Trials And Tribulations Of A Newbie Publisher

Writen by Donesia Muhammad

Don't Knock Me Because I am New...

I am a publisher of a weekly newsletter. Since my newsletter is less than a year old, I am considered a Newbie. Learning the in's and out's of this whole publishing world. I don't break any rules. I know the term Opt-in. I abide by it 100%. I don't hold any hostages. If you don't like my issues, simply unsubscribe, no problem. My list is growing and occasionally someone buys something from me.

Life is Good

But what makes you think that I don't have feelings too. That I don't make mistakes as well. I don't have the expensive equipment like the big gurus have. That doesn't mean that my issue is any less worthy. Relax, your unsubscribe request will happen, just give me more than 3 seconds to take care of it..

No I can't buy every offer you send me. Does that mean that you must unsubscribe because of it. One strike and your out?

Maybe I can't write every article myself, but does that mean that my issue isn't good. Sorry if that hyperlink didn't work. Sorry if my server went haywire and you received a duplicate mailing. Sorry if I don't respond to your email within 30 seconds. I follow the standard 24 hour rule too.

Maybe I am just learning email etiquette. Maybe I am just learning the true definitions of Spam. I can't be quick to judge your email as spam. Maybe you just don't know. Maybe I just don't know.

But Remember

Don't assume that because I am new then you can pull out every trick. Been there, done that. An ad is an ad. If you did not receive the response you wanted, don't yell at me. People have a short attention span, you need to remind them again before they buy.

Give me the respect that I give you. Why should I keep you on the list if I get vacation responses from you (consistently), and "user unknown". If I was an advanced publisher, one bounce and forget it but I am forgiving. Sometimes, I just would rather wait and see for fear of losing a potential sale.

Being a Publisher does not give you the right to insult me or to vent your frustrations out on me. I put on my pants one leg at a time just like you.

Things happen. PC's crash , databases can crash. Please don't yell at me because that one solo ad "sent you over the edge"

If we didn't send out a classified edition every now and then your free ad would never get seen. It's called a back log of ads.

I am sorry that you don't remember when you subscribed to my newsletter and through what program.

I do know that if my entire issue would consist of nothing but unsubscribe links, someone would still send me an email saying "Remove Me" It is like expecting Windows to never crash.

Apparently I am allowed to make mistakes, or should I say X-Apparently?

For all of you who every week has the job of writing something new and making sure it gets out in time, and that everyone is opt-in and every unsubscribe request is handled, and to remember which ad is supposed to go in which issue, all while maintaining your own website and family and outside employment, Thank You.

Give me a break sometimes and I will return the favor

You see I enjoy this world of publishing and I value your opinions, good or bad. If I couldn't take constructive criticism then I am in the wrong business.

Now, if you will excuse me I have an issue to send out.

Read part two ==>

Copyright (c) KDM Publishing

Donesia Muhammad has been doing business online since 2001. Sign up For her Newsletter My IBiz Weekly ==> The Business Ezine For All Netpreneurs. Learn how to start and maintain your internet business and ezine, and stay sane while doing it. Read Our Archives and Learn with Valuable Resources. Helping Readers Online Since 2001... And Counting.