How To Earn From Your Ezine

Writen by Mark Flavin

So you have hundreds, if not thousands, of subscribers who have signed up for your online newsletter. You send out copies of your eZine quite regularly, and it takes so much of your time to come up with valuable content for your subscribers to consume. You must be wondering…

How could I earn from all these efforts?

Indeed, eZines as marketing tools were not invented for gratuitous labor. You can earn – a lot of profit at that – from publishing your own eZine and building your subscriber base. How? Let us enumerate 10 ways by which you could earn from your eZine.

1. Sell products. Your mailing list would enable you to follow up on your subscribers to warm them up for your offers. You could try to win their trust by establishing regular contact, and eventually selling them your products.

2. Sell your affiliate products. You don't need your own products to be able to sell anything to your subscribers. You could enroll in any of the countless affiliate programs on the internet. You'd be entitled to a commission every time you'd refer a subscriber of yours to purchase a product from the affiliate merchant.

3. Sell solo ads. You could allow another internet marketer to promote his or her products on your eZine by giving him or her a space in one of your issues where he or she could talk about his or her offers. Of course, you'd be doing this for a fee.

4. Sell recommendatory ads. You could also offer to recommend another marketer's products to your subscribers for a fee. You could do this by writing reviews or recommendations embedded in one of your value-packed content messages.

5. Build your brand. Joint ventures can explode your profits tremendously. Unfortunately however, the established online businessmen would take into consideration your standing in the industry before they could consider you for the partnership. If your mailing list has thousands of subscribers, chances are, they'll take you in without blinking an eyelash.

6. Pay-to-subscribe system. If your eZine has built a solid reputation for itself as a genuine information resource for the subject it is servicing, and demand for subscription is at an all time high, you could start charging for subscription fees. You'd get to earn every time new user would subscribe to your eZine service, and every time a user would have to renew his or her subscription. This could provide for you great income for many, many years!

7. Gain some affiliates. The best way to promote your own products is to get some people to help you advertise the same to ever corner of the World Wide Web. Indeed, we are talking about establishing your own affiliate program. And the best source for affiliates is, and will always be, your mailing list.

8. Generate repeat traffic. If you're engaged in a Pay-Per-Click (PPC) program like Google AdSense, then page impressions count. Page impressions are not dependent on unique visitors alone. Repeat visitors are crucial to your sustainable success. Your eZine can help you secure repeat visitors as you'll have a platform to constantly remind your subscribers about your website.

9. Lead your subscribers to your sales page. Some internet marketers create different websites for each of their products. How would people know where to go? Aside from the organic traffic from the search engines, you could lead the members of your mailing list to your various sales pages by simply including a link on your eZine.

10. Use your mailing list as leverage whenever you want to sell your website. A website with a mailing list of 5,000 subscribers can command a higher price than a mere website with no mailing list at all. There are some ethical considerations with this, however. The website and the eZine should be maintained by the buyer. The buyer cannot change everything and expect the existing subscribers to continue their subscription for something totally different from what they have signed up for.

Mark Flavin Is The Owner Of Mark Flavin Marketing. Mark Is An Expert In Online Marketing & All Make Money Online Topics. Mark Recommends You Visit eMail Secrets To Learn How To Increase Your Subscriber Base & Make More Money From Your List.

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