Ezine Publishing Be Careful Of Filler Content

Writen by Lance Winslow

One of the reasons that Ezines and all online newsletters do so well is because people are upset at the trade journals, which seem to have so many filler pages of worthless content that many of the subscribers are no longer interested. You have probably seen in many industry trade journals where the articles are somewhat irrelevant to the industry yet in the first paragraph and the last paragraph it appears that the articles have been modified in order to get the classification of that particular industry sector.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist or someone in an industry to recognize that these articles are basically BS and merely public relations pieces in order to sell them something and therefore they flip through theses trade journals very quickly without reading them. Further this hurts the advertisers because the subscriber is also flipping past the advertising.

If a trade journal has too few articles in it and the magazine is not very thick people do not value it, but too much filler and people no longer have any value added. This same problem applies to Ezine Publishing and we see all too often that there are articles, which are completely worthless to the subject matter of the Ezine or are so basic that they are irrelevant to the reader. Therefore, Ezine Publishers need to be very careful of such Filler Content. Please consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow