Profit From Reading

Writen by Raymond Johnston Jr

A while back my youngest son came to visit for a few days. He and his family arrived late one night and after visiting for a couple of hours, we all turned in.

The next morning when he came down for his caffeine jump start, I was sitting at my desk with my computer on. This is my normal daily routine. I start my day around four, yes that's four in the morning unlike my son who is usually going to bed about that time. Anyway, he just mumbled good morning and took his coffee and headed out to sit by the lake.

The second morning, he looked at me very strangely as he went by. Finally on the third morning he asked me what I could possibly be accomplishing sitting there staring at the screen for so many hours? When I told him that I was reading, I got another shake of the head and off he went.

Do you spend much of your day reading? If you are part of the internet marketing world and you answered no, you are making a big mistake.

What do I read? I subscribe to and read an amazing number of ezines. I know that most of you just use them to get your free ads and don't even pay attention to any of the content. If you want to succeed in the internet marketing field, I urge you to subscribe to ezines. Read the content and find which one's provide you with quality material. Keep subscribing to those you find useful and discard the one's that don't. Then go out and subscribe to some more and repeat this process.

If you spend all of your time sending out free ads to ezines and FFA sites instead of reading, you have your priorities in the wrong order.

I was reading an article on advertising the other day. The author stated that research was a big step in writing good ad copy. Well. I am here to tell you that reading is a big part of being successful in the marketing world.

I read ezines, I read books, I read news articles and I could go on and on. I read everything that might have an influence on the internet marketing industry.

Ninety to ninety five percent of the people who are trying to work in the internet marketing field are going about it all wrong. They are spending their time unwisely and will be in the same circumstances a year from now.

Most of you who are trying to work on the internet have a limited number of hours each week to put towards your marketing business. I strongly urge you to allot some of that time to reading. If you do this consistently for a few weeks, you will be amazed at what you learn.

Article was written by Raymond Johnston Jr You will find more of his articles along with web marketing tools on his website at