The 5 Things To Consider When Publishing A Newsletter

Writen by Gerrick W

Publishing a newsletter related to your business is one cost effective way to build a loyal customer base. You keep your subscribers updated about your business, latest offerings, as well as new products and services. Ever heard of the saying: Out of sight, out of mind? So, keep your business visible before your subscribers.

Newsletters also allow you to establish yourself as an expert in your field. Provide your subscribers them with well-written content, useful leads and recommendations. People have to buy into you first before they buy into your products or services. They are more inclined to buy from someone who has been there, done it, and achieved success.

Good information gets distributed. So, a newsletter is a means of viral marketing. Encourage your subscribers to forward or print out your newsletter and recommend it to their family members, friends and colleages.

If you do not have a newsletter, then you may want to consider publishing one. Well, I cannot tell you it is easy. It requires research and information gathering on your part. But once you get the right idea and process, it will be smooth sailing from there on.

If you are still game on publishing a newsletter, read on.

In the next few paragraphs, I will show you the five things to consider when publishing a newsletter...

1.The content of your newsletter must be related your business. Stick to the scope of your business. Don't go on a round the world trip. The idea is to specialize not generalize. For example, if you are selling computer parts, your newsletter must contain information and photos that pertain to computer parts.

When your web visitors signed up to be included on your mailing, it shows that they are interested in receiving further information relating to your niche business. Make sure that your newsletter covers the interests of your subscribers.

2.Write information rich articles. Your articles form the body of your newsletter. It should be informational and arouse the interests of your readers. Articles should be well written, and checked for spelling and grammatical errors. Your readers will be appreciative of the fact that you have given much thought and preparation to your articles.

3.Get your facts and figures right. Nothing could be more embarassing than having all your facts and figures wrong. It will tarnish your reputation as an expert in your field. Keep your statistical figures current. It is good practice to quote your reference sources from which you draw your figures.

4.Keep your articles fresh and relevant. Do not publish stale and old news or information that your subscribers can get for free elsewhere. You have to be one step ahead of your subscribers. You have to keep abreast with the current developments of your field. Your readers want to know what is new and what is hot. Or else there is no incentive for them to stay subscribed to your opt- in list. They will gradually lose interest in your newsletter and unsubscribe if you are always providing reharshed information.

Therefore it is advisable that you subscribe to the premier newsletters of your field, which normally commands a monthly or yearly payment. But you will have privy information to the latest news and developments. The subscription fee you pay upfront will eventually yield returns.

5.Do not get entangled with copyright issues. If you plan to use articles written by other people, read the terms for distribution and reprint carefully. Some are less restrictive than others. Most authors will allow you to freely use and distibute their articles provided you do not change the original content and maintain the author's resource box. There are some authors who require you to seek their permission first. Still there are others who will charge you royalty fees to use their works.

Never, never steal other people's work and passed it off as yours. This is outright plagiarism. You can lose your business and get sued over copyright infringements. If you do not have the time to write your own articles, you can hire professional article writers for a reasonable fee.

You could also source free articles from article directories. There is a wealth of information covering almost every conceivable topic that you could freely use and distribute.

So here you have it, the five things to consider when publishing a newsletter.

Your investments in writing and publishing newsletters will be worthwhile when you see your opt-in list and website traffic build-up.

Gerrick W – Information and Software Tools You Need to Effectively Promote Your Online Business. Visit: