How To Make Your Newsletter Have Raving Fans

Writen by Ladan Lashkari

Would you like to have a newsletter with barely satisfied subscribers who take a look at each issue and then remove it, or loyal readers who can't wait to get your next issue?

A truly successful newsletter doesn't have just a bunch of subscribers, but "raving fans" who have a strong relationship with you.

But how can you have such a winning newsletter?

#1. Quality Content

It doesn't really matter for your readers how professional your newsletter design is, or how long the articles are. They want "quality content". Period.

After all, the reason why they joined your newsletter in the first place was because you made a promise to provide them with some certain valuable information.

So each time you sit down to write your next issue, remind yourself what your readers expect to learn. What did you promise them? What benefits did you offer when asking them to sign up?

You should keep these answers in mind all the time when writing articles, making recommendations, and even placing ads in your newsletter. Make sure you deliver what you've promised. This is the secret to keeping your readers happy and winning new subscribers through word-of-the-mouth.

#2. Let Your Readers See the Real You

Which of the following newsletters would you like to read the most?

1. A faceless newsletter like it was written by a robot


2. A newsletter with a personality that shines through its every word. You feel as if you know the writer and feel he/she is your friend.

I don't think anyone in the world prefers the first one. Do you? I know all my favorite newsletters show what type of person has written them. When we read an article, all of us like to know the characteristics of the writer and create a picture of them in our mind.

Tell your readers a little bit about yourself. The best place to share this information is "Editor's Notes" section. Tell them what makes you happy, and what makes you upset. If you publish your newsletter in HTML format, you should definitely consider placing your photo at the top of each issue.

Let your readers see who you really are. Let your personality shine through your newsletter!

# Final Thoughts

More and more newsletters are being published every day about every subject you can think of. It means many options for for readers, and many competitors for you. Your competitors are just 2 clicks away: One click on your newsletter unsubscribe link, and the other on your competition's signup button.

So publish an informative newsletter providing quality content and let your readers know the REAL you. Now you can relax because yo know your readers will not even "look" at the competition.

Wish you the best of luck!

Ladan Lashkari

About The Author: Ladan Lashkari is a respected Internet marketing expert, and the owner of where you'll find free newsletter templates, creative newsletter ideas, honest reviews, and helpful resources to start your own highly profitable email marketing campaign.