3 Quick Tweaks To Generate Massive Profits With Used Ezine Articles

Writen by Oluwafisayo Akinlolu

Articles are a great way to reach tons of targeted traffic for free, generate massive sales, brand your name, become increasingly famous... and do a lot of other high "profit-gymnastics"!

What most people are ignorant of is this - articles are a great way to generate massive results, in a number of formats and will help you attain whatever goal you set online (income, increased subscriber base... etc) faster than you ever thought possible.

If you already publish an ezine (a newsletter), you most likely write and publish articles periodically. What you should start thinking of doing now, is to tweak things a little so you can increase profits.

1. Re-Cycle Your Ezine's Articles

After publishing your articles to your own list, pick it up, add a punchy resource box and start sending it to other ezine publishers. Don't stop there, dig up article submission directories and submit it to as many as you can find!

TIP: To make more profits, sign-up for a couple of affiliate programs, get a website (a free one will do) and redirect it to your affiliate site.

2. Turn Your Ezine Articles Into A Traffic Virus

Next step - convert the best of your articles into small "pdf" files and start giving it out for free with master resale or redistribution rights.

The next thing you know - thousands of copies will be passed around without you having to do the hard work.

TIP: When you turn your ezine articles into viral special reports, ebooks or whatever you choose to call it, never forget to include within it links to tons of your other products or affiliate stuff you promote.

3. Start A Blog & Post Your Already Used Articles

The goal is to milk out all the result you can get from each article. When you start a blog and post your already used Ezine articles, a few things happen over a period of time.

Since your articles are content rich, the search engines will pick them up naturally over a period of time and will start to deliver to you good traffic, your search engine ranking will shoot up, you will have the advantage of creating your own blog community and believe me - it is a whole world of great results from a used article even years after you first published!

TIP: Sign-up for Adsense and have it ready on your blog for visitors to click and make you extra cash.

Now is the time to start digging up all those used and long forgotten articles of yours and start making fresh profits.

Oluwafisayo Akinlolu (c) Copyright, 2006.


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Feel completely free to re-use this article on your website, blog, newsletter and even print publication as long as the resource box is attached and the author given full credit for the article.

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