Ezine Advertising

Writen by Lata Tokhi

Ezines provide advertisers with highly targeted markets. Ezines are usually narrowed-down to a particular target market. All you need to do is identify ezines that cater to your target market and place ads in those ezines.

Benefits of Ezine Advertising

. Ezine Ads are highly targeted.

. Ezine Ads are very cost effective. An Ezine that goes out to 3000 - 4000 subscribers will charge you only $10-$30 for an ad.

. Ezines use 'opt-in' method of subscription. People who read ezines have subscribed to that particular ezine because they are genuinely interested in its content. Therefore, it is likely that most of them will read your ad and click-through rate (CTR) will be higher.

. Most ezines are archived online and many people read the archived ezine issues through search engines, browsing etc. So, your ad is read by many more people than just the subscribers.

. Many subscribers forward the ezines to their friends and relatives if they find something useful in it. Your ad is likely to be read by more people in such a case.

Types of Ezine Ads

1. Top Sponsor Ads - These ads are generally placed on the top of the Ezine and has a very good response from the subscribers. It is also priced higher than the other ads. There is usually only one Top Sponsor ad.

2. Other Sponsor Ads - There might be other ads like Middle Sponsor or Bottom Sponsor Ads in the Ezine placed at conspicuous spots within the ezine.

3. Classified Ads - Placed usually at the end of the ezines, they are more affordably priced and lesser read.

4. Solo Ads - An exclusive mailing containing only of a single advertisement is sent out to all ezine subscribers. Solo Ads are most expensive as your ad is the only content of that entire mailing.

Finding the Right Ezines to Advertise in

. Targeting is most important. Find ezines that cater to your target market.

. Check the number of subscribers/circulation. Place ads in ezines with at least 500+ subscribers.

. Check the methods of payment acceptable to the editor.

. See the publication frequency. If you do not want to wait a month before your ad appears, advertise in ezines published weekly.

. How many ads does the ezine publish in one issue? Check this beforehand. If there are too many ads, your ad might get lost in the crowd and seen by very few people.

. Last but not the least, see the ad rates. Compare rates, number of subscribers and number of ads in an issue of various ezines and choose the best ones to advertise.

Effective Ezine Ad

An effective and compelling ad is essential for successful ezine advertising. Write or get written a compelling ad with a catchy title and brief, yet rich description within the guidelines of that ezine. Read carefully the terms and conditions, guidelines, maximum text length etc. and prepare an ad accordingly.

Experiment with different text ads by varying the titles, descriptions etc. Track your ads to see which title/description worked best and place future ads accordingly.

Hire the services of a copywriter and get your ads written professionally if you are not good at writing ads. A few dollars spent here will be worthwhile.

About the Author:

Lata Tokhi is a successful website publisher with a network of popular websites. She shares her internet success secrets with you at http://www.MomTycoons.com

Visit some of her other popular websites at http://www.DotComWomen.com, a Home & Lifestyle website and an online community and http://www.Celebrating-Christmas.com, a complete Holiday portal.