5 Keys To A Successful Ezine

Writen by Al Martinovic

There are 5 basic keys you need for your ezine to be successful and here they are though not necessarily in this order.

1- Hosting

You need good reliable hosting for your website. You don't want to lose subscribers because your site is always down. Not only that... it's unprofessional.

Why should someone listen to what you have to say in your ezine when you can't even get the basics of having your website operational?

2- Autoresponders

You want to automate everything. An autoresponder will send a confirmation email when someone subscribes. It will handle removal requests and if it has a broadcast feature you can even send out your ezine through it.

You may need multiple autoresponders as you will find that there will be many things you want automated such as when you are offering a free report, or confirmation of an ad someone placed in your ezine... the list can go on and on.

3 - Tracking

You may want to track the ads you place when promoting your ezine to find out what ad(s) pull well for you and which don't. You don't want to be wasting your time on ads that don't work. When you find an ad that pulls well... go all out on it.

4 - Products

As you start to grow your ezine and build a relationship with your subscribers you need to offer them products. After all... you are in this to make money.

You can create your own products around your list, get resale rights to an existing product to offer to your list or you can join an affiliate program.

Now, I admit... 1-4 can get pretty expensive especially if you are on a tight budget.

TIP #1: You can go here and get all of what I just mentioned in one package and it's super cheap.


5 - Leads

Every ezine no matter how big or small needs no or low cost ways of attracting more subscribers.

You can advertise your ezine by submitting to ezine directories, announcement lists, by writing articles, or doing joint ventures such as ad swaps just to name a few. The problem is... all of this can become time consuming.

TIP #2: There is a software that will automate your entire submission process to everything I just mentioned.


TIP #3: There is a site that will bring you new subscribers for only 5 minutes of work.


There you have it. By no means is this a complete list but by getting the basics down and following the TIP's I just mentioned, you are well on your way to a profitable ezine.

About The Author

Al Martinovic has helped numerous individuals succeed online. Send a blank email to get his powerful report "How To Make Money Online With Any Product Or Service Without Spending A Dime In Advertising" mailto:2marketers@getresponse.com

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