Why Are Ezine Editors So Politically Correct

Writen by Lance Winslow

The other day I was listening to a couple of Ezine Editors discussing what kinds of articles they would put into their weekly email lists to send out. One said; "Hey this is pretty funny, check this one out!" The other said "Ha Ha Ha, that's great, too funny!"

Then the first said; "Should I put this article in everyone will laugh." But the answer is very telling as she told the other what everyone is telling us to say, think, and tell others. She said; "Oh, God no, if we put that in, then we will surely lose subscribers as someone might be offended, I mean you can't say that." They both agreed, but sent it to their close friends, but picked a more centrist type article to place in that space.

You see although articles in ezines can be controversial at times, it is best for them to stay PC or Politically Correct if they are trying to sell something by using their expert status to drive traffic. If the Ezine is for Democrats, well it is fine to attack the president, call him stupid or condemn the War in Iraq. If it is a Conservative only newsletter then they gloves come off when talking of Senator Hillary Clinton, you see?

The fact is that many ezines, which are a great way to transfer information quickly, as an alternative to the mass media, they are becoming almost as Politically Correct in refusing to say the truth in observations or talk about real issues, that is unless they are in the currently politically correct paradigm. If these Ezines are not PC then they will have more loyal viewers along a certain group, but never have the massive subscription base they truly need to sell things. Indeed it is a problem, but there is also a downside to the over PC tact, in that the subscriber becomes bored and disinterested. And the real downside, we as a society keep shoving crap under our carpet. That is why some Ezines have a small loyal following and why others will eventually have a smaller and non-loyal following in the future. Limiting opinion and thought makes us stop thinking. Think on this.

Lance Winslow