Ezine Definition Too Absolute

Writen by Lance Winslow

The current definition of an Ezine as you know is an electronic newsletter or electronic magazine, which is sent out via email. But is that definition too confining and absolute considering the rapid changes in the Information Age? In fact if we consider Einstein had warned us that the only constant is change. Many believe that is hard to address the subject of Ezines without a true definition and thus it must be clearly and narrowly defined. Yet others argue that this leaves many out in the rain who are Publishing Ezines.

Debaters of this subject including the top most prolific online article writer say that definitions are too confining. For instance who is to say in the future you might not send your Ezine to a Home Entertainment Center in the home on a big flat panel high-definition TV combination Internet system. Who is to say the method used to do this will be called email? Most likely it will be something other than email, but the format and feel of the Ezine will most likely be the same, well at least in the early stages anyway?

What about the new SMS on the cell phones, who is to say that they will not be able to recieve such information to them or a holographic wrist watch. All this is coming and so if an Ezine is email only based then will we all miss the boat due to pure definitions. After all the Ezine Publishers will be the first to provide content in that new medium as they look for additional outlets and distributions of their already published regularly ezine. Needless to say in the future the Ezine model will evolve and maybe left behind unable to grow if it cannot capture and encapsulate new technologies. Consider all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow