How To Handle A Hungry Ad

Writen by Theresa Cahill

Whether you publish or not, work overload hits us all sooner or later. But, with just a bit of forethought, you can crawl out from under... read on!

Since I am a publisher, and co-op owner, I can safely say that accepting ads is easily the leading cause of work overload for any ezine writer.

"I'm falling so far behind, it will take months to get caught up!"

Sound familiar? Well, it doesn't have to!

Having published for almost four years now, I believe I have developed a fairly decent method for handling those backlogged ezine ads.

Many ezines offer free ads. Many offer paid advertising. Many do both - with one result sooner or later... the dreaded backlog!

So, what's a publisher to do?

Initially the way I "handled" it was to add in additional mailings each week. I went from a once-a-week publisher to twice a week to three times (or more!).

Frankly, this isn't a good solution. Have you ever noticed that no matter what it is, if you manage to logistically handle it, it multiples itself anyway? Not unlike bunnies :)

So, my next solution - which was unnecessary and drastic - was to remove myself from many of the co-ops I'd listed with. This wasn't a smart move really because there are mutually benefical reasons FOR listing your ezine around the net - link popularity in the search engines to name just one.

And, worse still, removing myself from those co-ops still didn't solve the problem!

The problem wasn't with the paid advertising I was receiving through the co-ops, but a combination of paid ads along with the free ads I offered, and still do offer.

Even after taking the drastic step above, in a very short while I was back to wondering what can I do? The ads continued to pile up.

Above all else, publishing should be a joy not a chore, but I began to dread each issue :(

I've known many publishers who did pull the plug at this point, but I believe it was totally unnecessary to give up something they truly were enjoying - if it weren't for the ads.

So, if you are looking for a workable solution to this very common problem, implement one of the following:


One good method is to send a special mailing every now and then - maybe one extra mailing PER MONTH. Inside this mailing would be attractively arranged paid and free advertising - offset so everyone can tell the difference.

But, it doesn't stop there. DO NOT just send an ad sheet! Your subscribers deserve more :)

Include inside a contest for a free ebook or product, or even a free top sponsor ad or solo. Make a contest or game to go inside - you've seen them.

One truly creative contest is to strategically place individual letters throughout your mailing that form a word, or phrase, or famous person's name. Subscribers submit the correct answer via email, and then you randomly draw your contest giveaway winner.

And... don't stop there! Be sure every mailing you send out, be it catch-up or not, includes quality CONTENT!

Fluff is for the birds, your readers want and need quality input.

With just one additional mailing per month stress is a thing of the past. And, if you are wondering, your loyal subscribers will willingly accept one additional mailing per month without compliant, if that mailing is of high quality.


A second method is TO add just one additional mailing per week OR, better yet, push your ezine to every other week, with an inbetween filler week "Classified" issue.

I personally LOVE the second alternative. My own ezine, TheWizWorld MRC Newsletter, comes every other Monday and is vitually ad free. The only ads that appear inside the Newsletter itself are signature files from readers sending input.

The Classified issue goes out on the "odd" Monday, but it is much, much more than an "ad sheet."

To see this method, take a peek at:

The secret? A clear, easy-to-read format, along with quality content!


It is a joy now to publish! I look forward to every Monday and, I believe, so do my readers.

I also believe the above method of finding workable, strategic methods to decrease one's workload, while increasing quality, works for everyone, not just ezine publishers.

If you are suffering from work overload, pause and think things through. There are workable solutions for those looking for workable answers :)

As for publishers?

There ARE ways of handling those hungry ads without losing subscribers, without suffering a blow to your quality content.

Backlogs can become a thing of the past - forever!

Be creative! Your readers and advertisers will thank you.

© Theresa Cahill - All Rights Reserved. Feel free to distribute this article. Please keep it intact and with the resource box included below.


Theresa Cahill, a two decade veteran of marketing, is the owner of and invites you to take a look at the services of MWA and download helpful information and more at