Publish Articles Online Start With Your Own Ezine

Writen by Mark Barnes

So, you want to publish articles online? It's really quite simple, and it's a great way to promote yourself or your product. But where do you begin? This is actually quite simple too. I started in the online publishing business about a year and a half ago. I read about how a person could make pretty good money by selling information on the Internet, and I had some good information to share.

So, I wrote an eBook, Winning the Mortgage Game, put up a website, and I was ready to sell my book. With my product in place and my website up, I expected orders to come rolling in. It didn't happen. The problem was no one other than me and a few friends knew my website and product existed. I needed visitors to my site -- traffic, and I needed it fast. So, a little more research and a key service acquisition solved my problems. I got myself an autoresponder, an e-mail service that automatically sends e-mails, on dates that you program. It sounds more difficult than it really is.

Then, I purchased some leads, traded links with other people, started writing for and the orders started flowing. If you're not following how this works and how it relates to online articles and promotion, here's a roadmap, if you will. The autoresponder is a place for you to write articles, like this one, on any subject you desire. You load your autoresponder with as many articles as you can write, program the autoresponder to send the articles every five to seven days, and each time you add an e-mail address to your autoresponder, this person gets your first article. Then, five to seven days later, the person gets a second article and so on.

Now, each article has your website address and some small reminder about your product or service. For example, if you are a writer like I am, you might place in your article something like, to learn more about my novel, The League, visit Now, as people see this time and again, eventually they will click your link and see your site. Voila, you have traffic and, hopefully, you have sales. Remember, to also place your articles here at, where other people, looking for content for their autoresponders can come and take your article. Now, your writing and your website link will be e-mailed to thousands of other people, reading other ezines. This is the best free promotion you can get. It works for me.

Mark Barnes is the author of the new novel, The League, the first work of fiction, based on fantasy football. He is also an investment real estate and home loan finance expert. Learn more about this suspense thriller at Get his free mortgage finance course at