The Money Is In The List

Writen by Shane Wilson

I know you have heard it before, you know, "The money is in the list." Well, nothing could be closer to the truth. If you are going to be successful with an Internet based business you need to have a mailing list, and a big one at that. Your list not only produces potential buyers for whatever it is you are selling, but it brings visitors to your site as well. Did you know that it takes the average buyer seven visits to your site before they will purchase anything? That is a lot of repeat visitors.

So I guess now you are asking, how do I build a mailing list? Well, that's the million dollar question, because when you figure it out, a million dollars is exactly what could be in store for you. There are numerous ways to build your list, but only a few work well enough to mention here.

The first place I started was through online groups. The main groups that worked for me were through Yahoo, Google and MSN. All three of these have big lists of different types of groups/niches for you to send your ad promoting your newsletter too. Best of all, these are all free to use; you just need to sign up.

Another way to acquire your own list is through list building programs. Some of the best programs I have run across are List dot com and Your lucky list. These are great "aids" to building your "own" list. Notice the emphasis on "aids" and "own". Yes the list building programs can aid you in your search, but you need people to subscribe personally to your newsletter or e-zine. People need to be interested in what you have to say and offer, this is how they subscribe to YOU and your newsletter. This brings us to our next list building tool, newsletters and e-zines.

The best way for me and what I have researched to build a list is through your own newsletter or e-zine. Having your own newsletter gives you credibility and displays an image to others that you are knowledgeable in your niche. Generally, people will respond to this, granted the content is good, and subscribe to your newsletter. To find the potential subscribers, you want to post your newsletter to article submission sites. There are numerous article directories on the net. Just go to Google and type in "Article Submission" and you'll see plenty of sites to use.

Well these are three great ways not only to build your own list but to get traffic to your site as well. Building a huge list is not going to happen overnight. Do not give up, keep pumping out your newsletter and promoting your list building programs and before you know it, you'll have a huge list as well. Take care.

Respectfully, Shane Wilson, CEO Platinum Affiliate Marketing "Success Starts Here"

Hi, my name is Shane Wilson and I own Platinum Affiliate Marketing. I started this business not just to earn an extra income but to bring honesty to the Internet marketing scene as well. If you liked what you read in my article, perhaps you would like future mailings of my refreshingly honest newsletter. Just go to and sign up today.