Cultural Creative Models V

Writen by Ed Howes

The reading available at Ezine Articles is staggering. In the last month I have downloaded about 900 articles - not on subjects about which I usually write but things I want to know more about. I haven't read but a tiny fraction of the editorial posts either. A couple days ago I wound up reading Ezine Articles' milestones. Doing some mental calculations based on these posts, I figure they have grown four times larger in the past ten months. I predict they will be five times larger in two more months.

Ezine Articles seems very much in the mold of Google. It is clear management and staff are on a mission to be the best in the business and giving is their mechanism for growth. Numbers barely begin to tell their story. Twenty thousand authors are now the chief stockholders, each submitted article equivalent to a share of stock on which no value can be set.

While I am selling no product or service through my writing, the testimonials on the site tell us dividends are being paid to those who do sell products and services on line. The Aquarian, New Age concept of giving has taken root at Ezine Articles and created a large community of givers. If content is king on the internet, how much more so is free content and all those providing it?

I used to write very occasionally for small, local print media. Never had a clue how many times my article was read before the paper was tossed, or if it was read at all. Everything is so different with online publishing. Now I at least have counts of my on site views. Since I'm new to the internet, I was not all that interested in publisher pick ups in my article reports. But after doing one search on "by Ed Howes" I came to see what a multiplier effect E publishers have as they take content from a few free content directories and republish it for their niche and targeted subscribers.

Using the growth of the Ezine Articles company, which all participants are, as a measure of my personal popularity as a writer, has me very excited. Why should I expect less growth in my exposure than that of this web site itself? I understand that my writing might be more popular with much wider distribution if I was among the first hundred authors to submit on this site. That did not happen and now I am another small fish in a huge ocean. Yet I could not be happier to be a small fish in this great ocean. Why is that? It is because I am doing what I believe is right and I am doing it in the same place as twenty thousand others who have similar motivation. I have found a community in which I feel I belong and it happens to be rapidly expanding. I feel I am making a contribution to that expansion. It feels so good!

I am confident in the leadership at this site. It appears every good idea Mr Knight and company dream up, they act on and implement. They bend over backwards to promote their authors and their work. It shows up in the searches. I use short intros/ summaries of my articles and when they show up on a search, I want to go read my own articles. This is no accident. This is a matter of creative design and search engine optimization at Ezine Articles.

Searches also provide me with a lot of basic and interesting information about those who are publishing my articles. I see a lot of the same creativity, right down to some of the URLs. Now I have a sense of obligation to visit these publishers to get to know them and perhaps become a member on some, if only to view the stats on my articles they have posted. That is, though I have adopted one directory as my primary depository for new articles I write, I am compelled to learn more about the secondary publishers in my virtual world. What is the nature of our connections?

I have used other directories for the past three years through the assistance of a third party who was on line. There was little second hand encouragement reaching me from the directories I published on and I can't say they were not doing all they could to encourage me. But shortly after I got my own connection and a junkyard computer, I had an invitation in my Email from Ezine Articles. I visited the site and immediately began submitting. I had a formatting problem with my first article and just left it to submit on new start ups. I came back after a week and solved the problem and then began submitting my article portfolio in blocks. I have found a home and a community of like minded people with whom I hope to have a long term relationship. This is all about freedom of speech. Now I have it and I don't own a press. I love it and all it can do. God bless Ezine Articles and everyone connected to and with them.

Ed Howes sought and found, knocked and entered. Now he sees things differently. To see more of what he sees, please visit or do an author search here at Ezine Articles.