Ezines Are Effective In Advertising Your Online Business

Writen by Alan Cheng

'Ezines are the most cost effective way to advertise your business opportunity'. I'm sure you've heard that phrase many times if you've been marketing on the internet for a while. But is that a myth or a fact?

An Internet Marketer once advertised that he can guarantee $1,000 profit for the user within weeks if he used the techniques outlined in his ebook.

And the secret of the ebook - advertise in Ezines using $2,000 and you are guaranteed success unless your product is useless. Well I didn't try it at the time because I couldn't find $2,000 lying about in the house or in my bank account. However, it does show the belief people have with Ezines.

There are 3 types of ads in Ezines:

Classified Ads

These are small ads which you can find at the bottom of newsletters. There is limited space in these ads therefore your ads have to be eye-catching. Classified Ads in ezines are cheap and sometimes free due to its limited space and location which is at the end of the ezine.

Sponsor Ads

These ads are placed at the top of the newsletter and sometimes in the middle. Some ezines have more than one sponsor ads. Sponsor ads are more expensive than Classified ads and can contain more words so your ad can be more descriptive. Sponsor ads are more effective than Classified Ads as their position in the newsletter is better.

Solo Ads

Solo ads is the most effective way out of the three type of ads for generating response.

Solo ads fills up a whole email which only contains your advertisement. The newsletter is sent on your behalf to its subscribers. Thus your ad will have the biggest exposure. Solo ads are more expensive than Sponsor ads but more effective.

'Great. Super. Fantastic. So what's your advice Alan?' My advice is advertising in Ezines do work. And they work very well. Some people don't think so because after placing some ads and seeing very little or no response they think they have proven that Ezine advertising is a lie used by Ezines Publishers.

Well I can tell you now that they are getting poor responses because they have not followed the rules for advertising successfully in Ezines.

Rules in Advertising in Ezines Successfully

1. If you can, save money and advertise using Solo ads. They have the best chances of being read by the subscribers and they have no other ads distracting or competing against.

2. Work on your subject line. Even with Solo Ads, people will not open your email if the subject is of no interest to them. Subjects which promises massive fortunes in a few days will get deleted with second thoughts.

3. Work on your Content. After the subscribers open your email, your next task is to try and get them to read the content. So make damn sure your content is interesting and enticing enough for them to take some action. Believe the saying "Content is King".

4. When you're advertising other peoples' products using affiliate programs do not send the visitors to the product's website. I think people are crazy when they do this. The reason is that you are sending traffic to other peoples websites and if they won't buy you've lost that lead for good.

Therefore the aim of you ad is to capture their email address so that you can advertise to them again and again. If they don't buy product A then you can advertise Product B to them. Now don't you think that makes more sense?

5. Advertise in well known Ezines and which are related to the topic you are advertising. Advertising stock recommendations to Golf enthusiasts will surely give you a terrible response rate.

6. For Classified ads, make sure you are advertising in large numbers such as 100,000. Not many people read Classified ads and you will be listed among other ads as well. However, you might get lucky if your headline is attractive enough.

To end this article I'm going to share a secret with you on what I think is the best and cheapest way to advertise in Ezines. That is to write your own articles and ask the Ezine Publishers if they are interested in sending out your articles in an issue of their newsletter.

Now let's think about this for a moment. Your own article is published in ezines and placed on their websites. People who write articles are given more respect and are trusted more. Plus your articles will stay on some websites for years which also means that it will generate traffic for years. The traffic is generated with a resource box you can put at the bottom of your article. You can put your URL here and also write a little bit of background about yourself.

You are creating a name for yourself on the internet scene and you are also generating leads which you can email your recommendations to. There is no cost for you when Publishers decide to include your article so the only cost coming out of you is the time needed to write the article.

In my opinion, writing articles for ezines is the most effective way to advertise using ezines. Not to mention it's cheap and will generate traffic even after many months.

If you want to know which ezines to advertise in, the cost, number of subscribers and what services are available that can help you in publish your articles, please send an email to my autoresponder at mailto:ezineart@onlinemoneymachine.com

About The Author

Alan Cheng, is the owner of http://www.onlinemoneymachine.com the membership site to help beginners setup a profit generating online business. With all the right tools to setup your website and advertise effectively. You can contact Alan at mailto:alan@onlinemoneymachine.com.

5 Essential Online Tools For Writers And Publishers

Writen by Jinger Jarrett

Writing a newsletter or article can be very time consuming.

First, you have to create your content. Then you have to organize it. Fortunately, there are plenty of great tools online you can use and don't require you to clog your computer with more software.

Best of all, each of these tools is absolutely free to use.

Here are five tools you can use to help you with your newsletters and articles:

1. Newsletter Template
Formatting your newsletter will probably give you more headaches than anything else.

You want to make it easy for your readers to read, and you want it to look professional when you send it out.

This site solves the problem. All you have to do is select the parts you want to include in your newsletter, cut and paste the elements, and hit submit. It will completely format your newsletter for you, and you can even get some great tips and resources to help you with your newsletter.


2. Email Formatting Utility
Ever gotten a really great forward in your email you wanted to use, but it was too time consuming to take all of the >> out of it?

You don't have to do that anymore. This email formatting utility will strip any unecessary tags for you. You can also use it to format your newsletters and emails to the right character count.


3. Article Formatter
Ok, I admit it. Before I found this utility I used to cut and paste my articles into my word processing program just so I could get a word count.

Now you don't have to do that. Not only will this online tool give you a word count, it will also format your articles in an attractive format for submission.

This site is offered by the Freelance Writing Organization Int'l a large database of information for freelance writers.


4. PDF Creator
This may seem like an odd tool to recommend to a publisher or writer, but wait a minute.

Have you ever wanted to give away copies of your articles and newsletters to site visitors? What about the $249 price tag for Adobe Acrobat?

Then you have to consider your readers computers. What if they have a MAC?

Unless you have a format that can be read by both MACs and PCs you'll exclude certain readers from downloading your documents.

Besides, giving away copies of your articles and newsletters is a form of viral marketing for your business.

This site allows you to convert documents to both HTML and PDF. http://www.gohtm.com/

This site converts text to PDF.

5. Good Research Tools
There are tons of places you can do research on the Web. That's the beauty of the Web.

That's also what's horrible about the Web. There's just too much great material online to find it quickly and easy.

Ref Desk - http://www.refdesk.com - is like having your own book shelf at your fingertips.

You can do searches in the major search engines, find dictionaries, word of the day, quote of the day, and more. There are so many resources located here, you may even want to make this your start page.

Find Articles - http://www.findarticles.com - is a large collection of print articles archived on the Web. It boasts over 300 print publications in its database.

Writing and publishing can become a time consuming task. Not only will these tools save you time, they'll save you money too.

Jinger Jarrett is the author of "20 Websites Every Writer Needs". Get your free copy of her ebook by subscribing to her newsletter. Visit her web site: http://www.marketingforwriters.com

A Crash Course In Ezine Publishing

Writen by Shelley Lowery

An ezine, also know as an email magazine, online publication or electronic newsletter is simply a newsletter available via email and/or online. There are hundreds of thousands of ezines on various subjects available on the Internet free of charge.

Having your own publication will not only enable you to keep in touch with your visitors, but it will help you build a huge database of targeted customers. If you've been marketing on the Internet, then you know it may take several contacts with a prospective customer before closing a sale. What better way to make those contacts, without spamming... In addition, you can eventually make a nice income selling sponsor advertising and classified ads.

You can publish an ezine completely free. Yahoo Groups http://groups.yahoo.com will host your list (ezine) free of charge. In addition, they take care of all your subscription requests so you won't have to. To use one of these list servers, simply sign up and instantly create your list. They will provide you with a subscribe and unsubscribe email address and even a list owner email address, all completely free. The only disadvantage is that each posting will contain an ad for their service. This is really a small price to pay for such a great service. If you're just starting out, utilizing one of these free services can simplify the process.


A quality ezine should contain at least some original content. Don't let the fear of writing intimidate you. If your ezine's focus is on an area of your expertise you shouldn't have any problems coming up with something to write about. If you've been out of school for a while, you might want to freshen up on your writing and grammar skills. Visit any of the sites listed below for a crash course.

11 Rules of Writing -

Exploring English -

Simpler Words And Phrases -

Here are some additional resources for obtaining free content for your publication. Before using any articles, make sure you review the author's copyrights and make certain the article may be published. If you're not sure, contact the author and request permission to publish their article. Most articles for publication can be used in your ezine free of charge as long as the authors credits or resource box is included.







Your ezine should focus on a subject in which you have a great deal of knowledge. If you have a web site, you should also take into consideration the focus of your web site; i.e., If your web site's focus is on Internet Marketing, you wouldn't want to have your ezines focus to be on "Animals & Pets," you would want it to be on "Internet Marketing."


The title of your ezine is one of the most important decisions you can make. Many e-zine listing sites list their ezines in alphabetical order. By selecting a title such as, "Advertising Secrets" instead of "Working Online," your publication will be listed towards the top instead of the bottom. This will give your publication an advantage over the publications listed below yours. Potential subscribers will see your ezine first and be more apt to subscribe.

Your title should sound intriguing and tell your potential subscriber exactly what your publication is all about.


You can publish your ezine as often as you like. When you first begin you may want to only publish once a month until your subscriber base has grown. You can always increase your publication to bi-weekly or weekly whenever you'd like.

- SIZE -

There has been a great deal of controversy over the size of an ezine. In my humble opinion, size really doesn't matter. If you publish a quality e-zine with a great deal of content, I don't feel that your subscribers will care what size it is within reason. You should; however, take into consideration that your subscribers may not want to download it. If it is too large, America Online will automatically turn it into a file attachment. Consider either condensing it or separating it into "Part One" and "Part Two."


It isn't imperative that your ezine have its own web site, however, it is HIGHLY recommended. Having your own site will enable you to give your visitors an in depths look at exactly what your publication is all about. You can include highlights of upcoming editions, polls, archives and a subscription box to allow your visitors to easily subscribe.


You should probably wait to begin selling advertising space until you have at least 1000 subscribers. You can sell ad space for $25 for every 1000 subscribers you have. There is a lot of advertising competition to take into consideration when selling ad space so, you may want to begin selling your ad space at a lower rate or offer special incentives; i.e., Buy two weeks of advertising for $20 get the third week free. Try to limit the number of ads per issue to ten and place them in the center of your publication. This will not only ensure adequate exposure for your advertisers, but your subscribers won't be overwhelmed with advertising as well.


The appearance of your ezine is one of the most important factors in determining your e-zine's success. Getting subscribers is the easy part. Keeping them will entail a little work. A professionally written, well designed, content rich publication will ensure your ezines success.

When formatting your ezine, keep in mind there are many different types of email programs and they are not all created equal. As a general rule, to accommodate all of your subscribers and their different email programs, it is probably best to write your ezine in plain text. As with email programs, word processing programs are not all created equal as well. Your regular word processing programs are great for writing business letters, sales letters, etc., but not a good choice for writing your newsletter due to formatting issues.

A good program to consider using is Notepad. This program should already be on your desktop.

Another consideration of great importance is your line length. If your text lines are too long, some email programs that aren't capable of viewing long text lines will force the last few words to the next line and your text will be viewed like this:

When formatting your publication your text length is one of the most important factors in determining how professional your publication will appear.

As a rule, a generally safe line-length is 65 characters (including spaces).

As you begin typing your text, when you reach 65 characters, use a hard carriage return. (Hit Enter)

If you'd rather not have to worry about hard carriage returns, you might want to use a program called "TextPad". http://www.textpad.com/. This program can be set to automatically insert a hard carriage return when your text has reached 65 characters.

When you're ready to begin, make an outline for the contents of your e-zine to enable you to create a template.

After you've written your publication and you're ready to copy & paste it into your email program, make certain your email preferences are set to allow at least 65 characters of text per line. If your preferences are set for less, when you paste your text to be mailed it will appear to be improperly formatted.

It is highly recommended that you send a sample copy of your publication to yourself prior to sending it to your subscribers. By viewing your publication in this manner you will get an idea of what your subscribers will see and it will enable you to correct any formatting problems.

Publishing your own ezine is one of the best marketing decisions you'll ever make. Take your time, research your subject and design a publication of quality, useful content.

For further information on publishing your own ezine, you may download the free ebook entitled, "Ezines: A Complete Guide to Publishing." This free e-book received a 4-star Editors Pick from ZDNet.

Copyright © Shelley Lowery

About the Author:

Shelley Lowery is the author of the acclaimed web design course, "Web Design Mastery" (www.webdesignmastery.com) and "eBook Starter - Give Your eBooks the look and feel of a REAL book" (www.ebookstarter.com)

Visit www.Web-Source.net to sign up for a complimentary subscription to eTips and receive a copy of Shelley's acclaimed ebook, "Killer Internet Marketing Strategies."

You have permission to publish this article electronically, in print, in your ebook, or on your web site, free of charge, as long as the author bylines are included.

Subscriber Incentives Are They Effective

Writen by Azriel Winnett

Peter Boulder of Pepper and Rodgers Group tells a story of a friend of his who recently visited New York City.

His friend spotted an ad that read something like: "Buy at our grocery store and if the cashier doesn't smile at you when you check out, everything in your cart is free."

Impressed, he made a straight line for the store in question and filled up his shopping cart with everything he'd need for a week.

To his chagrin, the lady at checkout not only didn't smile, but didn't even look at him. But there was some consolation in the situation, he thought, and he triumphantly claimed his bounty of free groceries.

The cashier, however, denied any knowledge of such a special offer. Puzzled, the visiting gentleman took out his newspaper and showed her the ad.

"Ah," she said, "look at that date! That's last week's promotion!"

So what's wrong?

Now what was wrong with the grocery store's marketing approach? For a start, of course, friendly customer service, if you want to offer it, cannot be contingent upon certain time slots or seasons of the year.

Either it's part of your mission statement, your philosophy of business, or it isn't. That's pretty straightforward.

But let's say you're not really interested in the service- with-a-smile concept. (A pity - but your loss!)

You know your cashier's only there for the paycheck, and that's fine by you, as long as she's competent at her job of checking out purchases. You don't expect her to take any special interest in your customers, and you just have this "smile or don't pay" gig once in a while as a stunt to bring a few more people into the store.

The question now is: how effective can this kind of marketing tactic be?

Well, in the case under discussion, it may not be the ideal way of stimulating new business, but such a promotion could serve some purpose, up to a point. Conceivably, some new people, or those that haven't shopped for a while, will be attracted by the prospect of a winning smile.

The result: a little more money in the cash registers, as long as the promotion is running and the cashiers are cooperating. Even once the promotion is over, a few of these people might have already become habituated to doing their shopping there.

Now, instead of friendly countenances (which, sadly, it doesn't really believe in anyway), let's say that the store decided to offer, during the period of the promotion, special discounts on certain products, or a brand new product for free with purchases over a certain amount?

Which of these two promotions is likely to be more effective in the long run? Surely, the second.

Why? Simply because once the customers have been induced to sample the products on "special offer", and happily, they find them to their liking, they will probably continue to buy them at full price, once the promotion is over.

Biting the carrot

Nowadays, ambitious entrepreneurs dream up and implement all kinds of ingenious incentives to drum up business - contests, referral bonuses, points, loyalty programs, you name it. Some types of viral marketing also rely heavily on incentives to persuade people to pass the message along.

All too often, the end result is disappointment - for entrepreneur and consumer alike.

This usually happens when there's little real relation between the incentive and the product or service, and the product, in turn, falls short of the consumer's expectations. Viral marketers and their willing agents may succeed beyond expectation in whipping up mass hysteria about a new idea - which, in the end, turns out to be a damp squib.

Unfortunately, email publishers who offer incentives to prospective new subscribers, sometimes suffer the same fate. Disillusioned newsletter consumers are becoming increasingly wary about biting the carrots dangled before their eyes.

But if incentive and product are closely connected, at least you have a chance of success. The most cynical of people will bite a carrot if they're genuinely convinced that it's truly representative of a sumptuous repast ahead.

If that conviction is then vindicated and everything's according to their taste, they'll stay right to the end of the party.

It's hard enough, though, to produce scintillating content in your publication itself, without being forced to create additional "bait" or "teaser" material in the form of special reports or the like. And if your new readers are disappointed with the final product, the most tantalizing incentives won't help in the end.

You only have to look at the prominent news sites on the Internet that repeat virtually the identical stories week after week, to get an idea of the challenge of producing consistently good content on an ongoing basis.

Yet, if you really want to succeed, this is precisely the challenge which you, as publisher, must face. Good marketing strategies are essential, but marketing is the means, not the end.

A good marketer, they say, sells the sizzle, not the steak.

But without the steak, there's no sizzle!

Azriel Winnett is the creator of Hodu.com - Your Communication Skills Portal. This popular free website is devoted to helping you improve your communication and relationship skills on all levels in business and professional life, in the family unit and on the social scene.

Ezine Marketing Is About More Than Sending An Email Message

Writen by Tim Bossie

The definition of insanity has been said to be, "doing the same things and expecting different results."

Yeah, I can see that. Especially when it comes to internet marketing. If really doesn't matter if you're and affiliate marketer, service provider, infopublisher... or whatever. It doesn't matter if you sell ice cubes, llama products, homemade candles, or an ebook of poems. You need to publish an ezine. Period.

I've been in great coversations with clients about the importance of an ezine and then I've been, like just recently, involved in arguments with clients who were dead set against me writing any type of ezine for them. "I don't need one because my market doesn't call for it." Excuse me.

Any market, no matter what it is call for, no... demands, an ezine.

Insane Internet Marketing

Day after day I receive emails from people that insist they get great traffic, but just aren't making any sales. They have great search engine rankings, have decent inbound links, and have several JV partners actively promoting their site.

But, they still don't have a lot of sales. "Do you have an ezine?", I ask. "Nope", is the most recurring answer.

Doing the same thing and expecting different results. With the new blog revolution that's in full swing, a lot of people don't see room for a regularly published ezine. That's unfortunate.

An ezine can do so much more for an online business than most people realize. And it's about so much more than just sending an email message.

Ezines Build Your Business Through Repeats

Ezine publishing is all about getting people to come back to your site without having to spend more on advertising. An ezine is a built in advertiser.

When people visit your site for the first time, or maybe even for the second time, they might not come back and eventually forget about you. But, with a regularly published ezine (weekly is best) you have the opportunity to keep in contact with your web visitors for as long as they will have you.

This brings not only repeat visitors, but also repeat sales. Sales through your own products present and future products and via affiliate links.

You can't get repeat exposure to the same person, without spending more, any other way.

Ezines Build Relationships That Turn Into Dollars

One of the biggest forms of turning any visitor into a buyer is through relationships. When I'm putting together a new advertising campaign for people I'm very intentional about the relationship factor. Everything is a relationship builder... and that goes triple for an ezine.

People will buy from people they know. Not necessarily like, but know.

Relationsips will also keep people subscribing to your ezine longer than those that don't know you. I find this true of the ezines I subscribe to. The ones that make an effort each week to make it personal instead of sterile I will stay subscribed to.

The Internet is a huge place, but when you start building relationships with people through your ezine, it gets smaller. And more profitable.

Ezines Promote Your Expertise.

One of the things that had a tremendous impact on my business was the fact that the information I published in my ezine presented my "expert" status to my subscribers. I started to receive more projects as a result.

Having a way to show people what you're about and what you know, without them actually buying anything, always results in a sale.

Expecting Different Results

Don't expect different results with your marketing unless you do things differently. That means don't underestimate the power of ezines. If you do have one, keep on it... build those relationships, show your expertise, and keep the repeat visits to your site. If you don't have one... start one.

Tim Bossie is the owner of Guaranteed-Ads.com and specializes in internet advertising. He has put together thousands of successful online advertising campaigns for clients all over the world. Check out the amazing Power Ad Package at http://www.guaranteed-ads.com/adpackage.html that people are calling the most innovative service idea on the Internet.

Email Filters Catch Dolphins Along With Sharks

Writen by Yvette Nielsen

What's the point in spending hours preparing a newsletter, message or report if it's automatically filtered into the junk folder before the recipient even sees it?

Spam threatens to choke the communication channels promising global freedom of expression.

Internet Service Providers (ISPs), corporate server administrators and end users are increasingly using new anti-spam technology to try to stem the relentless tide of junk email flooding the Net.

The problem is: how can we prevent the dolphins from being caught along with the sharks?

The origin of 'spam'

SPAM is a pink canned luncheon meat immortalised in Monty Python's spam-loving Vikings sketch.

In an Internet context, lowercase spam refers to unsolicited commercial or bulk email (such as get-rich-quick schemes, miracle cures, weight loss, Viagra, lotteries, loans, pornography and Nigerian sob stories) and allegedly originated in a MUD/MUSH community.

Of more practical use is the origin of the actual spam mail itself.

Where does all the junk come from?

In the mid-90s, Usenet newsgroups (also called "discussion groups" or "bulletin boards") were the number one source of email addresses for spammers.

Today, the most common origin is web pages, especially if they're listed in a search engine or directory.

Some people have tried foiling address-seeking spambots by inserting the word "UNSPAM" in capitals in the middle of all email addresses on their sites. This stops auto spammers working but enables human beings to work out what to do.

Spammers also harvest addresses from headers of messages you send to friends who forward them to their friends (a good reason for using BCC -- blind carbon copy rather than simple CC which displays all recipients – although some people filter out mail sent using BCC as many spammers also use it).

Other sources include open e-mail discussion lists and web pages that invite you to "insert your address here to be on a 'do not mail' list".

Spammers can simply guess addresses by generating lists of popular names and random words attached to common domains (bob@aol.com, john@hotmail.com).

Once on a spam list, the only way to get off is to change addresses.

If you reply or respond to instructions to "remove", your message will simply confirm your address is valid and you'll get even more junk.

Depending on your email client, you can try tracing junk back to its owner by contacting the server listed in the full message header information (the From address is generally fake - check your Help files to find out how to "reveal full headers").

How to stop spam

Despite legislation against unsolicited commercial email, the volume of junk is increasing alarmingly.

The simplistic oft-cited fix -- "just hit delete" -- is only a bandaid solution and fails to discourage the junk merchants.

Self-regulation and industry codes are difficult to enforce. ISPs face problems if they disconnect service to spammers under some countries' telecommunications laws.

Technical solutions have centred on filtering technology.

Types of filters

Many corporations and ISPs filter incoming mail on or after delivery.

Server-side filtering software typically looks at the headers, subject line and/or contents of the message.

Some filters -- and their users -- are smarter than others.

SpamAssassin is an open-source, collaborative, community anti-spam effort based on filtering rules to analyse email content.

The software gives each message a score based on how many rules it breaks.

Any programmer can suggest rules for new releases of the software which spots, not blocks, spam.

ISPs and server administrators then decide whether to send suspect mail to junk folders, automatically delete mail tagged as spam, or bounce it back to sender.

Unfortunately for email publishers, some of the filter rules are too broad or the threshold is set too low.

Many innocent messages are being lumped in with the guilty.

One of my newsletter readers notified me that his ISP had tagged a recent issue as spam -

SPAM: -------------------- Start SpamAssassin results ----------------------
SPAM: This mail is probably spam. The original message has been altered
SPAM: so you can recognise or block similar unwanted mail in future.
SPAM: See http://spamassassin.org/tag/ for more details.
SPAM: Content analysis details:   (13.2 hits, 6 required)
SPAM: Hit! (1.5 points)  BODY: Asks you to click below
SPAM: Hit! (0.2 points)  BODY: No such thing as a free lunch (1)
SPAM: Hit! (2.6 points)  BODY: Instant Access button
SPAM: Hit! (3.5 points)  URI: URL of page called "unsubscribe"
SPAM: Hit! (4.1 points)  URI: 'remove' URL contains an email address
SPAM: Hit! (2.1 points)  BODY: FONT Size +2 and up or 3 and up
SPAM: Hit! (0.0 points)  BODY: Includes a URL link to send an email
SPAM: Hit! (-0.8 points) BODY: Image tag with an ID code to identify you
SPAM: -------------------- End of SpamAssassin results ---------------------
Even if you can identify the problems that raised your score, you can do little about it.

Best practice in e-newsletter publishing -- and now law in many countries -- is to enable your readers to unsubscribe easily yet the word "unsubscribe" or similar would lead to your newsletter being blocked by filters such as SpamAssassin.

Just look at the seemingly innocuous words on the constantly changing list of tests SpamAssassin performs on mail messages to determine whether they're spam.
A growing number of email users also filter their own inboxes by setting up rules to delete messages containing certain keywords or punctuation (for instance, the phrase, "This is not spam", which is among the most commonly used phrase in junk email).

Some desktop applications, such as MailShield and MailWasher, pre-set the rules and tag or delete mail without the user having to do anything.
Some client-side filters prioritise mail into different folders.

To ensure they receive wanted mail, email users can add favourite mailing lists to a "white" or "green" list so the mail ends up in a specific folder.

The problem with email filtering

Arbitrary and unpredictable email filtering, as with web content filtering, can backfire and cost time, money and frustration -- the very things filters were designed to save.

Tracking down problems and dealing with aggravated users or administrators wastes resources that could be spent creating content, marketing and improving customer service.

Many filters can be imposed only after you have received unsolicited email from each source, meaning you have to respond manually to every single spammer.

Spammers regularly change their email addresses to bypass filters.

"Qualitative" filters can try to detect junk mail from unknown sources but legitimate mail can be inadvertently trashed in the process ("false positives") while some junk mail still gets through ("false negatives").

Filters are becoming a serious problem with many legitimate opt-in publishers being mistaken for spammers and blacklisted.

Once on a black list, the only way to be unblocked is to contact the ISP and ask to be placed on a white list.

While some e-newsletter publishing tools let you monitor how many messages are opened or bounced, you might never know which readers are being filtered unless you know which email program they're using.

Even then, the recipient might just be busy, uninterested, on leave or not receiving your message.

Some filter programs don't even notify you that your message was blocked while others bounce back mail with "sensitive" content without specifying the rejected words.

On another occasion my own free weekly e-newsletter was blocked on its way to at least two subscribers thanks to Trend SMEX Content Filter detecting "sensitive content" yet the "naughtiest" word I could find was "teenage".

Pity the poor medical publishers who often use  "controversial" words such as "breast" or "penis" in their newsletters.

You might be able to track down the reason you were blocked by examining the full header information (ask your subscribers to forward the entire copy of your junked message).

The header should list filter rules that the message violated, if the ISP uses software such as SpamAssassin.

If not filtering, then what?

Some online publishers advocate web services where you submit your newsletters for screening of content or technical problems that might trigger spam filters before mailing.

Of course, spammers could also abuse such a service to get their own mail past the filters.

Others back the idea of an Internet-wide white list along the lines of web site privacy site TRUSTe.

Spam-busting campaigners believe the only effective method of addressing the problem is through simple, direct legislation to:

  • Ban the practice of transmitting unsolicited bulk email
  • Ban the sale and marketing of spamming tools
  • Provide a right of action and damages to the recipient
  • Express damages in terms of penalty units
  • Provide for damages to be trebled for wanton violations
  • Cover offshore spamming by local interests, and
  • Attach to the outgoing revenue stream of foreign interests, which spam locals for the benefit of the spammers' revenue stream.

Meanwhile, ashile the world waits for more countries to introduce tough anti-spam legislation, online publishers must continue to be vigilant.

How to avoid the junk folder

Choose the subject line and words in your emails carefully if you don't want to end up in the junk file.

More people are setting up their email programs to filter incoming mail automatically for classic junk mail keywords and symbols (eg "advertisement", "free", "rich", "porn", "lover,", "opt-in,"  "e-mail", "money-back guarantee", "teen", "sex", ! # or $, removal instructions, all capitals).

Drop all hype and advertising-speak from your subject lines and messages.

Apart from saving you from the filters, honest concise text is preferred by the impatient, overloaded online reader.

Online publishers wishing to avoid being trashed should send a welcome message to new subscribers or correspondents telling them how your messages will appear (eg "the newsletter will appear from yvette@brizcomm.com.au") and suggesting they add the address to the white or green list of their email program.

Set up test accounts with popular email providers such as AOL, Yahoo and HotMail to see if your messages are getting through.

Beware Microsoft Outlook's "junk e-mail filters" which, when turned on, colour or delete messages considered spam based on a filters.txt file.

I searched for the filters.txt file on my PC to see which words were no-gos and was surprised to see so many seemingly harmless words.

Use a professional list hosting service unless you can afford an experienced in-house support staff.

E-newsletter publishing is becoming a highly specialised and complex field – don't risk your reputation to amateurs.

Ensure your list host monitors other clients to ensure they're publishing to only opt-in recipients -- if opt-out mailers, rental lists and spammers are blacklisted, you might be guilty by association.

Insist on detailed bounce reports for every issue you send out.

You should be able to see which names bounced and the exact reasons (eg "mailbox full", "address does not exist" or the frustrating "unknown").

Just because your bounce report says your mail was delivered, doesn't mean it did.

Many filters stop email after the "not-bounced" signal has been sent.

Monitor your open and clickthrough reports for unusual patterns.

Read all reader feedback, particularly if readers are having trouble subscribing or getting your mail.

Chances are they might have to ask (or scream at) their ISP or techies to add you to a white list.

(Of course, you need to publish quality content if you want your readers to jump up and down when they don't get it.)

Many permission-based publishers include their newsletter or trademark in square brackets in the subject line to avoid being filtered.

Other ethical publishers, including me, have resorted to disguising known filter trigger words by inserting unusual characters or deliberate typos -- for instance, using f^ee instead of free or sp*m instead of spam.

It's just a matter of time before the spammers work around these "tricks".

Bastardising or censoring our language to suit new communications technology would seem an extreme solution -- not to mention bitterly ironic -- but what's the alternative?

Useful links

Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email

The Net Abuse FAQ

How to show full header details for your email program -

Put junk mail in its place (tips on using Outlook) -

Tips on writing hype-free online content

Yvette Nielsen speaks from hands-on experience as an online content creator, publisher, coach, consultant, trainer, and award-winning writer and sub-editor.

Yvette pioneered web writing training in Australia in 1998 and has inspired thousands of people through her workshops and presentations from London to LA, Sydney to Seoul.

She has reviewed web sites professionally for print, online and radio for since 1997. Her own e-newsletter and site - www.brizcomm.com.au - won the Smart Communities category in the 2002 Asia Pacific ICT Awards.

Exploiting Ezine Articles Dot Com

Writen by Ed Howes

First and foremost, Ezine Articles is an educational resource second to few. Instead of towers of books on library shelves, we find articles of bite sized information in what must be one of the most extensive categorical article indexes on the web. If you can't find something of interest, you are not looking. If the article you choose disappoints, choose another. Your reward will come soon enough. If you find an article that is especially meaningful to you, you can rate it for quality and post a comment to let both the author and subsequent readers know of your appreciation. Perhaps influence another reader to do the same. A small leadership opportunity.

The whole idea that a writer needs no confirmation or validation for the value another finds in their work is a mistaken idea. Writers value reader encouragement as much as any other artist. When a reader gains new knowledge or insight from an article, a small debt to the writer and the universe that supports her is created. It only requires a few minutes to show a little gratitude. Since so little of this is done in modern America, here we have an opportunity to start a trend. Inspire a writer, then check back and see what you have wrought. Interactive reading. A bright new idea, nearly completely ignored by readers. Participate when it costs so little. Be a proactive reader. Tell a writer what you like and what you don't. Don't be insensitive - look at the writer as a possible E friend down the road. Your reading experience will be far more rewarding if you do. Business partnerships can sprout from a casual comment. Is that bad?

The Ezine Articles Writers Blog is a rich source of information and yet another opportunity for semi extended dialog with marketing expert Christopher Knight and the authors responding to his posts. One terrific feature of this blog is Email notification of an original post and optionally all subsequent posts, so you don't have to check in five times a day to keep up. I love it and promote it when I can because it is so obviously under utilized and under appreciated. I look forward to the day when I visit an hour after the original post and find a dozen comments up, most positive and some especially thoughtful or insightful as a few always are. When I am on site, I often check it before I leave.

If you are a writer, no matter where you publish, you can easily benefit from time spent at Ezine Articles. The blog, the forums, active and inactive, and the writing and marketing categories will provide quick tips and some more extensive ones about writing and marketing your writing. If you are a writer who is not publishing on Ezine Articles – are you out of your mind?

As to the publisher benefits at Ezine Articles I have not investigated and can only speak from an author's viewpoint. I have only been a member about six months. I have published 107 articles and have had those articles picked up by publishers 753 times. So I no longer concern myself much with the on site popularity of any particular article or category. What doesn't get a lot of attention here may be getting a whole lot elsewhere. It must be convenient for publishers or re publishers to shop here because it was designed with that intention and my own numbers tell me lots of publishers do. Because I am a relative publishing newbie, I'm very excited about the future possibilities of which I am now only vaguely aware. Spend an hour here every now and then and I promise you delight and surprise – and it's all FREE. It's a beautiful thing.

Ed Howes sought and found, knocked and entered. Now he sees things differently. To see more of what he sees, please visit http://www.justanotherview.com or do an author search here at Ezine Articles.

Do You Want Respect As A Publisher

Writen by Donesia Muhammad

"Learn To Give A Little Before You Get Anything Back"

Does it seem as if no one appreciates your publication and your time and effort and hard work. Week after week you send out your issues out of the goodness of your heart and fully expect every week to enjoy the profitable reasons that you started this newsletter in the first place.

Well guess what if that is the only reason you started this, then you will be disappointed. I have seen some newsletters pull every trick in the book.

What type of tricks..

The kind that makes you wonder why you are even subscribed to them in the first place.

Publishers Who Lie

You know what I am talking about... One week they have 2000 subscribers, next week they have 5000.

Of course you can easily buy that many subscribers but wouldn't it be in your best interest to let your readers know this?

But that isn't the problem, there are those who lie big time about their subscriber count only to charge high prices for paid ads. Unethical, yes, but too common these days.

I appreciate those who are honest about what they do and how they conduct business online. And that includes your ezine list as well.

Pretending To Be Someone You Are Not

Don't invent illnesses for sympathy. Don't invent families where there are none.

So what if you are not always the "Life of the Party" That doesn't mean that you can't produce a quality ezine.

But do you know what bothers me the most.

Don't create hardships to gain money from your readers.

If you are really in need, then this has nothing to do with you. I have known many publisher who have gone through hard times and they needed help. I am not talking about these helpful publishers.

Don't lie about all these bad things that are happening in your life and because of this that is why you have to charge 50 dollars for your list of 500 subscribers.

Remember the kid you went to school with that always told tall tales. You would think that they would make a movie of the week based on his life story.

Then you found out that the kid was lying. Not intentionally, but he didn't like his own life so he wanted to make everyone think it was.

Hey I'll be the first one to tell you , my life is the same day after day. Work, family, work, family but I am not going to start making a "Better" ezine by lying.

"Oh well I just came home from spending that million dollars I made last week submitting my free ad to thousands."

Oh Give Me A Break!!

Contests and Freebies

Don't tell your readers that you are going to give them a free ebook or a free ad and don't live up to your promises.

Don't tell them that you are giving away cash if you are not going to deliver.

If you feel that running a contest or raffle is too demanding on your time and you can't live up to it, then stop, plain and simple, stop.

All The World Is One Big Ad

What is also annoying are those publishers who every week, they tell you about a different product that they are using and love it to death, when they don't even know what the product does in the first place.

Oh yes I use this list server all the time ( product #1), and I wouldn't use anything else

Next Week,

Now this is the list server that I use ( product #2) and I wouldn't use anything else.

Trust Me..

No you don't have to own every product to endorse it. It does help but if not, don't lie about it. Just be honest.

I can go on and on about the unethical things online but then again are you in the mood to read a 10 page article??

Copyright (c) KDM Publishing

Donesia Muhammad has been doing business online since 2001. Sign up For her Newsletter My IBiz Weekly ==>http://myibizweekly.com The Business Ezine For All Netpreneurs. Learn how to start and maintain your internet business and ezine, and stay sane while doing it. Read Our Archives and Learn with Valuable Resources. Helping Readers Online Since 2001... And Counting.


10 Top Tips For Writing A Super Responsive Ezine

Writen by Martin Avis

One of the most often asked questions that I see is 'how can I write an ezine that people will want to read.' Anyone can tell you that there is 'money in the list' but how do you create a list of readers who are happy to send money in your direction? After all, if they don't want to read your newsletter, (I tend to use the words newsletter and ezine interchangeably) your 'list' is pretty worthless!

Over 650 issues of my ezine, "Kickstart Today" - have taught me a few things about what people really want from a newsletter.

Here are the ten top tips that I've learned the hard way:

1. Keep it short and sweet. Your ezine itself can be quite long, provided that each article is kept fast-paced and punchy. In my experience, any section that runs more than 500 words is probably too long. And 1500 words overall is enough. Many successful newsletters are around 500 words total.

2. Be as personal as you like. If people want serious business writing they can go to the news-stand. It seems to me that people love the personal aspect that ezines offer. Hence, the more I introduce elements from my own life and family into my newsletter, the bigger my positive (virtual) mailbag is.

3. Never sell. I write my newsletter three times a week and on average, about a third of my issues don't try to sell anything. As often as possible, I provide links to things that my readers can have for free. In the other two-thirds of issues, I almost never sell either - I make recommendations. My readers know that I will never recommend something that I haven't used myself - and have found to be excellent. So, in effect, my selling is a personal recommendation from one friend to another.

4. And on that note, only 'sell' (or recommend) one item in any issue. I have proved time and again with my own lists that whenever I mention two or more products for my readers to buy, overall sales goes right down. I know of several super-successful people who do manage to make multiple recommendations successfully, but it has never worked for me.

5. Never write to your list. You may have thousands of people on your list, but as soon as you start to write to 'the list' the tone of your words becomes impersonal. Always write to one person, who you imagine is sitting in front of you. If you learn to write as you would speak to that one person in front of you, your newsletter will almost automatically be a thousand times more readable than most others out there.

6. Be brave. So many ezine writers fall into the trap of avoiding controversy. The result is that their newsletters fast become boring. The truth is that people love to read a good rant. If you allow yourself to let yourself go once in a while - even if it is completely off topic, I guarantee that your list will become more responsive - and consequently more loyal.

7. Be responsive yourself. If one of your readers writes to you, make sure you write back - personally. People do business with people and they really like to know that you are a real person behind the keyboard.

8. Using other people's articles. This is a sticky one. Use other people's stuff too often and your own personality will not shine through. And if your readers see the same articles appearing elsewhere, they start to think that they might as well read them elsewhere. Personally, I don't run other people's stuff in my newsletter at all - but that is my choice, and as a fairly prolific writer, something that I can deal with. I would say that if you must use other people's articles, keep them to a fairly low percentage of each issue's total content.

9. Be prepared for the long haul. Successful newsletters are rarely born overnight. They take a long time to build their readership and even longer to regularly turn a good profit. Like any business you have to work at them - sometimes when you least want to. Get it right though, and they are worth it on so many levels.

10. Finally, find your own USP. Every product (and your ezine is a product that people have to 'buy in to' even if they don't pay for it) needs to have certain attributes that set it apart from all the others out there. Your USP (unique selling point) is the thing that people will talk about when they recommend you to their friends - so make it easy for them to notice and compelling enough for them to want to pass on the good news!

Of course, the fact that this article is available for ezine publishers to use does raise a conundrum. If my advice to avoid using other people's articles in your newsletters is valid, will anyone use this article? Or any other that is made freely available in article directories?

My suggested solution is two-fold:

a. Believe everything I say, and follow all of my rules except when applying them to articles that I have written. Clearly, those will be of far more interest to your readers than anything else. ;-)

b. Seriously, rather than blindly publishing other people's articles in your ezine, it is usually a better bet to put those articles onto your website and link to that page from your ezine. That way your readers can accept the 'gift' of an interesting article to read if they are interested, or ignore it if they so choose.

Also, you can put AdSense, or other ads onto the article page to monetize the article to those people who have shown a marked interest in the subject matter by clicking the link.

Ezine writing and publishing is a learned skill. The first few editions you produce will probably be rather rough around the edges, but keep practicing and listen to what your readers email to you. In a short time you will find your own voice and a style that will help you build a large and loyal following.

And then, the advice that the money is in the list will come true for you.

Martin Avis publishes the acclaimed 3x-weekly email newsletter Kickstart Today - an eclectic mix of business advice, personal development, Internet marketing and unrestrained opinion. Subscription is free.


When More Is Better

Writen by Theresa Cahill

When I first started publishing, I ran not only my newsletter, but classifieds and solos, too.

At some point it did occur to me that not everyone on my primary, or better put "sole," list fully appreciated, nor wanted, every mailing I was sending.

Just because they subscribed didn't give me full reign to send and send and send.

I opted at that time for a solo opt-out list. I contacted my existing list so all existing readers could make their choice, and included this option in my welcome letter for all newly arriving readers.

My surprise was only a handful of readers chose to take me up on it. And a handful of the handful thanked me.


The benefit...? Now I knew when I sent a solo it was because the person receiving it truly expressed their interest in reading it.

This increased the value of my offered advertising both to my readers and my paying advertisers. And, while not going overboard, I was also able to adjust the cost of advertising upward because the list had increased value for the advertiser.

Yes, it did require a tad more work - only because way back then I wasn't using autoresponders and automated mailing lists. I updated, moved, deleted, mailed, etc., manually from my desktop.

"Nowadays," automating sublists is a breeze! :)


I no longer offer solos directly via my newsletter website - I operate two co-ops for that purpose allowing those looking for special advertising (along with classified advertising) the opportunity to pick and choose from a wide variety of quality ezines.

My true feeling is my co-op works at its' best offering 6 line classified advertising and top sponsor ads. I believe it is much better to shop around and contact and purchase solo ads directly from publishers. Consider, if you are reading that ezine, chances are others are, too :)

"Bulk" solo purchases work, but "targeted" solo purchases work even better.


A while back I wrote an article which, months and months later, I can frankly say was a plea to those with mailing lists to narrow them down - target their lists. My inbox runneth over :)

My aim was two-fold:

1. Increase the quality of one's mailings

2. Eliminate the "spam" aura that taints any list

when contacted too frequently (or unwantedly).

And, above and beyond all of that, if you have a list you've got a primary objective in mind to make money (or the equivalent) with that list.


I'm one of the lucky ones who have a copy of Jimmy D. Brown's Sublist Secrets Revealed: http://www.mywizardads.com/revealed/

Whether you are a follower of Jimmy's or not isn't the point. The point is Jimmy makes money online - big money.

How? Because he has fine-tuned the art of list management and uses it to his, and his readers, advantage.

How many lists do you have? Mr. Brown manages 90 - yes 90 - separate lists. I do believe when he finds something noteworthy he knows exactly who to contact. And he makes sales.


Anyone serious about earning a living online needs to start at the source - their list. If you have only one mailing list chances are that list will degrade over time - if it hasn't already.

You need people willing to open and read. Action comes when people receive what they want and need.

Yes, time and effort are required. I've yet to find any job that doesn't require both :)

In the long run (actually a much shorter run then you expect), the extra work pays off.

Having extremely tight, targeted mailing lists ups your odds to make money. It also shows you are conscientious and truly interested in providing the right thing to the right receiver.

Increase the pull of your mailings a hundred fold. More... more lists, finely tuned, are better!

© Theresa Cahill - All Rights Reserved. Feel free to distribute this article. Please keep it intact and with the resource box included below.


Theresa Cahill, a two decade veteran of marketing, is the owner of http://www.mywizardads.com and invites you to take a look at the services of MWA and download fr.ee helpful information and more at http://www.mywizardads.com/sitemap.html

How To Turn Your Newsletter Into A Web Pagein 45 Seconds

Writen by Michael Southon

Do you place back-issues of your Newsletter on your website?

There are two good reasons why you should:

(1) It shows potential subscribers that you're serious about your Newsletter

(2) Newsletters are rich in keywords, so it's a very good idea to turn back-issues of your Newsletter into HTML documents and then submit them to the major Search Engines

Here's a little trick that will help you format your Newsletter as an HTML document:

Copy the text of your Newsletter into a text editor such as NOTEPAD.

Then copy the text from NOTEPAD into Microsoft Word. You'll notice that in your Word document, each line ends with a Paragraph Mark.

Now go to EDIT | REPLACE.

Place your cursor in the first field, where it says 'Look For'.

Now click on 'More' and then on 'Special' and select the first item in the list ('Paragraph Mark'). The symbol for a paragraph mark will now appear in the first field (a hat followed by a 'p').

Now place your cursor in the field below, where it says 'Replace With' and type
. Then click on 'Replace All'.

You'll find that every single paragraph mark in your Word document has been replaced with

Now copy the entire Word document into a new NOTEPAD document and save it, using the file extension .html (Note: NOTEPAD doesn't offer you the option to save as an HTML document, but don't worry; just type .html after the name you gave the file, and it will be saved as an HTML document).

Close that html document and then open it again and you'll find that your Newsletter is perfectly formatted, with the exact same line breaks that you had in the email version of your Newsletter.

Michael Southon has been writing for the Internet for over 3
years. He has shown hundreds of webmasters how to use this
simple technique to build a successful online business. Click
here to find out more: http://ezine-writer.com/

How To Advertise In Ezines

Writen by Anne Ahira

Advertising in Ezines has proven to be a very cost-effective way to market. You can reach a large audience for little investment and the exposure usually happens very quickly. Most Ezines will tell you what their requirements are for advertising. Make sure you follow the guidelines they set forth.

You usually have three different options when advertising in Ezines.

Classified Ads – these are placed in different sections of the newsletter. They are the least expensive.

Top sponsoring ad – this is the first ad on the newsletter, usually at the very top

Solo Ad – these are ads run individually and sent out to the subscriber list. While they are the most expensive, they also have the best response rate. Many advertisers are able to produce five times their money when using these ads.

Ok, now that you know the basics, it's time to start looking for Ezines to advertise in. The best place to start is: Directory of Ezines :

As you gather information on the Ezines that look promising, begin to make a list of them for future reference. You could make a spreadsheet, for example, with all your choices listed.

Make sure you have:

The Ezine name
Editor's name
Editor's Email
Number of Subscribers
Advertising Cost

Don't forget the Ezines that you're already subscribed to! After all, you represent your target market! The ones you find the most informative are the ones you should be looking at advertising in first!

Also, remember to do the follow up work with your ads. Once it has run, you need to track your results. The key to any marketing campaign, as I mentioned earlier, is testing and tracking. Please don't forget these very important steps! Every ad should be tracked for performance or you'll have no idea what's working and what's not. Testing different ads is just as important.

You will also have the ability to see first hand the ads that I place and the conversion ratios I receive from them. I will update my site each time I run a new ad so make sure you check that section out before you start advertising!

By: Anne Ahira
Editor The BEST Affiliate Newsletter

Secrets To Successful Publishing

Writen by Geela

Have you ever wondered what would it take to compete successfully with the "big guys" like Simon & Schuster and even get to the top of the heap? If there is such thing as a magic formula for success, then the story of Geela, the author of the bestseller book THE AMERICAN DREAM can certainly make a believer out of you too. Mastering the art of the possible is at the heart of Geela's brand new book where her message is that the possible always exceeds the impossible.

It's a sobering fact that no one not even the "big guys" (the large publishing houses) are immune to the risk of failing and even going out of business and not so much because of lack of resources but rather lack of innovation, high vision and keeping up with inevitable change. In fact, too many companies take the complacent approach of "one-size-fits-all" to marketing and promotion with a worn out attitude of "business as usual" and "we're the best, you're the rest" that stifles innovative thinking (thinking outside the box) so essential for surviving and thriving in a very competitive and dynamic industry where change is the norm and maintaining success is the exception.

It's been Geela's experience as a self-supported and self-published author, that greater degrees of success can be achieved by any publishing company regardless of their size or circumstances simply by implementing the following principles for success that worked for her company GLOBAL VISION MEDIA:

  1. It's not your aptitude but your attitude – a winning attitude can mean the difference between success and failure. Success is a matter of perception and an equal opportunity employer. You are as successful as you make up your mind to be. So don't be afraid to aim high. Let the story of The Little Engine That Could and David and Goliath inspire you. While some people thought that Goliath was too big to hit, David thought he was too big to miss.

  2. Recognize that dreams and aspirations for success have no expiration date – these are self-imposed artificial deadlines that are silent killers of creativity and motivation.

  3. What determines your level of success or level of failure is not lack of resources but rather lack of creativity (resourcefulness), high vision and faith (remember, quitters never win and winners never quit).

  4. No matter what you were brainwashed to believe, never underestimate your own power to write your own life script and command control of your destiny by either finding a way or making a way. Also when you understand the difference between making things happen vs. letting things happen, you will generate whatever is necessary for you to reach your destination even when all the odds are against you. You no longer have to wait or be at the mercy of traditional distribution and bookstores as they hide your book between competitive titles on their shelves. Your fate is in your hands and all that your hands need to do is to take advantage of the awesome power of modern technology which is now available to the "little guy" as well in order to compete successfully and even surpass the "big guys." Any self-made successful person will tell you that indeed anything is possible especially to those who believe.

  5. Apply the Kaleidoscope approach to your marketing and promotion efforts – although there are finite number of pieces, infinite number of combinations and possibilities can be created simply by rearranging them. You are limited only by your own imagination and will.

  6. Don't use the Christopher Columbus method of planning your business if you are serious about reaching your destination of smooth sailing into a new world of success with glory. By failing to plan properly, you plan to fail by default. The power of strategic planning backed by a solid infrastructure cannot be overstated – it's what makes or breaks regardless of the quality of your product (book). A synergetic plan in place will serve as a compass to guide your actions, evaluate your performance and run your business more profitably.

  7. A good marketing plan requires the dexterity of a circus juggler mainly because of factors such as the different life-cycle stage of each title at any given time. In Geela's particular case, as a self-contained, it was and still is a unique multi-faceted situation with multiple projects going on simultaneously, involving a brand new book, a music album and putting together an all-star benefit concert with major music producers as part of Geela's nonprofit organization, ONE SPIRIT, ONE WORLD (dedicated to promoting world peace focusing on children's issues), since Geela is an established singer/songwriter with many albums, awards and rave reviews, a visionary author and a long time peace and children's activist. She is the founder of the nonprofit organization, ONE SPIRIT, ONE WORLD, a co-founder of a successful record label, GLOBAL VISION RECORDS in addition to being a co-fonder of an up and coming independent publishing company, GLOBAL VISION BOOKS/MEDIA. To make life even more exciting, Geela is also a wife and a dedicated mom.

  8. Capitalize on any talents you might have to make up for perceived lack of sales and/or financial resources (initially when you are starting out). Geela's situation is unique by all standards. Hers is a multi-faceted situation (music/book/nonprofit organization) which greatly enhanced the success of her efforts.

  9. Broaden your marketing and promotional parameters and capabilities to include a multi-level marketing and promotion by reaching out to different audiences from ethnic to military and other untapped markets. In Geela's case, because of her unique background, as an immigrant from Israel who was born in Iran, with a universal appeal, she capitalized on that fact to reach broader audiences that include ethnic, minorities, women and immigrants.

  10. Your infrastructure needs to be built on a solid foundation which includes everything from an innovative strategic marketing plan to a coordinated program which includes the following elements:

    • A comprehensive marketing and promotional plan including assorted advertising mix in key places in addition to a national media campaign

    • Cutting edge on-line marketing and promotion with your own user friendly website (links, pop up banner, affiliate program, ezine newsletter, direct response with a compelling sales letter, article submission, media e-mail blast to keep your name in front of the media with different press releases, sample of products, plenty of endorsements, media room, useful information, strong search engines, just to name a few)

    • Sales forecast

    • Financial plans

    • Secure advanced endorsements for your book from world-renowned personalities, the media, book reviewers and best selling authors to establish credibility

    • Distribution

    • Fulfillment center with your own toll-free number. In Geela's case she chose a number that's easy to remember for her radio interviews (800) 99GEELA

    • Create an outstanding press kit with useful information in addition to promotional and fun material such as posters, bookmarks, double sided glossy flyers and more

    • Marketing and promotion plans also for pursuing the non-bookstore markets (special sales/premiums/incentive) as well as sub-rights and foreign rights including film rights, especially like in the case of Geela, if your book is slanted towards a movie – these are most lucrative sources for substantial revenues and profitability since you bypass the middlemen, massive discounts and have reduced returns.

    • Since no man is an island and likewise success is never a one-man show, it's essential to have a marketing support system, a Dream-Team if you will, which is made up of top notch like-minded people who share your vision, faith in the project and level of commitment to making it a huge success. The more harmony and camaraderie the better information and creative ideas can be generated to help move your project forward, and combat those inevitable "marketing fatigue" while keeping you motivated.

    • To become a magnet of success and total prosperity live by the motto: "when I help others win - I win."

    • Author personal appearances, speaking engagements and other innovative forms of promotion such as running for an office (at least for a day...) and/or trying to break the Guineas book of records (well, at least in theory you can make the attempt...). Once again, you are limited only by your imagination.

  11. In order to get a head start on your promotional campaign consider using a direct response that can help put your title on the best seller list at least on Amazon.com by doing a massive and highly targeted e-mail blast. This alone can open many doors for you and help you reach your destination so much faster and ... in style too.

  12. Apply the old-fashioned yet proven method of making up for lack of financial resources the size of the "big guys" with OPM but not the traditional Other People's Money, but rather Other People's Minds, by networking, sharing up to date information, developing and nurturing partnerships while conducting massive research. Remember, knowledge is power that provides you the winning edge. It's cost free and it creates additional opportunities for growth while instantly becoming a success and prosperity magnet.

  13. Strive to provide the highest quality in product and service and always go the extra mile, remember, the seed of money is service.

In the final analysis, it's the quality of the book that will ultimately dictate the longevity and the level of success of any marketing and promotional campaign. Geela's highly praised book THE AMERICAN DREAM offers something very special that everybody wants...hope and direction. In fact, through her Principles For Successful Living, Geela is revolutionizing the conventional wisdom of achieving success, total prosperity and even global unity. And that's something that will always be in demand and never go out of style. Geela's fascinating personal story of triumph over adversity and winning against all odds best captures the true spirit of the American Dream which was based on perspiration, innovation, risk and reward. Of-course some might think her tremendous success story (which took her only twenty years to achieve) is only a result of luck or talent or ... whatever. But perhaps a better definition of luck needs to be when preparation meets opportunity. After all, if you know where you are going, chances are you will get there, and if not, then you'll end up on the road to nowhere. Now that's something to write about...

About The Author

Copyright © 2004, Geela

Author of "The American Dream"


Geela is an award winning singer/songwriter/composer, columnist, and author of the best-selling book "THE AMERICAN DREAM," her true- life story of how she came to America as a young immigrant with nothing and overcame incredible obstacles to achieve mega-success. She founded ONE SPIRIT, ONE WORLD to help children and promote a culture of peace and harmony. Get a free sample of her music and her book at http://www.Geela.com.

Starting An Online Business Develop A Mailing List

Writen by David Keegan

If you're like me, you're pretty skeptical of all those claims you hear about people making loads of money on the internet. Oh, I knew there were people out there making cash, but I had many excuses for why I couldn't do it. That all changed as I watched a friend become wildly successful in his internet business. I thought, if he could do it, so could I!

It all started for my friend about seven years ago as he started selling various products on e-Bay. He learned mostly through trial and error. But, after working at it for two hours a day for only nine months, he was able to quit his day job! I sat back and watched figuring he was "just lucky". I reasoned that he'd soon be going back to work at his 9 to 5 job. Well, seven years have gone by and I'm still waiting! What's more, he's recently bought a vacation home and is showing no signs of slowing down. (For more information on this friend of mine, visit my web page and look for "Little Known Minnesota Man.")

Now, while I don't necessarily expect to achieve the same success as my friend, he has given me confidence that I can achieve at least a good "hobby income" via the internet. I've learned that perhaps the most important first step in internet marketing is developing and cultivating a mailing list. This may sound counter-intuitive, but many times it makes more sense to develop your list even before you create a web-site. A good way to do this is by starting an electronic magazine (i.e., "ezine") in the subject area you want to do business in. Pick a topic that is targeted, but not too narrow. For example, instead of choosing "pets" (too broad) or "shih-tzu training" (too narrow) as topics, you may want to settle on something like "dog training" (just right).

An ezine provides quality content for your subscribers. You can either write your own content or pay someone else to write for you. I'd recommend that you publish your ezine on a weekly, bi-monthly or monthly basis, whichever you feel you can sustain comfortably. Whatever the case, the important thing is that you give your subscribers useful information. You can place a small banner advertisement for one of your affiliate products in each issue of your ezine. Every so often, you can even send a special advertisement to your entire list. However, keep in mind people didn't sign-up for your ezine to get bombarded with advertisements. If you send too many, you'll find people unsubscribing in droves. So, use discretion in promoting to your list. Remember, the list you are building is the foundation to your internet business. You're not trying to get rich quick here. Slow and steady is the guideline.

How do you get people to sign up for your ezine? One way is to pay a "co-registration service" to get subscribers for you. For a specified fee, these services will guarantee you a certain number of subscribers, no matter how long it takes. This removes some of the risk for you. A couple of free ways to generate a subscriber base would be to participate in internet forums which allow you to post a resource box (where you can advertise your ezine) or submit articles to article directories which will also allow a small advertisement. No matter which method you choose, start building your business foundation by developing that list!

Dave Keegan works full-time as a systems analyst for a large corporation and has quality ideas to help people get started in internet marketing. For more information, visit: http://www.dkeeganonline.com

Article Submitting 90 Percent Of Your Work Is Already Done

Writen by Richard Lindo

Do you spend hours and hours on your computer doing time consuming article submission?

Article submitting can be very time consuming and even stressful as well.

The problem is that you have to manually go to each website, signup, sign in and enter in your article information and that can take hours and hours to do.

Well your luck is about to change, introducing a Brand new automated system which complete 90 percent of the work for you so that you can use that time and begin to write more and more articles. Article submitting stress will be a thing of the past once you begin to use this system.Your life will become alot more easier.

Have you being trying to get your name or your business name out there to get notice by doing article submitting and finding that it takes too much manually labour and too much of your time?

This article submitting system will help you along the way in more ways than you can even imagine, finally the solution to your problem is here.

It really save hours and hours of work by organizing your online article submissions.

This leaves you extra time for writing more articles and making more money. The features and functions of this great article submitter software are truly "professional."

The Days of Tediously Submitting Your Articles To Submission Sites One By One Are History! Stop! wasting your time and energy doing things the hard way click the link below.

Richard Lindo
Internet Marketer

Online Article Submission Sites And Category Break Downs

Writen by Lance Winslow

Should online article submission sites expand categories to serve all the possible web surfers coming in? Recently it has been discussed that the top articles in each category should appear on the pages along with each article, which is shown as web surfers surf into the online article submission site. This is a good strategy for a high-traffic or an online article submission site with massive amounts of articles. However for most of the little article sites out there with under 10,000 articles, it would not help them.

What about an online articles submission site with over 100,000 articles on it, would it make sense to have the most viewed articles at the bottom of those pages? Sure it would, it is a smart move and helps the surfer find what they are looking for. Similarly Amazon dot com has such artificial intelligence which does this. They sell more books this way by anticipating what the surfer or book buyer would like based on their search inquiries.

Many online article writers have been asked to give their summation from a writer's standpoint as to if this strategy makes sense. I agree with all commenters thus far, as they all have made good points and actually things I have observed myself. It is great that when we put all our minds together and discuss these things how much information we can put forth on a new innovation so quickly.

This high impact Blog discussion is like a Think Tank really, as it talks about issues never yet addressed in the history of the Internet and brings up issues with the evolving of a fast moving niche in online e-commerce. Thus wanted to make a point as I see this new strategy is being currently beta tested with the number one premier online article submission site of all time.

In reviewing this new strategy I see my articles in so many categories, when clicking thru them all. Of course it is a numbers game. I see articles I have had up for a while (advantage) and new ones too, that I would not expect. Eventually perhaps these categories may be broken down and spread out with more sub-categories to further give advantages to additional worthy articles and to other information to serve the writers and the readers.

Additionally as a number game goes. With 3838 articles and 990,000 article views total means the average article has 257 article views. The top being 17,000 and the bottom being "one" because I just posted it, you are reading it now, which makes it more than one. It all seems to be a numbers game really. Therefore those are favored who write the most articles and write them most often and stick with it the longest. This is very interesting from a case study point. Consider things like this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Internet Information Publishing And The 6year Old Company That Made 100 Million In Sales Last Year

Writen by Christopher Kyalo

The biggest problem with hype is not that some people get to believe it. NO. The biggest problem is that most people start blocking their minds from believing real mega-success stories that have figures attached to them that are too high. Take Google for example. If you hadn't heard of them you'd dismiss their high profits as hype – and yet the company didn't exist 10 years ago. Luckily they are in the very public business of search engines, so everybody has heard of them.

If you believe some hype peddler and end up spending $200 on some hair-brained scheme, all that you'll lose is a mere $200. But you lose much more from genuine high earning opportunities that you are blocked from even looking at just because the net is so full of hype and lie peddlers.

Take this company that launched an Internet Information Publishing venture only 6 short years ago. This business owns a couple of online email newsletters – that's all. Last year they raked in $100 million in sales. This is no hype it is a documented fact and what's more is that there are many other online publishers making millions of dollars even as you read this.

If you are a writer or are interested in going into the lucrative and rapidly growing field of Internet information publishing, there are a number of realities you need to understand. I will present them by answering 3 questions I know must be at the top of your mind right now.

Why Is There Such A High And Growing Demand For Information Online, When There Is So Much Quality Free Information Everywhere On The Web?

I have answered this question in so many articles on online writing, and I have given the same amazing example so many times now that I fear some folks out there will start getting at reading the same thing over and over again.

Still I will repeat it here because it is the truth and it is the foundation, upon which a company called Agora Publishing run by folks just like you and me, made $100 million last year.

Radio is the medium that came in before Television, it put the music industry into a great panic. Why would anybody buy music if they were able to listen to a song on the radio the whole day? No leading artist wanted his or her music played on the radio. Actually radio turned out to be the best friend the music industry ever had. The playing of songs over the radio, rather than killing demand created an almost insatiable demand for music which created mega stars who became wealthier than the wildest dreams any of them ever had – put together.

Television did the same for the movie industry and now the World Wide Web is already doing the same for the information and publishing industry.

There is a huge, huge demand for information online and what's more, thanks to a host of online tools including keyword popularity tools, it is very easy to identify not only what information is in high demand, but you can even quantify it into a number. That is the number of people who searched a certain keyword over the last month.

What Kind Of Skills Are Required To Make $100 Million Online?

John Naisbitt author of Megatrends, wrote in his 1985 book Re-inventing the Corporation, that there are three major skills that are required in the information age. The skills are thinking, learning, and creating. Remember the acronym TLC if you don't want to forget them. Makes a lot of sense. Information is power but it is useless if it cannot be processed (thinking) understood (learning) and then harnessed (using the information to create something useful and hopefully profitable).

Sorry I didn't intend to go that deep, I wanted to keep this very simple.

Let me put it this way. If you have the three basic skills that Mr Naisbitt mentions (which can all be acquired and learnt online – for free) then there is no limit to what you can achieve on the World Wide Web.

It is instructive that right from the beginning Agora Publishing has put a lot of emphasis on testing. They test everything, headlines, content, ideas and so on. That is how you learn.

What If I Fail?

The saddest thing in life is not failing. It is failing to try. That's why the saddest phrase known to man is "if only". It is even sadder when you don't have any excuse not to try. Before the excuse everybody used was that they didn't have the money to go into business. Now that's not valid anymore. Especially in the Internet Information Publishing business. It is the easiest venture to start small and slowly build up from there.

Christopher Kyalo is a successful online writer and entrepreneur. Get his amazing home study email course on How to Build Your Own Internet Information Publishing Empire, available for only $99. Get a free sample of the same course by sending a blank email now InternetinfoPublishsecrets-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

Article Writing Can Increase Your Traffic And Ranking

Writen by Bob Matsen

It doesn't really matter who you are; you definitely know something that's worth sharing with other. In fact if you are a webmaster chances are you have a lot of knowledge that other's could gain insight from. And that knowledge shared through articles can be a valuable asset to your website.

Interesting and informative articles are in big demand. Article directories meet this demand by making them available in one location for webmasters to use on their sites, in their newsletters, and in their Ezines. There are many article banks to choose from and you should sign up for as many as possible. So you are wondering what qualifications you need to write an article?

You simply need to have knowledge on a topic, any topic that others might benefit from. You need to ensure your content is clean, contains no profanity, and no hate literature. Article banks will accept most articles that are interesting and informative as long as they don't contain the above.

If you aren't sure? Consider this. Would you read it? Does it catch your interest? If the answer is yes then there are most likely many others that would read it.

From search engine optimization, to how to grow the most beautiful roses, to buying jewelry, to lawyers and doctors. It's all useful. From simple to technical to basic, your perspective may be anywhere from useful to universal.

Your articles should be written in proper English. If English is not your native tongue consider hiring a ghostwriter to write your article for you. Ghostwriters are also a valuable tool if you are not good at writing or simply don't have the time. There are several sites online where you can obtain the services for a reasonable fee.

When submitting your article to the article directories be sure to read their submission guidelines. Only submit your article if it fits in an appropriate category. If it does not then find a different article bank that is more suited to your article.

The exposure you get from your article is unlimited and you can submit your article to thousands of directories if you like. These articles are an excellent way to boost your one way inbound links and they are a lot less hassle then finding good link partners.

Use the resource box to provide information about your site or yourself and be sure to include the active link to your site. Use the resource box to entice visitors to visit your site.

You can get traffic to your site because of search engines and the possibility or probability of someone reading the article, then clicking your link. You get a double hit - two for one. What more could you ask for. This is virtual marketing at its' best! Exposure 24/7. Everyday, all day long, and the only effort required by you is to submit your article or articles.

So if you are looking for more exposure, improved search engine rankings, and to get your company in the lime light, you certainly should consider writing a few articles and submitting them to the article directories. In fact submitting one article each week can give you great benefits!

Post your articles for free and increase traffic to your sight at Get Articles Free © Copyright Bob Matsen All Rights Reserved – You may republish this article with an active link to our site.

10 Tips On Offering A Free Ecourse

Writen by Radhika Venkata

1. Make your ecourse short like 5 - 7 days. The longer the ecourse easy for your subscriber to forget the matter of your previous emails.

2. Use double opt-in follow up autoresponders to stop accusitions of spam.


3. Write one ecourse to promote only ONE product. If you keep ten product links in your ten day email course, it will look like a compiled sales letters.

4. If you are using affiliate links in your ecourse use some method to hide your affiliate links.


5. Try to keep brief synopsis of previous emails. For example, in fourth day email keep few lines about what he received for the past three days.

6. If you have a trial product or free demo, offer it for the download. You can keep the download link on top of every email.

7. Put a link to your ecourse in your signature files on forums, articles and emails etc. It is a great way of increasing subscribers.

8. If you have affiliates you can ask them to offer it to their visitors and customers with their affiliate id. So your affiliates get commission.

9. Provide 'Unsubscribe' link at the end of all emails to make easy for your subscriber to unsubscribe if they want.

10. Track your promotional links in the emails, so to follow the results of your ecourse. (like how many people clicked on the link, who bought etc)

About The Author

Radhika Venkata

Subscribe to 'iNet Marketing Ezine' which is completely focused on Internet Marketing. Receive FREE Ebooks with Resale rights! http://www.webmasters-central.com/subscribe.shtml

FREE Ecourse: 30 days Solid work out to increase your online profits! http://www.ebooks-world.com/ecourse/index.shtml

The Evolving Ezines And What That Means

Writen by Lance Winslow

An Ezine as you know is an electronic newsletter or magazine, which is sent out by email. Yet this standard definition of an electronic newsletter has changed and so too will the true definition of an Ezine in the future. How so you curiously ask?

Well, the reason I say this is because in 1995 we put our newsletters for my company online at our website, because well because not everyone was using email yet and the attachment thing was tricky on many email programs. Not all the software would be in sync.

Therefore at that time it was possible but not really feasible to send them out by email like it is today. I would say we were one of the first companies to really do this for our customers, employees and franchisees. Of course it was not an Ezine as the term was not really coined yet although some say it was being tossed around a little.

After seeing this incredible evolution and even watching the astronomical growth of online article submission sites, before RSS was popular, you can see how things have changed. And this leads me to speculate that they will change again in the future and thus the Ezine should have a definition, which allows it to evolve rather than lose out to a more advanced species in the future. That is what I am thinking.

As practitioners of the Ezine sub-sector we should not box ourselves in unless it serves the greater good and the forward progression of the article submission websites and its users and the supply chain of content. Additionally we must make sure it all fits the Ezine Publisher clients and hungry for information customers who subscribe. So, lets make Ezine the most broad definition allowing for the most possible future chess moves. Consider this in 2006.

Lance Winslow