Ten Surefire Tips For Effective Ezine Advertising

Writen by Kelly Araneda

You are trying to advertise online. Your budget is tight. Every penny has to count so you need a lot of bang for your buck. Well, if you are considering ezine advertising then congratulations. Provided it is done correctly, ezine advertising can bring in major sales. If done incorrectly, however, ezine advertising can cost you a bundle and bring in little to NO cash flow. Don't get burned! Follow these ten surefire guidelines for effective Ezine advertising and be on your way to successful online marketing.

1) Choose an ezine with an appropriate target audience. If your business sells base ball caps, you'll want a sports-minded audience. For example, you would want to stay away from "Gourmet Grandmas" ezine but definitely want to consider the "Amateur Athletes Anonymous" ezine.

2) Get to know the ezine. First, subscribe to the ezine, not only to get a better feel for it, but also so you can watch for your ad when it is scheduled to run. If for some reason it does NOT run, you'll be able to contact the publisher and let them know. In such a case it is appropriate to ask that your ad run again free of charge or get a refund.

3) Call the ezine publisher and establish contact before submitting an ad. This will help solidify or eliminate any doubts you may have had bout the legitimacy or the appropriateness of the ezine you're considering. You'll also be establishing a relationship with the publisher, which can be useful for future ad campaigns.

4) Choose the proper type of ad. Stay away from classifieds, middle, and bottom ads. Most readers skim right over these and you'll get little exposure. What you're looking for is a top ad, or better yet, a solo ad. Solo ads are also known as featured or exclusive mailings. These are emailed separately to the entire subscription base for maximum exposure. It's like borrowing their list (yes, the coveted "list") and advertising to them directly.

5) Avoid publications that abuse their list. Make sure the ezine does not publish more than 2 solo ads per week to avoid irritating and numbing the subscribers.

6) Check the archive. This is another way to verify the legitimacy of the ezine and see which ads have run in the past.

7) Check out your ad options. For example, ask if you can personalize each ad with the reader's first name, add clickable links, add color, and use html.

8) Ask for an endorsement from the publisher. The subscribers already have a relationship with the publisher. They trust the publisher and the information he or she provides. Having an endorsement from the publisher could boost sales for you BIG time.

9) Try to get your first ad for free! Explain to the publisher that if your ad brings in results that you will be back again and again to purchase more advertising, and that you will also refer your team members for future advertising. The worst they can say is no.

10) Be genuine in your advertising. Create an ad that you would want to send to your best friend. Remember that your ad will be seen one person at a time, so it's best to write it to individuals rather than to masses.

There you have it. Ten sure fire tips for effective ezine advertising. Follow these guidelines and watch your sales go crazy!!

Kelly Araneda is a stay-at-home mother of two and online business entrepreneur. Learn why people happily send me $3,000 over and over again!
