The Death Of Private Label Rights Articles

Writen by Calvin Brown

Before you go and get mesmerized by the most recent collection of Private Label Reprint Rights Articles, take a moment to think about what you are doing, why you are doing it, and what is the best way to achieve your goals.

You will find that in all honesty, Private Label Rights Articles are not going to help you very much.

Here is why.

1. What about blog content?

It depends on exactly how you are going to use your blog.

Are you just using it to drive traffic to your website, or have you put PPC ads on your blog and hope to make money from it?

Or do you intend to use your blog to develop a relationship with your visitors?

Any way you slice it, PLR Articles are not the best content to use in your blog.

To begin with, you almost never get enough Articles to post to your blog every day for a year.

Plus, it is too much expense and effort to grab your Articles, and manipulate them with some computer script or software, in order to make them "unique".

And the articles that you are left with will not be the kind of content you would be proud to post to your blog. They may be targeted for a specific keyword, but do you really want anybody reading it?

Finally, if you intend to use your blog to develop a relationship with your visitors, it is best if you write all your blog posts yourself anyway.

2. Submit them to Article Directories in order to promote your website.

Even if you pay through the nose for some software that will "randomize" or make your articles "unique" in some way, this is a very bad idea.

Either the Article is made un-recognizable, and un-readable, or the search engines and Article Directories will definitely peg it as duplicate content.

You should submit Articles as a method of promoting your website. But if you do, be sure to take the time and effort to write your article yourself.

Either that, or pay a free-lance writer to write a unique article for you.

3. Targeted content for a website, report, or e-book.

This is the most sensible and reliable use for PLR Articles.

Usually, you will get enough articles in a single collection, to be able to collect them into a book or report. If that is something which the Articles are designed for!

When you attempt to use PLR Articles on your website, you will run into the same problems as you do when trying to use them for your blog.

At least in terms of uniqueness, readability, and amount.

So, what is the solution?

Simple. Make sure when you purchase Articles of any kind, that the content is specifically designed for the purpose you have in mind.

As long as you keep in mind the subtle differences in what you are trying to accomplish, you stand a much better chance of selecting content which reflects your purpose.

If you do, you will waste less time and obtain better results.

Author Calvin Brown says: Since you were kind enough to read this article, each week I would like to give you 370 pages of keyword-targeted, blog-ready content, absolutely free.