Write Your Weekly Ezine In 5minutes Or Better Yet Dont Write It At All

Writen by Ron Hutton

How to write your ezine in 5 minutes by legally and ethically stealing other people's articles...

There are virtual storehouses of awesome articles and reports just waiting online for you to tap into. They're ready and available for your use; and, in fact, the authors very much want you to go grab them and use their articles.

You don't even have to search very far. You're only a scroll and a click away from a list of sites and locations that will provide you with hundreds of articles that you can browse, pick up and publish for free.

Free article content and syndicated article content is pretty much the same thing. The main difference is that syndicated article content is published or delivered either through the use of a service or a script feed. Free article content is usually hosted on the author's site with his or her expressed permission for you to use it.

A few general rules to consider in your quest for quick-and-easy newsletter content:

1) Look for content that fits well with the theme of your newsletter.

2) Answer this question for yourself... "Is this information of any value to my subscribers?"

3) How can I potentially benefit by using this article? And, yes, I am referring to money.

Points 1 and 2 above are obviously important considerations, and I don't really need to dwell on them.

Point 3 is equally important.

Authors who provide free articles for your use will always require that you include their "resource box" at the end of the article. This is right and proper since the author deserves to be recognized and it's their copyrighted material.

Are you asking yourself this question:

"If the article isn't mine, and the resource box isn't mine, how in the world am I going to take this 5-minute newsletter and turn it into income?!"

Good question. Read on.

An important key to monetizing the fre article content that you're borrowing from someone else is to seek out authors who will allow you to use an affiliate link to their products or services within the resource box. The resource box is usually four or five lines that lead you to the author's site.

If the author will allow you to sign up for his or her affiliate program and use your affiliate link in the resource box, you now have the opportunity to earn some income for anyone who clicks through that link and purchases a product from the author's site.

Alrighty then! It's a great combo isn't it? You don't have to agonize over copywriting. You can publish your ezine in about 5 minutes. You can send it to your millions of subscribers with one simple click of a button. AND you can profit in the process.

Here are some resources that you can begin to explore:

At Internet Marketing Power Tools (my site):

** Free Article Resources **

==> http://www.gothrive.com/article-archives.html (This is my site that I use to support my ezine)

==> http://snipurl.com/freearticles/

** Syndicated Article Resources **

==> http://snipurl.com/syndicatedarticles/

Another awesome resource:

"Best of Web Gold" – this collection of articles is made available by Terry Dean of NetBreakthroughs (huge success online and all around great guy) You'll find over 75 articles that you can use in your newsletter. The only requirement is the resource box thing. But you can use your NetBreakthroughs affiliate link in the resource box so you'll have a chance to earn money.

Here's exactly what Terry says: "Feel free to use these articles below as long as the link in the resource box of each article points back to me."

As a NetBreakthroughs affiliate, your affiliate link is going obviously going to point back to Terry.

STEP 1: Sign up for Terry's affiliate program here:

==> http://snipurl.com/terrydeanaffiliate/

STEP 2: Go here to access this super collection of articles:

==> http://www.bizpromo.com/free/

If you haven't started your own online newsletter yet, use this technique to launch it today. Did someone say "Pulitzer"?

Copyright 2005 Ron Hutton

Ron Hutton is a 20 year sales and marketing veteran with a passion for coaching and training. Subscribe to "GoThrive Online", for big juicy marketing tips in small, easy-to-chew, bite size servings. 17 Free Cool Tools... http://www.gothrive.com