive great feedbacks from your happy readers. You can publish one of them in every issue. Your subscribers' unconscious mind will think, "If everyone likes it, it must be good. So I like it too."

#12. Survey of the Week/Month: Looking for ideas to improve your newsletter? Why don't you ask your own readers? They are the ones who know it the best. And they will be happy to share their opinions and suggestions with you. So simply ask!

#13. Contact the Editor: To win your subscribers' trust, you should show them you're a real person. Someone just them whom they can reach by email and phone. Providing your email address, phone number, and even your snail mail address is a very effective way to gain their trust.

#14. Unsubscribe Information: This is one of the most essential parts of your newsletter. Your subscribers have the right to unsubscribe from your newsletter whenever they want. And what's more, if they are not interested in reading your ezine anymore, what's the use of sending it to them? They won't read it in any case.

#15. How to Subscribe: Not all of the people who read your newsletter are your current subscribers. Many of them may have received it from their friends. They may like it and want to subscribe. So you'll gain many new subscribers without doing any additional work. So why not provide a link or autoresponder address to subscribe easily in every issue?

About The Author: Ladan Lashkari is a respected Internet marketing expert, and the owner of where you'll find free newsletter templates, creative newsletter ideas, honest reviews, and helpful resources to start your own highly profitable email marketing campaign.