Five Strategies To Build Trust By Electronic Magazine

Writen by Erny Setyawati

Lead is important role to run affiliate program. We usually run this business by selling program, products, and finally getting commission. Have many leads in your database, will be potential prospect some day. They will buy products, program that you offer. Many ways to get leads, we some time spend much money to get them. The effective ways to build list, create electronic magazine. We can build list as many as possible. However, many electronic magazines have difficulties to manage it. Many subscribers run away and not know where they go. We can build trust by publishing electronic magazine. We should know strategies to build trust, so that your subscribers not run away from you.

1. Make subscribers your friends.
Make subscribers as if your close friend or family. Say hello and welcome to new subscriber join your mailing list and say tanks to loyal subscribers. Say it with warm words and ask them to contact you. Open mind to receive critics and suggestions.

2. Make ezine have specific content.
You should create specific content, specific topics, so that your ezine popular. For example, telling about cooking solution, humor, marketing solution, or heath solution. You have commitment to choose internet marketing solution, try telling as much as possible about internet marketing solution, do not say any think else.

3. Subscribers want and need.
Make your subscribers as if your potential costumers. Give service as good as possible. Ask your subscribers what they want and need. You can open contact editor, and compile the result and try fulfilling it.

4. Keep your ezine punctual publishing.
Ezine usually publish monthly, weekly or daily. Keep publish punctual, therefore your subscribers are not disappointed.

5. Building loyal subscribers.
Give a chance to subscribers take part on your ezine. To submit article, free advertisement and give testimony. Do not refuse article that your subscribers submit. Open communication with them and give suggestion how to write good article.

4. Try writing your own article.
To build image, you have capability to manage ezine. Wiser, you can write article.

Electronic magazine have good content, good management, punctual time publication. In the end, improve image the editor and owner. The best image, affect to advertisements offer on them. Therefore, profit pulling would come to you.

Erny Setyawati is the Web Master of and the Publisher / Editor of Bali Global Market Ezine. The Newsletter is full freebies, articles and free advertisement for member. You are tired of spending money for advertisement and need responsive subscribers. Join us today and let's me spread your product and services to our subscribers. Let's visit free at: