Self Publishers High Earners Make A Significant Part Of Their Income From Affiliate Programs

Writen by Christopher Kyalo

There are several business models that successful self publishers use these days. While most of them rely on the self publisher selling their information, the World Wide Web has made another much more effective business model possible. This new model is being exploited very successfully by many leading self publishers.

This is the strategy where the self publisher makes all their valuable information available online for free and they then earn their six figure incomes from affiliate programs. Probably the most common example of this is the self publisher's business where the Google Adsense program contributes heavily to the profits earned. This business model works very well with Adsense because instead of spending valuable time looking for advertisers, the Google Adsense program provides an endless list of advertisers who appear on the site via the Adsense code that an affiliate posts at their site.

Other self publishers have successfully combined Adsense with other affiliate programs on their blogs to end up with the sort of revenue that is but a dream to most people.

However this heavily depends on the self publisher choosing the right affiliate program for the valuable content that they are generating. This in itself can be quiet a challenge.

Christopher Kyalo is a successful online self publisher. Visit his Self Publisher blog to read the rest of this article and for other amazing success tips. Subscribe to his free email newsletter to discover all the secrets of an amazing online publishing company that generates 100 million dollars a year. Send a blank email now to