Paying My Dues Trials And Tribulations Of A Newbie Publisher Part Two

Writen by Donesia Muhammad

In the beginning, things were difficult for me. Learning the techniques to be a good publisher.

I have learned through other publishers, ebooks, email courses, and websites. I learned all about content, formatting, and promotion. I then came to the realization that I can't mirror another publisher, another newsletter, or another concept.

I had to be myself, and take the good with the bad.

It wasn't about being a guru.

It wasn't about getting as many people as possible to sign up under you for the "Next Big Thing"

To me, it was about helping people. I tried just about every "method " out there, but when it all boiled down to it, I just wanted to help people.

In the six months since I've written the first "Trials and Tribulations" some of the same gripes are still there, those were just the inevitable everyday problems.

I got a lot of reality checks in those past six months:

>> It's not always a bad thing if you have available ad space. That can be a good thing. I'll just run my own ads instead. Some publishers prefer it that way.

>> It's okay to use reprinted articles. Sometimes when you are trying to write an article and you just can't get the words together, stop pressuring yourself and just find an article already waiting for you.

Reprinted articles are a good backup but Original Content still rules the roast.

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>> Trying to find a good quality list host or list software is about as hard to find as a good quality web host.

But once you find one, stick with it. Cheaper prices may mean cheaper quality. It all depends on what your newsletter needs, not what everyone is trying to sell you.

>> You truly have to learn and understand how email is delivered so you can then understand Spam, and understand why email bounces. Learn to read the headers in email so you can see not only who is really sending you mail but you can also be able to recognize what system is used to send out the mail, and what you can do about it. You can't just learn all the glamorous things about ezine publishing.

Understand all about spam filters and how it affects the delivery of your newsletter. How one simple word in the subject line of your email can stop your entire message from getting through.

>> Getting frustrated is natural, but you should not give up. You are not going to get rich from this your first year, maybe not your second year either. Everything always goes back into the business anyway.

>> Stop acting as if your name and business doesn't matter. Don't promote everything you see. What works for you may not work for me. Read the fine print. Forced matrixes, downlines, 2 tier,


I have come to love this world of publishing. It enables me to enjoy my love of writing and business skills.

Of course I still make my mistakes from time to time. I am still learning every day, still adjusting to the sting of a rude unsubscribe request, and as always people are still sending me unsubscribe requests with of course, the address that is not on your list.

As hype gets more professional, more slick, I have to think fast on the new schemes out there and the ones to come down the line.

I now realize why a lot of the big newsletters have more than one editor, because it is not easy to handle a weekly ezine by yourself sometimes. And trying to maintain your website and basic web promotion is a lot of work, but...

Just getting that one email from one of your readers saying "Thank you for helping me" makes it worthwhile. This lets you know that your ezine isn't hitting the trash folder as soon as they receive it.

You see I can finally stop calling myself a Newbie Publisher..

I am a Newbie No More....

Just call me the Gradual Publisher because aren't we all?

Note: If you have not read the original article "Trials and Tribulations of a Newbie Publisher" first published on January 11, 2002 you can read it here ==>

Copyright (c) KDM Publishing

Donesia Muhammad has been doing business online since 2001. Sign up For her Newsletter My IBiz Weekly ==> The Business Ezine For All Netpreneurs. Learn how to start and maintain your internet business and ezine, and stay sane while doing it. Read Our Archives and Learn with Valuable Resources. Helping Readers Online Since 2001... And Counting.