Internet Marketing Newsletters Are Important For Online Affiliates

Writen by Jonathan Kraft

There's an old adage that asks, "How do you get to Carnegie Hall?" The answer is of course, "practice, practice, practice."

Honing and sharpening your skills is always an important step in any field. Perhaps nowhere is this more true than in the realm of online marketing.

Content is always king

Getting your information on the page in a format that is easy to read and easy to understand will help you dramatically. There are lots of people who believe that marketing their product using flashy colors and sharp graphics will create the free online traffic and revenue streams that they want. But it's not true.

Get worded content on your page, include the keywords that the page is optimized for. When you do this, you will be guaranteed at least some traffic. Beyond that, you will want to learn from valuable sources of marketing information.

What kinds of information?

The three online newsletters that follow are filled with information that anyone venturing into the field of Internet Marketing should plan on reading on a daily/weekly basis.

· HighRankings Newsletter

Jill Whalen is my hero. She is an internet marketing genius, who has been at the Internet marketing game for a long time. Her understanding of what's going on online, her connections to the people that are inside the loop, and her no nonsense approach to providing people with good content really make her weekly newsletter an Internet marketing paradise.

· SiteProNews Newsletter

The SiteProNews newsletter touts itself as the Net's foremost Webmaster ezine. This may or may not be true, but this daily online/enewsletter is jam packed with tools, tips, and tricks for you to improve your web presence and help yourself have online marketing success. They also offer SEO-News, which is a weekly ezine for do-it-yourself website optimizers.

· SearchEngineWatch Newsletter

Danny Sullivan knows what's up when it comes to search. Looking for a polk-a-dotted, shiny, margarita-flavored, scratch-'n'-sniff sticker? Well Danny Sullivan's newsletter will teach you how to use the latest Internet tools to find out if it exists online (or in the real world for that matter). How can these tools help you when you're marketing online? It's quite simple really. By using the search tools, you can get a better feel of the obscure and popular items people are looking for, what tools are being used to find them, and how you can place yourself in the middle.

There are, of course, other newsletters. Many of these will help you begin your online marketing efforts, but these three are the ones most beneficial to overall success and income producing efforts within the online marketing industry.

Make it a habit to read these newsletters on a daily or weekly basis, put the principles into action, and you can't help but have success with your Internet marketing efforts.

Jonathan Kraft has been an online marketer for many years and helps others with affiliate programs at Most recently, he has helped people find the best phone and calling card affiliate programs at