Making Money Online With Web Publishing

Writen by R.G. Srinivasan

Who doesn't want to make money online? Internet is here to dominate our lives and spreading its tentacles very fast. Every month millions of pages are added to the web space and more and more people are getting online for almost everything – from shopping to e-learning. Would you believe there are even online beggars with payment gateways where you can donate through your credit card if you are feeling charitable. If you do not exploit the internet for marketing your services or products you may as well be living in prehistoric times.

While there are many ways to make money, web publishing is one of the most popular online businesses due to its suitability to internet as a least expensive online publication medium. E-publishing is tailor made for internet.

Content is the key to web publishing. If you specialize in anything at all, and I think everyone does specialize in something, you could start your web publishing business and be up and running in hours. Web publishing could include:


You can start a multi part e-mail course which your subscribers can pay for if you are in a highly specialized area. These courses could be offered either as stand alone subscriber only lessons through your website or offered free to promote your other e-publishing products which I have described here. You can write these courses of 200 to 300 words each lesson.

Creating Special Reports

While special reports are generally offered free to promote your services, you can sell your special reports if you are in exclusive niches. The special reports can be marketed for as low as $1. You only write it once and they can be downloaded from your site for long periods if you keep updating them. Just imagine if they are downloaded by 100 persons every week you pull in $4800 dollars a year for a few hours of work.

Create CD's

Your content can be transferred to CD's and marketed through offline as well as online channels. Your website could be the your shop taking orders and you can ship your orders as many people are still comfortable buying a tangible physical good rather than e-product.

Start an e-zine

This is still a very popular online business with multiple ways to generate income. You may offer a free e-zine within your niche and promote all other content based products. However it may take some time to create a large subscriber base and establish yourself. The key again is good content. Once your ezine becomes popular you can bring out paid subscription based editions.

Write an e-book

This is similar to the special reports. E-books would have more pages with extensive coverage of the chosen subject. Just look at to find out how popular e-Books are.

Web publishing is a huge area of online marketing with an immense potential in the future. I have already written about the future of web publishing in my article featured here. Half dozen e-books could be written on the subject. However it is best to get started and keep learning as you go along.

Srinivasan is a Management professional, Writer and Author. You can view his home-business resources blog at for online marketing tips, resources, opportunities and online promotional strategies.



February 12, 2009 at 1:43 AM

making money online is very popular now a days.
The affiliated marketing
are getting better and better as many of the website owners like to generate traffic for there websites.