Definitional Conflicts With The Word Ezine

Writen by Lance Winslow

Many folks who send out or publish Ezines believe that Ezines must be sent out by email otherwise they are not an Ezine. Others say that an Ezine is an Electronic Magazine. In discussing this recently with several of the leading industry professionals in the Ezine Publishing sub-sector it became apparent to me that there are some definitional conflicts regarding what exactly Ezines are and what would constitute an Ezine.

Personally, I am under the belief that Ezines and Electronic Magazines or Electronic Newsletters and that they are Ezines no matter how they are distributed and they do not necessarily have to be emailed. For instance GM may have 110 locations in 22 countries and if they send an Electronic Newsletter to all their Vendors, Employees and Biggest Customers who are all using a similar computer network, then they would not be using email to send it, yet it is still an Electronic Magazine either way. So, if they use their computer network to send it out then it is an Ezine.

If one of these new online libraries posts an Electronic Magazine in its system, it is an Ezine, having never appeared in print yet displayed on the site. It would still be an Ezine. If someone on a Moon Colony sent a Newsletter to the ground base, they would not be using email perhaps, but the ground base would then send it out by email. So when does it become an Ezine; When it is was created, not when it was distributed you see? So you could say the creation with the intent to email means your creation is an Ezine, but if your never send it is it or is it not an Ezine. Perhaps you might consider all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Revenue Profits From Your Ezine

Writen by Donesia Muhammad

One of the main reasons why publishers start their own ezine is to profit from their publications. This is normally in the form of paid advertisements. Paid advertisements are a great way to generate revenue for your ezine, but there are some things you must know first before you plunge ahead.

Generally once your subscriber list reaches around 1,000 readers then you can start charging for your ad space. Can you start charging at an earlier stage?

Yes, but you may not get the same response as if your list was larger. Unless you have a highly targeted list, for instance if every subscriber has been approved first and all the readers all have an area of expertise in common.

For instance the list can consist of only publishers, or only entrepreneurs of the same type of business. Any type of highly targeted list will offer paid advertisements at an early stage.

There is no need to become greedy and start charging when you have 50 subscribers. Patience is something you have to learn with ezine publishing so you can the benefits later.


Generally you have classified ads, and sponsorship ads.

Classified ads are generally free or very low cost due to the fact that most of these ads are at the bottom and are usually anywhere from 5-15 classified ads in each publication. Classified ads are generally 2-6 lines long. Since the exposure for your ad is very small the price, if any is very cheap.

Publishers often offer bulk deals on classified ads since repeat exposure is what works in ezine advertising.

Most people who don't like to see a lot of these type of ads clustered together, since it doesn't distinguish your ad from the others so they make skip that section. A better exposure for your ads are what is known as sponsorship ads.

Sponsorship ads are longer than classified ads usually up to 8-10 lines in length and has a better position in your ezine. These type of ads are placed in the top position as these are the most expensive because of the readers see these ads first with plenty of white space around so you are getting more for your advertising dollar.

Solo Ads are even more specialized since these ads are the only thing that your reader sees. You can get your point across more with a solo ad than a regular sponsorship but it depends on how often the publisher sends out solo ads. Three or four solo ads per day do not have the same advertising power as sending out a solo ad a few times a week. So publishers take note since most of your unsubscribes happen as a result of too many solo mailings.

One of the most common problems which charging for your paid ads is not knowing what to charge for your ad space.


This can be a difficult question to ask in the beginning without looking at other publications of your size. You generally see lists with a size of 1,000 charge anywhere from $4-8 for a top sponsor ad, and maybe $3-5 for a middle sponsor ad.

Bottom sponsor ads and classified ads are cheapest due to the position of those type of ads which are generally at the bottom. It also depends on how highly targeted your list is. A specialized list charges almost twice as much as a normal opt in list due to it's targeted specialization.

Now I have seen some very greedy publishers charging ridiculous prices which are not worth the price. I have seen one publisher charge $20.00 for a top sponsor ad with a list of 250 subscribers.

This was not a targeted list and I actually laughed when I wondered how many people would actually pay that high price for such a small list. Just because you see other publishers charge $50 or more for an ad check to see how many subscribers they have and how original their content is.

Once you reach over 5,000 subscribers you no longer have a newbie list and you can charge $20 ( for example) for a middle sponsor ad and more. But remember people need more confidence in your ezine before they decide to pull out their credit card.


Online checks, Third party payment processors, or snail mail are some of your options. Your readers will pay you the same way they pay for your products and services. You do have a way for your visitors to purchase your products right?

Most publishers offer paypal as an easy way to accept paid ads It is fast, quick and very convenient.

There are other payment processors that you can use:



You can also provide a mailing address for your readers to mail their payment in the form of a check or a money order. Keep in mind that this is a slower way of accepting payments since you must wait for the payment to arrive in the mail then wait for the check to clear. But this method also makes sense in the long run.

As you grow your list you may end up charging hundreds of dollars for an advertisement. Most people may not have this available funds on their credit cards or they may have a daily spending limit so when you are accepting large payments, this may be one of your popular payment choices.

A Cheaper Free Alternative: Ad Swaps

You can also swap your ezine ad with another publisher in exchange for their ad for no charge. This is a great way to meet other publishers in your niche and to have targeted ads in your ezine. Since this is no cost to you, you have nothing to lose by swapping ads with others.

Overextending Yourself

If you offer $15 for a top sponsor ad in your ezine, then you might figure to go ahead and sell 4 top sponsor ads in each issue. Hey that's $60 an issue, great huh? Not really. When people pay for prime ad space they don't want to see other ads crowding around them. It diminishes the status of their ad and pretty soon your advertisers may want a refund or another alternative. It doesn't pay to be greedy with your profits.

Your advertisers will thank you for that.


There are a couple of things I look for and a few questions you may want to ask a publisher concerning purchasing advertising.

When I look to buy an ad, I first look at the ezine.

1. How many subscribers do they have?

Some would prefer lists of at least 2,000 subscribers depending on your ad budget.

2. Are they telling the truth in their actual subscriber count?

It doesn't pay to lie about your list size. Just like those fake hit counters on website, it just makes you look so unprofessional.

3. How many ads do they place in each issue?

How often do you publish? If all I see are ads, then the other readers are not even bothering to look at your ad.

4. What type of payment options do you offer?

How hard are you going to make it for me to pull out my credit card or check to send it to you.

5. What are your ad guidelines?

Are they easy to find or do I have to go on a scavenger hunt to find your ad rates?

6. What does your website look like?

Many publishers neglect their website in favor of their ezine only and I hate to break it to you, but if advertisers see that you are hosted on a free host, they won't want to buy ads from you on a professional level. They will think that you are obviously not spending your ad revenue on a web host or a domain name so why bother??

7. Where are you getting your subscribers? Why are people subscribing to your ezine?

Did you just buy your entire list? There is nothing wrong with buying targeted subscribers but you may also not have a good communication with your readers if you just bought them and threw them in your list.

Are all your subscribers from an ad coop?

Ad coops are a great way to get subscribers ( I may be bias on this issue since I own an ad coop) but getting subscribers and keeping subscribers is another story altogether.

Why Some Publishers Don't Like Paid Ads

A lot of publishers don't offer paid ads in their ezine. What, do you think they are crazy, that they are missing out on some very lucrative income.

Well Yes and No.

Yes paid advertisements can offer you a steady income stream for your publication efforts. But think about it, if you didn't offer ads, then what ads, if any, would you place in your issues? Your ads, your affiliate products, your services.

Get it..

Good now go sell your ads or put your own ads, but do it the right way for the best results.

"Never compromise your quality for quantity. Don't get greedy with your profits or you will end up with nothing."

Copyright (c) KDM Publishing

Donesia Muhammad has been doing business online since 2001. Sign up For her Newsletter My IBiz Weekly ==> The Business Ezine For All Netpreneurs. Learn how to start and maintain your internet business and ezine, and stay sane while doing it. Read Our Archives and Learn with Valuable Resources. Helping Readers Online Since 2001... And Counting.

Making The Most Of Low Cost Ezine Ads

Writen by Craig Dawber

Did you know that it is possible to reach more than 1000 people with just an investment of £5? That's right, the Internet is the medium where even low cost advertising can get you the eyeballs that you want.

What are the reasons that one should choose the path of ezine advertising. The reasons are fairly logical.

If you have developed a product or a website, then you would definitely need ezine advertising. Ezine advertising can range from the very simple to the most fancy ones. Ezine are small newsletters that are published on specific topics, (the range is prolific and these ezine cover the most basic to the most intriguing topics). These are then mailed to the subscribers.

There are medical journal ezine and those meant for children and well there are several which are even dedicated to porn on the net. So the entire range is vast. The subscribers might range from a few hundred to a few thousand, dependent upon the subject, its use and its versatility.

Most of these ezine are not spam. Their intentions are very genuine and are sent to those subscribers who have opted to receive these subscriptions. Therefore, they include options to opt out of receiving the ezine too.

The ezine are meant to reach the subscribers in a fast, convenient and an affordable way. To meet their financial requirements, they also lease out space on their ezine to potential advertisers who need to reach such a target audience. The revenue generation helps the ezine to offer the subscribers more at a lesser subscription rate. They operate in much the same way as newspaper business does.

The advantages of advertising in the ezine are a plenty.

1. Specifically they can reach a desired target audience. For example, if you have developed a specific accounting tool, then its best to advertise in ezine dedicated to accounting. This will instantly reach the target market of chartered accountants, stock market operators etc. therefore, you would be bang on target.
2. Its instantaneous ezine are published on the Internet. For this very specific reason, the ezine reaches the target market as soon as it is ready to be published. The subscribers can also download it immediately as soon as it 's published on the net. Therefore, your advertisement reaches its intended place without further delay.
3. Like newspapers, ezine ads make the ezine more affordable to subscribe. Ezine ads are also very cost effective. For as little as £5 one can reach 1000 customers/ subscribers.
4. Its possible to also test a small target market, before targeting the entire group. Therefore, ezine ads give much leeway and flexibility to the advertisers.

All good things do have some drawbacks and this is true even of ezine ads. They are few but at times, they can overwhelm you.

1. They are literally thousands of ezine to choose from, as well as hundreds of ezine, which are dedicated to the same topic. It can become difficult for the advertiser to choose which ezine to place the ad, such that they can get maximum mileage out of placing the ad.
2. Negotiation of rates and for how long the advertisement should run can also be a tedious affair.
3. How effective the ad has been in reaching its target customers via the ezine can be a time consuming affair.
4. Deciding whether to stay with the same ezine or changing over to another ezine. This decision can be a tough one.

One can opt for an ezine ad broker. These companies help in finding you the right ezine, in which you can place the ads. Some of these ad broker sites are:

The ad brokers are responsible for the following

1. Verify that the ezine are genuine, who will run the ad after taking advertisement revenue from you
2. Verify the number of subscribers as represented by the ezine
3. Verify that they genuinely pace ads on their websites and not deal in Spam

Usually the ad brokers charge a commission and this can range from £150 onwards.

Effective pointers on how the ezine ad should be

Normally all ezine ads should be 7 lines and have a maximum of 65 characters. Successful ones as shown below:

Do Away with your old cloggy sinks, visit us

Visit us for an exciting new range, built from the latest material

For all your requirements, call 1800-365-FSINKS or
Visit us at

1. Successful advertisements will appeal to the target market. Know what your audience requires from you.

2. Have a catchy phrase or sentence, which will grab the attention of the audience.

3. Promote the website, the aim should be to get as many clicks as possible and furthermore these clicks should spell revenue for you at the end of the day

4. Prepare a number of ads and their sizes; this will help to put the most appropriate one that will catch the attention of the people.

5. Testing of ads is a must – run the ads in a small population to gauge the reaction of the target audience. If need be, you can also change the ad to suit the requirements.

6. The other material should also be in the right format. For example the order form should have been uploaded and working.

This article was written by Craig Dawber of Need advice and guidance with your online business check out the resources found in this website.

Self Publishers And Content Providers Use This Single Tool To Generate All The Traffic They Need

Writen by Christopher Kyalo

Smart self publishers and content providers use a single free tool to generate more traffic than they can possibly handle at their sites and blogs.

The amazing thing is that every unsuccessful self publisher you will find, hardly gives this tool a second glance. This is because some have tried to use it haphazardly and have ended up with haphazard results. However in the hands of a skillful self publisher or content provider, this tool becomes so potent, that I can honestly say here, that it is the only tool I use to generate all my traffic and the substantial profits I enjoy online.

The tool I am referring to is a promotional article. This tool will work best when it is used in four different and distinct ways. Read my article that discusses these four distinct ways in great detail.

Before writing a single promotional article or any content at any of my blogs, I usually take the time to carefully research appropriate keyword phrases. It is absolutely amazing how the right keyword phrase in a self publisher's blog can easily guarantee free traffic of 2000 hits (or even more) on a daily basis.

It is equally amazing how 15 keyword phrases used in a few pages of a blog and generating only 70 hits a day can add up quickly to give a beaming self publisher 1050 hits per day. You cannot begin to imagine what is happening at a blog where the blogger has consistently been using the right keyword phrases for just six short months!!

All this happens quietly as other self publishers, webmasters and bloggers are struggling to pay through their cute noses for traffic. Who said the world was fair?

Christopher Kyalo is a successful online self publisher. Visit his Self Publisher blog to read the other parts of this article and for other amazing success tips. Subscribe to his free email newsletter to discover all the secrets of an amazing online publishing company that generates 100 million dollars a year. Send a blank email now to

3 Steps To Creating Your Own Ezine To Increase Web Site Traffic

Writen by Mark Williams

What if I showed you a simple way to increase web site traffic that could sky-rocket your sales and make you an internet expert.

Would you be interested?

I sure hope so…

First, you have to remember the primary reason people get on to the internet. In case you have forgotten, it is to get INFORMATION. If this is the only thing you take from this article I will be pleased, because it is that important!

Articles provide a great way to get your message out and increase web site traffic. However, publishing an ezine is much more effective because you have a captive audience that is interested in getting your information. The reason they are interested is because they have given you permission to send them your publication by subscribing to it.

A subscriber is a much greater asset than a web site visitor, in the sense that you will be able to communicate to them for as long as you produce your ezine, or until they decide to opt-out.

So remember, when it comes down to which you would rather have…A hit on your site or a subscriber? The subscriber should win every time.

Now that we have determined that the internet is an information platform that CAN be utilized to make transactions and the importance of subscribers to your ebusiness. Let's begin laying out the 3 steps to create your own ezine and increase web site traffic.

Step 1 - Decide on the Topic of Your Ezine Based on Your Niche.

The theme of your ezine needs to be built around your niche. Therefore, if your site is about quilting then you would need to publish an ezine about how to quilt. It could include topics and articles that would be of interest to quilters and possibly even collectors of quilts.

Make sure you stay niche driven! Don't get away from the theme of your web site.

Most of all do not try to be everything to everybody. If quilting is a broad topic you might want to focus on certain aspects of quilting.

Now that you have determined the theme or topic of your ezine here are a few things to consider before you put it all together:

- Determine how often you will publish your ezine. (i.e. monthly, weekly, etc.)

- Will you sell advertising space in your ezine? Most do, but you do not have to. You need to think about your readers, if you think they will be offended by a few ads then you might not want to. I have found that most people do not mind a few ads, just keep it to no more than 3 per issue.

- Are you going to allow other people to submit articles to your ezine? You will get tired of writing all of the content yourself, but make sure that you use quality articles that do not have a bunch of typos and grammatical errors.

Those are a few things to consider before you start to distribute your ezine.

Let's move on to the 2nd step.

Step 2 - Build a List.

It's not the size of your list that matters, it's how good it converts!

You need to focus on techniques to build your list. It is important to have a big list, but not as important as having a quality list. That is why I do not recommend buying subscribers. It is best to build the list yourself!

Below are some ideas to help you grow your list:

- Use pop-ups on your site to encourage visitors to sign up for your ezine.

- Make sure you have a subscribers box on every page of your web site.

- Give away a free e-book or mini-course to encourage people to subscribe. People like free stuff!

- Write articles on topics that are relevant to your ezine. Distribute them to article directories, announcement lists, and to other ezine publishers promoting your ezine. Make sure to put a link in the resource box to your auto-responder.

- Utilize Joint Ventures with other ezine publishers to grow your list. You could do Adswaps with them or even ad their ezine to your subscriber's thank you page in return for adding yours to their thank you page.

- Use Pay per Click advertising to urge people to subscribe.

These are some basic, but very powerful ideas to rapidly grow your subscriber's list. I can guarantee you that if you implement these tactics you will see your subscribers grow by leaps and bounds.

Let's go to the last step.

Step 3 - Promote Your Ezine.

In order to have an ezine that is an effective marketing tool you need to promote it. People have to know that the ezine exists! Follow these tips and they will not only know that it exists, but you will have a monster on your hands.

- Submit your ezine to ezine directories and announcement lists. I have listed a few below for you to utilize:

- Ezine Directories:

1. Directory of Ezines:

2. Ezine-Universe:

3. The Ezine Directory:

- Ezine Announcement Lists:

1. 100 Sightings:

2. 1_List_Advertising:

3. A Announcer:

- Create a web site specifically to host your ezine. Use this web site to promote your ezine, store your archived copies of previous issues, and to gain new subscribers.

- Write articles promoting your ezine and submit them across the internet. Send them to other ezine publishers for submission into their ezine. Make sure you have a link to your auto-responder in your resource box.

- Pursue Joint Ventures with other ezine publishers that will be of benefit to you and your ezine.

By using these 3 steps you can and will develop and distribute a successful ezine. Most ezines never gain the popularity that their publisher hopes for. The reason for this is that they lack quality content in their ezine and never fully promote it.

Keep these 3 key factors in mind and you will have a prosperous and profitable ezine:

1. Stay Niche driven.
2. Grow your list with high quality subscribers.
3. Promote, promote, promote.

Thanks for reading and good luck in your ezine publishing endeavors.

Mark Williams can help you Increase Web Site Traffic by subscribing to The Cash Cow-Zine. Get your free 5 Action-Steps to Online Profits Course.

3 Strategies To Promote Product Through Ezine

Writen by Erny Setyawati

Many Internet marketers have known about Ezine. Ezine or Electronic Magazine usually publish daily, weekly or monthly. Much information could be taken from Electronic Magazine like business article, health, technology, motivation or humor. Many Electronic Magazines could build many members and so electronic magazine was potential place to promote program and product.

Now a question will come to us? Does electronic magazine the best place for promotion? As matter of fact, there are a few ezine offer highest price for promotion. Although there are a few ezine offer low price, like at Vector Central magazine or Bali Global Market ezine. People that have just joined affiliate program, perhaps they never know what is the Ezine mean? As new internet marketer could take information as much as possible from there. We could take marketing strategies, tactic and others breakthroughs. Ezine that have just published usually offer free ad, but according to me, it was not effective because you would competitor with others.

Directory of Ezine is place for electronic magazine assemble around the world. You can see many ezine there and could join free and place free ad for few ezine. You only pay one time for one year, but you can have a chance to promote your product and program as free as possible. There are many ways to promote your program through ezine, let's see strategies below:

1. Trying to write an article.

For new comer on home business on line is very confusing to write article, because this fields is so strange and difficult. The obstacles could be covered by learning and much read about internet marketing. Try to write about the knowledge that you have known after much learning and reading. Try to write with simple words and being understood by some one else. Writing article just same with telling story to others. Submit your article to many ezine. By reading your bibliography, could build good image. People would think that you are professional on that field. You can place your URL link; make every one want to know more about your program and product. Do every Ezine receive article from others authors? Sure, many ezine will receive that idea. Just search submit article on yahoo search, you will find more. Except on, this ezine is more selective to receive article, but you can much learn from them.

2. Trying to write testimony.

Many ezine give a chance to their subscribers to give comment and testimony about them. Like on Vector central ezine and Bali global market ezine would place the best subscriber testimony on their publication. This is the best chance for your promotion. Guarantee that many subscribers would see you and trying to click your URL.

3. Trying to create an ezine or Newsletter. This idea is difficult one. You should create your own website, but for trial and error could create simple Newsletter and send to your subscribers by email. By sending the newsletter, you could place advertisement on it. How do article come from? Just think so simple. Take from others ezine. Consider what do your subscribers like? Affiliate program or about blogging, technology or the others. The best one, if you could write by yourself.

The others problem, where do the subscribers come from? Trying to build list is not easy. If you have joined affiliate program, we are sure you had have down line, make down line as your subscribers. Give them information about the strategies and tactic to make their success on affiliate program. By sending newsletter to your down line, you could communicate with them regularly. Plan the publication, daily, weekly or monthly. Being punctual publication and keep the subscribers love the Newsletter.

Erny Setyawati is the Web Master of and the Publisher / Editor of Bali Global Market Ezine. The Newsletter is full freebies, articles and free advertisement for member. You are tired of spending money for advertisement and need responsive subscribers. Join us today and let's me spread your product and services to our subscribers. Let's visit free at:

How To Make Money Online With A Newsletter

Writen by Joel Teo

Many online internet marketers tell us "its all in the list" and many people lap up stories of guru's emailing thousands in their online list and making a huge profit in the process. Actually you too can start your own email list and make money from it as well. This article will highlight six tips on how you can make more money from your own email list.

1.Have a paragraph to disclose something personal so as to create trust between yourself and your newsletter reader

Most people fail to realize that the reader of a newsletter is very much a person like you and me and they have emotions and feelings and are not reading your newsletter purely for the topic at hand but they need to trust you before they can purchase stuff you recommend. A good way to create trust in your newsletters is to add a personal touch to your emails with some personal revelation that can connect you with your readers. The greater your readers trust you, the more likely they will purchase the stuff that you recommend thus earning you a commission in the process.

2.Spend time keeping up with your area of interest To be able to capture and keep your newsletter audience, it is important that you remain on top of your area of interest. Spending some time daily keeping up to date with your area of interest by reading online news websites and online magazines is a good way to keep up to date. When your tips are current and effective, your readers will thank you and this increases the chances of them telling their friends about your newsletter.

You might want to write some good articles on trends and developments in your area as well and publish them in article directories and then refer to your own articles in your newsletter so as to establish your credibility and authority in your area of interest. The greater influence that you hold over your newsletter readers would mean greater profits for you when you should choose to email them a special offer.

3.Answer your newsletter subscribers Many newsletter publishers are very happy when their newsletter subscribers actually take the time to email them and ask them questions. This helps create trust and you can always grab a free testimonial for your newsletter after you have successfully helped your newsletter reader.

On the other hand, ignoring your subscribers questions is detrimental as you could see and increase in newsletter subscription opt out. So the simple solution is to take the time replying to emails and questions posed to you.

4.Ensure your email newsletter gets delivered

Today with the proliferation of spam filters there are many emails that are not getting through to their intended readers. There are a couple of solutions to this problem:

One of them involves putting your newsletter on your website and emailing your readers with just your link to your website to reduce your chances of your email getting caught by the span filters.

Another method involves ditching the whole idea of email and using direct to desktop readers. Your subscriber downloads a desktop reader and when your newsletter is ready for collection, your desktop readers will then inform you.

With a greater delivery rate, you can see your profits increase exponentially.

5.Use attention grabbing headers

The really advanced affiliate marketers test everything and one of the things they do involves testing their headlines. The use of attention emotion stirring words tend to increase the chances of your newsletter reader opening your email. An example would be in order here. "Secrets of wealth generation revealed in this issue of your Widget newsletter".

Your header therefore should invoke curiosity in the reader so that they open up your newsletter email and click to view it. Obviously the more eyeballs you have reading your email the higher your profits are going to be.

6.Choose applicable affiliate programs

One simple way to make money from your email list is to recommend affiliate products that fit in with the theme of your list. So if your list deals with children education for instance, you could recommend children education toys to your list as a possible choice for a Christmas present. Always choose products that you have personally seen and consider good. Treat your email list like gold and your readers will be very loyal and thank you for the recommendation.

In conclusion, making money with an email list is not that difficult but it takes effort and each step you take today will pay off richly in the future. By treating your newsletter readers as your friends, they will be able to trust you and your recommendations and help you earn commissions when they do purchase what you tell them. The world of online internet marketing is ever expanding and you can make some money with your email list today if you make the effort to try.

By Joel Teo 2005 All Rights Reserved Globally

Joel Teo is a work at home business owner, the owner of several highly successful money making websites.

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Free Ezine Advertising That Works

Writen by Neil Moran

When I say free ezine advertising, I'm not talking about the free ezine ads that some publishers offer, this technique is FAR more powerful than that.

One of the best ways to get free traffic to your site, is to write articles for ezines.

Now before you shudder and click away, it isn't that hard to write a good article.

If you've got a bout of writers block, just search for info related to the subject you want to write about, then re-write it in YOUR OWN words and style, do not copy.

Your article needs to be around 500 - 700 words, with short paragraphs, 5 or 6 sentences.

DON'T try and disguise an advert as an article and forget about putting in your affiliate links, publishers will delete it straight away, if you want to use this approach to promote an affiliate program, you should really get your own domain as it looks more professional.

Once you have put your masterpiece together, leave it a day, then come back to it and re-read it, you'll be surprised what other nuggets of info pop out after a nights sleep, and how many errors seem to jump out at you.

When you're sure your article is ready, run it through a spell checker and format it to 55 - 60 characters per line so the publisher can just cut-n-paste into their ezine.

Don't forget to put your resource box at the bottom of the article! This is what's going to get you a ton of free traffic to your site after all.

Believe me folks, just one half decent article can get you alot of free traffic, I remember one article I wrote was published in a ezine that had a circulation of 500,000, if I wanted to pay for advertising in this particular ezine it would have cost me over $400!

Not only does this technique save you money, it also gives you credability, and alot of ezines turn your articles into web pages that will remain there for years to come.

Get published, get credibility, get free traffic for years to come! I think that's worth a little effort don't you?

About The Author

For an extensive list of places to submit your articles for free get on over to:

How To Create Amp Manage A Successful Article Site

Writen by Mark Machaalani

The internet is flooded with an unlimited amount of websites, fresh ideas and free content and even now as we speak is growing at an unbelievable rate. Knowing all this, do you still wish to build a successful article website? The chances of success sound slim, right?

Well it shouldn't because it actually isn't that hard. I'll get straight into it and tell you step by step the main paths I took to accomplishing my popular article website.

First things first, choose a niche topic or market, in my case it was 'Self Help'. It is vital that you try to remain unique and focus your site on one single topic. Make certain that you do not get carried away and begin adding non-relevant content to your site.

When it comes to choosing a topic, it requires two important steps. Firstly, choose a topic that you are interested in so that you are motivated to build the site. Secondly, choose the topic keywords based on words that are searched for regularly online. Now, in order to get a rough indication of how many people are actually searching for the keywords I wanted to optimize my site for, I used the Overture search suggestion tool. It's not exact, and doesn't measure Google searches, but it does give a very good estimate.

Now it is time to start building the site! I was lucky that my brother is one of the developers of an Online Content Management system called ArticleLive. It's created by Interspire and is so easy to use. I pretty much had an Instant Web Site that gave a feel and look of great quality. I was able to build and manage my own content site from scratch – and this was back when I had absolutely no technical experience!

One of the most vital factors in order to have a successful article site is differentiating your site from the rest and provoking visitors to always come back. How to do this is basic. Simply make sure that all you provide is quality information. And that was exactly what I did and still do.

There are literally millions of articles for me to upload onto my site from other article websites and from authors submitting their articles to me. Note that you are allowed to copy articles off other websites, so long as you keep the original author's bio intact.

It is indeed tempting to quickly upload and add as many articles as you can to grow your site quickly and increase traffic. However, this will only be beneficial in the short term. For the long term, you wish for your visitors to come back to your site over and also continually attract new visitors. Quality articles will help make this happen. I made sure that every single article on my website was proof read at least once as well as be interesting and helpful. All articles trying to sell or advertise a service or product were not accepted. Articles with links in the body were also not accepted. Although this process does take more time and effort, the return on your investment can be huge.

One great form of promoting your article site is to do what I am doing right now. Write an article that relates to the topic of your article site – with your bio and link intact – and submit it to well known article sites around the web. This way your link is displayed all over the web, which as a result will help build your Google Page Rank (if you are unfamiliar with the term 'Page Rank' I highly suggest you begin researching and understanding the importance of it). In addition to this, your article can be read by millions of people all over the world who are highly likely to click on your link and visit your site, just like you are going to do after reading this article :)

There are off course other important factors that affect an article site such as:

• SEO – Search Engine Optimization

• Google Page Rank

• Customer / Visitor feedback and friendly support

• Website look and feel

• ROI – Return on Investment techniques

However, these factors would require an article all to themselves!

Nevertheless, I can not stress enough the importance of quality. Out of every factor mentioned, quality is the one thing that will guarantee your website success in the long run. An article site that offers free and high quality articles is surely guaranteed to attract new visits and sustain loyal visitors. By simply going through the easy steps I went through before, you could easily have one of the best article sites for your choice of topic.

Remember, quality content results in a quality website.

Mark Machaalani is the co-founder of the best online self help website He is also the co-founder of the internet's favourite Health and Weight Loss website Mark has an ardent interest in Self Help and Personal Development and aids people all over the globe through personal and private self help coaching at no cost at all.

Mark can be contacted via email at

A Bird In The Hand

Writen by Theresa Cahill

Today I was on the phone for over an hour with one of our newest advertisers discussing his solo ad. Though by no means a newbie to marketing, it was apparent that he was missing the key PURPOSE to effectively using ezine publications.

When placing your free or paid-for ad, sure you hope for sales. Will you get them? Who knows. Is it worth advertising? You bet!

All ads are good ads. Yes some are written better than others, some pull better than others. But, do you know what the PURPOSE is to ezine advertising?

Longevity and name branding!

Allow me to digress for a moment...

If you use any startpage programs, you know your site is being loaded in front of someone's face somewhere in the world, hopefully on a consistent basis. Do they buy every time they see your website? No, they do not.

So, why do you bother, what's the point?

By ensuring your website is seen over and over, you are BRANDING that website over and over in the minds of the viewer. Repetition, or longevity, increases the awareness of the viewer that your product is "here to stay." You get the orders, mostly over time (of course a good website and top-notch product is crucial, too).

I've seen programs, products, banners, and ads literally hundreds of times before I've spent my money, and I bet you have, too.

Your ezine or solo ad is no different.

To place free or paid advertising EXPECTING orders is a wonderful thing. Is it realistic? Probably not.

Does it serve a PURPOSE? It most certainly does!

Take the time, either free or paid, to get your ad sent out over and over, day after day, week after week. Make persistence and determination in making sure that your ad is seen by hundreds of thousands of opt-in subscribers your goal. Go for LONGEVITY!

If you expect miracles, stop! If you WANT or DEMAND only miracles, give up now. If you think marketing online is "easy," you are in for a rude awakening. It is not easy, it requires commitment, determination, and persistence. It requires WORK.

Make up your mind today to use that "bird in the hand" marketing tool delivered to you daily. It can be the "pot of gold" resource that makes your business a true winner!

© Theresa Cahill - All Rights Reserved. Feel free to distribute this article. Please keep it intact and with the resource box included below.


Theresa Cahill, a two decade veteran of marketing, is the owner of and invites you to take a look at the services of MWA and download helpful information and more at

Top 7 Techniques For Generating Subscribers To A Newsletter

Writen by Adam Davis

Imagine you are sitting at home relaxing reading a book and sipping on ice cold lemonade, your friend calls you up to tell you about a new product on the market.You can't help but get excited because you know your subscribers will be interested!

After signing up for the products affiliate program you send a recommendation of that product to your subscribers and instantly net yourself some cash just by pressing the SEND button! Not only that but your customers actually say 'Thanks for pointing me in the right direction!' Does this sound like fun to you?

If it does then read below, as this is the Number 1 marketing strategy you need to implement to be continuously successful online.

Start collecting email addresses today.

Even if you don't have a website up and running I want you to call everyone you can think of who would be interested in your niche and write down there email address (This doesn't mean calling up people in the Yellow Pages and asking them, unless you enjoy having people scream in your ear of course).

Below are my Top 7 Techniques to boosting your opt-in rate starting with the most obvious.

1. Place a 'Subscribe To My Newsletter' at the top, side and bottom of your webpage, even your articles and copy should have a mention of your newsletter in them somewhere. This may seem obvious but it is surprising how many people have newsletters but only promote them on their home page.

2. Include the 'Benefits of Subscribing' to the newsletter, rarely do people sign up to a newsletter without knowing what is in it for them. For example you could write 'Sign up to my free newsletter to learn all the latest cutting edge secrets and techniques for building a castle out of cards'.

3. Give your visitors an 'Incentive to Sign Up' like a free ebook or a discount on products. Nothing works better than an incentive, give your subscribers something free only after they have confirmed their email address with you. Make sure your incentive is related to your niche (There is no point giving someone a discount on cars if you sell dog shampoo as there is a good chance they are just signing up for the discounted cars and have no interest in dog shampoo).

4. Place a 'Privacy Statement' next to the sign up box for the security-conscious visitors who come to your site. This reassures them of your intentions with there contact details and will also show that you respect your subscribers privacy.

5. Use 'Viral Marketing' strategies to turn one subscriber into five. This is simple, give the subscriber something for free or a further discount on a product or service if they refer four of there friends who may be interested in the newsletter as well. Suddenly you have turned one subscriber into five!

'Why Five?' you ask?

Well I have tested this and have found that people often have more than one email address and they (thinking that they are smart) type them in instead of there friends. Trouble is the average person only has one or two email addresses. So after they type in there own they are then forced to think about there friends for the last two.

6. 'Co-Registration Partners' are a fantastic way to build a subscriber list! All you need to do is search on Google for web pages that are on similar topic to you and email the owner about setting up a co-registration with that person. When someone fills in their details to subscribe to your newsletter you add a checkbox underneath that asks if they wish to sign up to your partner's newsletter also. Remember there is no such thing as a competitor on the web just potential joint venture partners!

7. Pay a 'Co-Registration Service' to generate you subscribers in exchange for cash, my personal recommendation is Nitro List Builder -, the only problem is the subscribers aren't that quality and you have to be prepared to spend some cash. There are ways of making this list warm up to you, but i'll dive into that next time.

After implementing these techniques I can guarantee you plenty more subscribers, I can not stress to you how important building a list is on your website. I want you to implement one of the above today and contact me after a week to see if your subscribers have increased.

Have a great day!

Adam Davis is an Internet Marketer based in Australia, he has been selling online for 2 years.

At only 17, he sold his successful e-commerce business to focus on helping other people to effectively market their products and services on the internet.

Check out for more Tips, Tools and Information to boost your traffic, sales and maximize your profit.

The Mighty Marketing Newsletter

Writen by Neil Sagebiel

For many companies and organizations, it's a powerful marketing tool that attracts and retains customers. I'm referring to the dependable, hard-working newsletter.

On the subject of newsletters, guerilla marketing guru Jay Conrad Levinson says, "It's a way of staying in touch, proving your expertise, giving beneficial information and gaining confidence."

Newsletters can be used for marketing, public relations, sales support, associations, or many other purposes.

But how do you publish a successful newsletter?

Following are some simple strategies that have worked well for my clients and me.

Content and Style

Consistently providing editorial value is the key to a successful newsletter. Measuring content against a set of objectives is one way to accomplish this.

What is the purpose of your newsletter? What are you trying to deliver to your readers?

Another way is simply to remember what you're publishing -- a "news" letter. After all, "newsletter" is the marriage of two common words: "news" and "letter." If you make your newsletter newsy, providing readers the latest information on subjects they care about, you can't go wrong.

Does all content have to be cutting-edge news? No. Editorial content can be a new slant on an old subject. It can be time-tested tips that are good reminders to an interested audience. Or sometimes it's information that isn't new but useful to people in a new stage of life -- parenting, for instance.

Whatever the content, it should be relevant to readers. If unsure, just ask yourself: How can readers use this information? Is there take-away value?

The second word, "letter," helps to establish a writing style and tone. I like to write articles and newsletters as if I'm writing to one person in a friendly, conversational tone.

Newsletters are often a dialogue with customers -- the lifeblood of your business -- so the tone, while friendly, needs to be respectful. Just avoid writing newsletters that are stiff, formal and self-important.

Story Ideas

In the abstract, thinking "news" is great. However, a few concrete ideas can help kick start a newsletter. Here is a partial list:

* News
* Product and service stories
* Product and service tips
* Special offers, promotions and sales
* Explanatory articles (how it works)
* Case histories
* Industry updates
* Do's and don'ts
* Appropriate humor
* Quotes and testimonials
* Checklists
* Interviews
* Profiles
* Letters
* Community involvement

Want some more good ideas? Collect and read newsletters. What do you like? What can you apply?

Create a newsletter file and fill it with company and industry news items. Keep a list of ideas, talk to customers, attend trade shows and seminars, and read as much as you can.

By keeping yourself well informed, your newsletter will stay current and interesting to your readers. Finally, publish your newsletter on a regular basis and your sales are sure to increase.

(c) 2005 Neil Sagebiel

Neil Sagebiel is a veteran copywriter who has served clients such as Microsoft, The Seattle Times, Lucent Technologies, March of Dimes, Airborne Express and Unisys. To sign up for his FREE expert tips to help you write better and sell more, visit

Why Selfpublish Your Book

Writen by Ceci Miller

When I meet an author with a great book concept, one who's definitely the right person to write that book, right away I'll often encourage him or her to self-publish. This is because I know that, if an author is thoroughly invested in what they have to say, and if they're determined to create a buzz about their message, they'll discover ...

5 Fantastic Benefits of Self-publishing

1. Control. When you enter into a contract with a major publishing house, you're signing an exclusive agreement that prevents your having input into most of the important decisions that will affect your book's perception by the public, and its sales. You'll have very little say about the look and feel of your book cover, the endorsements that appear on the back of your book, or the wording of your press release, for example. And since all of the above elements are critical to giving your book its best chance for bestseller status, such loss of control can pose significant problems. "But don't publishers know better than I what to do to sell a book?" you may ask. Not necessarily. Authors usually know more about their book's subject—and hence, about their target audience (market)—than anyone else. Hey, they wrote the book!

More food for thought about signing with a major publishing house: If for some reason your book doesn't sell quickly and the publisher lets it go out of print, there's often a "waiting period" before the author is allowed to self-publish the book to get it back on the shelves. In the meantime, the reading public sees that your book is "out of print" and a great deal of word-of-mouth damage is done. Self-publishing means that you are at the helm of your book project. Of course, it also means that the responsibility for its success rests in your hands. But when you believe in your message and know that you're going to do everything in your power to get that message out to your target audience, isn't it a good feeling to know that you're the one driving its success in the marketplace?

I suggest a balance of control and delegation. The right publishing ally can coach you through the process of writing and editing your book, and will also advise you to design and market your message in a way that gets optimum results. Your publishing ally may be a book editor, a publishing consultant, a published author, or all three. If she's worth her salt, though, she'll know what it will take to get your book published, and she'll know how to help you make it happen.

2. Money. Why does it make good business sense to self-publish? Consider the following: a contract with the book publisher doesn't give you an ironclad guarantee that your book will ever and upon the shelves. If you're a new author, your publisher will allocate zero marketing dollars to promote your book. It's sink or swim! If your book does sell well, it will be due to your own hard work and ingenuity—and your reward will be a tiny fraction of the book's total profits. Self-publishing admittedly involves more capital risk, but it also means that the extensive footwork you do to market your book will go to producing income for the person who most deserves it. After all, you're the one who's doing all the work to ignite word-of-mouth about your book. Not only that, you wrote it! Don't you deserve to reap 100% of the profit?

3. No Waiting, No Rejection. The Cinderella story of the little book that gets discovered by a publisher and becomes an overnight bestseller is mostly just that—a fairytale. Yes , it happens. But it hasn't been happening a whole lot lately. In the current publishing climate, with major houses paying gigantic advances to celebrity authors—their "cash cows"—not much is left to spend on developing new talent. Let's be honest: a publisher isn't going to spend a dime marketing a book by an as yet unknown author. To get your book considered for publication in the first place, you'll need to have an extremely convincing marketing strategy in place which you intend to implement on your own, at your own expense! Such as the case in every genre from children's books to alternative health to historical novels. First-time authors are being turned away en masse. And since many nonfiction book projects are time-sensitive—well-placed offerings intended to respond to a specific market trend —their authors often while way their precious window of opportunity waiting for agents or publishers to respond to a proposal. It isn't impossible to get a major publishing house interested in a book by a first-time author, but it's getting more difficult all the time. Self-publishing removes the wait (and the accompanying weight from your shoulders) and the discomfort of rejection from the process of getting your book into print.

4. Independence. Self-published authors are usually people with confidence in their message. Many have already developed a following by giving talks and seminars in areas where they live and work. Experts know when they have a powerful personal message—they don't need a publisher's approval to pump themselves up. Such authors, many of whom are already seasoned professionals, self-publish their books because they love being in the driver's seat of their book project. Rather than gamble that a big corporation will treat their book with the respect it deserves, such an author takes the publishing reins to ensure that her message reaches the widest possible audience. No one cares more about your book than you do.

5. Power of Belief. The power of belief in our words is what makes promises good and turns dreams into reality. Authors who self-publish their books believe deeply that others will benefit from reading what they have to say. They have unshakable conviction. Such authors often tell me, "I had to write this book. I just have to get it out there!" Deep belief is the selfless power that drives all true service and makes a difference in the world. Authors with a strong sense of purpose know that they can make their books succeed. They don't want to wait around for a publishing house to "accept" their work. Aware that time is precious, such authors create their own publishing opportunities. They get behind their own message. They launch a campaign fueled with belief in the creative power of intention.

Every good editor or publishing consultant knows that the best way to make your book a true success is to create and market a message that you will both be proud of for years to come. Creating uplifting books is a passion. Make it yours, and every one of your books sold will be a vote of confidence in yourself and the rest of humanity!

About The Author

Ceci Miller, MFA, President of CeciBooks Editorial & Publishing Consultation, has been writing and editing books with bestselling authors since 1988. A graduate of the University of Iowa Writer's Workshop, Ceci Miller has written, co-authored and edited numerous published books, and worked as staff editor for an international magazine. For a free initial consultation, or more information, go to

5 Good Reasons For Using Yahoogroups To Start Your Own Ezine

Writen by Silvia Hartmann

List servers and list serving software can be a TOTAL NIGHTMARE. Trust me, I know ...

If you are new to Internet Marketing, or just new to the way of web business, and there's all these other things to learn and think about, there are five VERY good reasons to leave commercial list serving software systems alone for now and simply use a Yahoogroup to do all the work for you.

1. EVERYBODY Knows ...

... what a Yahoogroup is, and even if they don't, they'll soon pick it up. By using Yahoogroups, you are tapping into a long, long established institution that is globally known and trusted; this will make it much easier to get people who don't really know you yet to subscribe to your ezine or newsletter.

2. Yahoogroups are very easy.

Even for absolute beginners, Yahoogroups are easy to set up and easy to manage. You don't have to worry about the vagaries of AOL emails, double opt in procedures, anti-spam declarations, unsubscription features or any of it, it's all taken care of for you. They also come with little sign up boxes and buttons, and the admin interface, although not exactly intuitive, can soon be worked out by trial and error.

3. Yahoogroups messages don't get caught in spam filters.

Spam filters are the SCOURGE of ezines and email delivery. When you send your messages via the Yahoogroups delivery system, this is not a problem; as Yahoo is such a mega beast, it has its own exceptions in mostly all spam filters known to mankind and your messages WILL at least reach their intended recipients.

4. Yahoogroups have useful extra features.

You can do a lot with a Yahoogroup if you are willing to spent some time on it. Weblinks, an attractive group page, bookmarks, file downloads and more are all available for the beginner web entrepreneur to optimise and use, easily at that.

5. Yahoogroups are FREE.

Alright, so the group messages carry third party advertising, but that is a very small price to pay for access to a system that can easily and very elegantly serve hundreds of thousands of messages, that is reliable and steady and so well known. Other than that, there are no set up fees, no ongoing charges, and it's there for you whenever you want it.

Once you are ready to do so, you can export your list and put it on your own personal commercial list server systems, complete with technicians who take care of everything behind the scenes - until then, and if you haven't done this before, to simply use Yahoogroups for ezine delivery is a really good way to get started with your ezine and to build up your subscriber base.

About The Author
Silvia Hartmann is the author of MindMillion. You can get a GREAT free wealth booster course written by Silvia at

Should You Use A Magazine Publisher

Writen by Cathy Seiler

Thinking of starting your own magazine or newsletter? If you do have a good idea that you want to market, be sure to do your homework so that you can be well prepared for a magazine launch. To help you succeed, you may want to enlist the services of a magazine publisher who can help you with many of the details of publishing a magazine.

A magazine publisher can help with many of the startup, marketing, production, and distribution tasks that need to be taken care of for a magazine's launch and longevity. They can provide sound advice based on years of experience, and help you avoid pitfalls along the way.

Before you decide to look for a magazine publisher, it's important to have a well thought out business plan in place that clearly outlines your product and audience, marketing strategy, financial plan and analysis, your management team, industry analysis, and competition. Once you have your business plan, you can determine what startup capital you have available to work with, and you also have a clearly stated plan that you can use as a basis for future discussions with various magazine publishers.

Do some research on various magazine publisher options to come up with a short list of those you might want to talk to, and what services they offer. Each publishing company will have their own strengths and weaknesses, and their own mix of services and features. Magazine publishing companies can offer a range of services; launching and startup advice, design and development, editorial expertise, printing and production, advertising campaigns, telemarketing, web site development and design. You need to determine what services you want to utilize, and which ones you may want to do yourself.

Meet with each publishing company, present your business plan, and see what they can offer you in terms of service and price. While many services may sound great, they often are not cheap, so you need to select those services that will leverage the publishing company's strengths and augment your weaknesses, so that you can get the most value for your money. Talk to them about how they might be able to help you gain circulation and advertising dollars, which is the key component to sustaining any magazine. Ask them how they have helped other clients succeed, and have them provide specific examples of their magazine publisher expertise.

A key component of your new magazine will be a website, and in fact, many magazines are now starting out as e-zines, purely electronic magazines, to reduce initial costs. While magazine owners report that they don't typically get the bulk of advertising dollars directly from a website, it is necessary to host content, generate ads, increase readership and circulation, get feedback, and advertise. A well developed and interesting website can definitely complement and boost your print magazine with the aid of a magazine publisher.

For anyone considering starting a new magazine, expert advice and good ideas are critical to magazine success. A good magazine publisher can provide these missing components to the inexperienced, deliver services, and take care of details that allow you to focus on the most critical aspects of your magazine.

Cathy Seiler writes Magazine Publisher articles for her website.

Ezine Advertising

Writen by Lata Tokhi

Ezines provide advertisers with highly targeted markets. Ezines are usually narrowed-down to a particular target market. All you need to do is identify ezines that cater to your target market and place ads in those ezines.

Benefits of Ezine Advertising

. Ezine Ads are highly targeted.

. Ezine Ads are very cost effective. An Ezine that goes out to 3000 - 4000 subscribers will charge you only $10-$30 for an ad.

. Ezines use 'opt-in' method of subscription. People who read ezines have subscribed to that particular ezine because they are genuinely interested in its content. Therefore, it is likely that most of them will read your ad and click-through rate (CTR) will be higher.

. Most ezines are archived online and many people read the archived ezine issues through search engines, browsing etc. So, your ad is read by many more people than just the subscribers.

. Many subscribers forward the ezines to their friends and relatives if they find something useful in it. Your ad is likely to be read by more people in such a case.

Types of Ezine Ads

1. Top Sponsor Ads - These ads are generally placed on the top of the Ezine and has a very good response from the subscribers. It is also priced higher than the other ads. There is usually only one Top Sponsor ad.

2. Other Sponsor Ads - There might be other ads like Middle Sponsor or Bottom Sponsor Ads in the Ezine placed at conspicuous spots within the ezine.

3. Classified Ads - Placed usually at the end of the ezines, they are more affordably priced and lesser read.

4. Solo Ads - An exclusive mailing containing only of a single advertisement is sent out to all ezine subscribers. Solo Ads are most expensive as your ad is the only content of that entire mailing.

Finding the Right Ezines to Advertise in

. Targeting is most important. Find ezines that cater to your target market.

. Check the number of subscribers/circulation. Place ads in ezines with at least 500+ subscribers.

. Check the methods of payment acceptable to the editor.

. See the publication frequency. If you do not want to wait a month before your ad appears, advertise in ezines published weekly.

. How many ads does the ezine publish in one issue? Check this beforehand. If there are too many ads, your ad might get lost in the crowd and seen by very few people.

. Last but not the least, see the ad rates. Compare rates, number of subscribers and number of ads in an issue of various ezines and choose the best ones to advertise.

Effective Ezine Ad

An effective and compelling ad is essential for successful ezine advertising. Write or get written a compelling ad with a catchy title and brief, yet rich description within the guidelines of that ezine. Read carefully the terms and conditions, guidelines, maximum text length etc. and prepare an ad accordingly.

Experiment with different text ads by varying the titles, descriptions etc. Track your ads to see which title/description worked best and place future ads accordingly.

Hire the services of a copywriter and get your ads written professionally if you are not good at writing ads. A few dollars spent here will be worthwhile.

About the Author:

Lata Tokhi is a successful website publisher with a network of popular websites. She shares her internet success secrets with you at

Visit some of her other popular websites at, a Home & Lifestyle website and an online community and, a complete Holiday portal.

10 Must Haves For A Successful Enewsletter

Writen by Annette Elton

E-Newsletters, commonly called 'E-Zines', are a must have for any business in today's aggressive economy. E-Newsletters, done correctly, are a creative, non-aggressive method of reaching your current clients and building your prospect base at little or no cost. They not only provide useful information to subscribers on a consistent basis but they are a valuable marketing tool that allows you to enter their lives regularly, to get your name, and products or services, in front of them without the heavy sell.

The following pages contain a list of 'must haves' from the beginning to the end of your newsletter, and everything in between.

First and foremost, your E-Newsletter must have a:


Your newsletter's headline, otherwise known as the subject of the e-mail, is responsible for 50-75% of its success. Other than whom the e-mail is from, it is what your reader sees first. Without a successful headline, your e-mail is destined for the trash can and you've missed a golden opportunity to reach clients and prospects with your message.

Writing a good headline is tricky and something people spend years learning and practicing. That being said, there are a few keys to a successful headline that I'd like to share with you.

● Appeal to your reader's self interest. Provide a benefit to your reader and make it personal to your audience of clients and prospects. Example: "10 Ways To Increase Your Portfolio Earnings Overnight." This type of headline might work for a financial investment firm, or an accountant. A headline can be tailored to any industry and what your readers are interested in.

● Make it Newsworthy Headlines using the words 'new', 'now', 'finally', 'announcing', and 'latest' give the reader a sense of newsworthiness. "New Soil Conditioner Increases Plant Life By 10%." This headline is both newsworthy and it appeals to the reader's self interest-assuming that the newsletter is going to clients of a nursery, florist and the like and not to an automotive repair shop!

● Appeal to the reader's emotions. Fear, Pride, Insecurity, Curiosity, Love, Happiness, Boredom, Laziness, and Altruism are among many of the emotions that you can use to motivate your reader to open your newsletter. "How To Ask Your Boss For A Raise," would be good headline for a staffing company. It appeals to the reader's curiosity. Another curiosity driven headline might be "10 Questions You Should Never Ask A Prospective Client."

One last thing to remember about Headlines: make them believable. Nothing gets deleted faster than an outrageous and unbelievable headline.


It may seem obvious, but one thing that is consistently overlooked in E-Newsletter publication is the volume number and date. Every newsletter that you send should have a volume number and a date to be consistent. Consistency is key to establishing yourself and your company as a reliable and credible source of information and the kind of company that your customers will return to time and again.

Additionally, by providing a consistent publication date, and volume, you give your readers a method to archive and/or search when they're hunting through old issues for the amazing content that you've supplied them.

By organizing your newsletters by volume and date, you also make it easier to track each issue's effectiveness.


Each newsletter that you put out to the world should have a consistent theme running throughout. Regardless if you have one article or ten, they should be linked with your theme-and your theme should be referenced in the headline.

A doctor's office might run an issue with the theme of fighting the flu just before flu season. The newsletter might contain articles pertaining to it like diet, supplementation, and inoculations etc. Similarly, they could offer a theme on allergies in early spring.

A restaurant might highlight specific ingredients, time saving tips in the kitchen, or upcoming seasons and holidays. The articles could reference menu items or recipes that they use as a marketing tie in.

An Auto repair shop might address tune ups in one issue and preparing for summer vacations in the next. They could talk about braking-how to brake, different types of brakes, when to replace brakes, common problems with brakes etc…

You're getting the picture. CPA firms, printers, transportation companies, every industry has a specific client population with specific needs and interests. If you have a new product, how that product integrates into your customer's lives could be a theme-say a commercial construction company provides installation of a new type of roofing--there's the theme for the newsletter. Themes are easy to come by; the trick is sticking to them.


Your newsletter must contain useful information. Content Is Key! Even if your newsletter contains an editorial piece, you need to give your readers something valuable.

We're a nation hungry for information. Non-fiction consistently outsells fiction in the bookstores and ease of information is in high demand. As far as information goes—Nothing Is Better Than Free, Helpful Information Delivered To You On A Consistent Basis!

According to an article recently published by the Newsletter & Electronic Publishers Association —"Publishers need high-value content to reach readers and advertisers. ……editorial quality is just as important for a free newsletter as it is for a subscription newsletter. ……advises publishers to talk with their user base at all times, survey readers and know their needs.

This quotation ties in to the next E-Newsletter necessity:

5. An Option for Reader Feedback

An option for reader feedback in a newsletter is a good way to build your community and to add content to the publication. It not only lets you know what the readers are responding to in your newsletter but it encourages reader participation and people, whether they admit it or not, like to see their name in print.

A simple feedback form occasionally included in the newsletter or a more consistent 'Dear Abby' type column where readers ask questions and you (as the expert) answer them, is the easiest way to include this feature into your publication.


Besides endearing your clients and prospects to you and your company, the main purpose of an E-Newsletter is to build your business or in other words, SELL.

Don't let a single issue go by without some kind of offer; a click through to your web site, a coupon, a new product for sale in your store or on your website, an inside sale.

Tie the offer in to your theme and with a good headline, you have a sure hit! Let's go back to our very first headline "10 Ways To Increase Your Portfolio Overnight." Let's assume that the newsletter is from a team of financial advisors.

The broad theme is increasing your portfolio; let's assume that one of the methods of increasing it is to invest in pharmaceuticals. The offer might be a seminar/webinar/teleseminar on investing in pharmaceuticals. The options are endless to present this product.

Basic clicks through to your website for more information, a 'click here to register' type of option, or a registration form right in the newsletter are just some of the possibilities.


Again, the reason for your newsletter is to sell your product or service. If you don't have at least one link to your website then you're not giving the newsletter the chance to do its job.

If you don't have a website-GET ONE!

No matter what your business, a web presence is a necessity for your business to grow and a courtesy to your clients. From basic business information like hours and staff information to newsletter archives and products, a website gives your customers a place to go when they're not with you. To put it simply, a web presence expands and embraces your customer community and it provides one more way to build your current client base.

Links to your website in your newsletter provide not only a tool to sell but they're also great tools for realizing the effectiveness of your website. They're measurable.


Viral marketing is a term used by marketing specialists which simply means encouraging current customers and prospects to share your message with their colleagues and friends.

Viral Marketing is FREE FOR YOU. A simple message consistently included in each and every newsletter, preferably in the same place each time, that encourages recipients to forward your newsletter to friends, family, and colleagues is all you need. The bonus is that there is an implied endorsement of your services to recipients of your forwarded newsletter.


While an E-Newsletter is a great source for building your opt-in database, you MUST provide your recipients an option to opt-out. No one likes to be trapped into receiving an unwanted e-mail.

A simple "Click here to unsubscribe" will suffice.

Be sure to make good on all opt-out requests to avoid angering and alienating clients and prospects.


An E-Newsletter signature isn't your signed name at the bottom of each publication, though it can be. In direct mail, a signature is your company information and a possible disclaimer listed at the bottom of the page. Think 'footer', if you're familiar with word processing. A signature could look something like this:

All material on this site is provided for information only and may not be construed as medical advice or instruction. No action should be taken based solely on the contents of this information; instead, readers should consult appropriate health professionals on any matter relating to their health and well-being. 1800-555-1212 or e-mail us at

Or for a more personal touch

Joe Dingo

It is important to have a signature for several reasons:

1. Consistency
2. Ease of use. If the reader prints out the newsletter then your contact information is readily available.
3. Professional appearance.
4. Another opportunity for your client/prospect to contact you by clicking on your web link or e-mail link.
5. Possible legal protection.

There are an abundance of tips to improve the effectiveness of your E-Newsletter but the 10 basics I've highlighted are vital to produce an effective, quality, marketing E-Newsletter that your readers will value and enjoy and your business will prosper from.

Happy Writing and Selling!

Annette Elton is a freelance copywriter who specializes in E-Newsletters and Direct Mail. She has been creating newsletters and marketing materials for businesses and non-profits for 17 years. Please visit for more information and articles on E-Newsletter writing and publication.

The 60 Minute Ezine

Writen by Genesis Davies

Nowadays, everyone knows that an e-zine or email newsletter is one of the best ways to build your opt-in list. But do you have time to put together your own e-zine? After all, if you are a typical e-business person, you already design and maintain your own website, market and promote your product or service and do all your own research. That doesn't leave a lot of spare time to spend writing valuable content for your e-zine!

The answer is yes, you just need to know how to go about it. The first thing to decide is the focus of your e-zine. It should closely follow the theme of your website, but if you cover many topics on your site, you can narrow it down to the most popular topic. Check your page hits to find out what your visitors are most interested in.

Once you have your topic, you are ready to begin. Here are the steps to take to get your ozone done in just one hour!

- Look up relevant articles on free content sites such as Save two or three articles to your computer. If you don't care about having the same exact content as possibly thousands of other people, you can just use the articles as is, keeping the author information and resource box intact. Time required: 10 minutes

- Find more information. Do a quick search on Google on the article topics to pick up a few more tidbits to add to the articles. Time required: 10 minutes

- You can hire a professional writer to write articles for your ezine for a small fee. Post an ad on or Or, if you feel confident in your writing abilities, do some quick research and put together a couple of list articles (the fastest type). Time required: 35 minutes (if you do it yourself), 10 minutes (hire a freelancer).

- Add a personal note. Type a quick note to head your newsletter, letting your readers know what's going on with you. This adds a personal touch and will make your readers feel like they know you. Time required: 5 minutes

That's it, you have your e-zine ready to go! The only thing you need to do now is find a good auto-responder. You will want one that offers the option of producing multiple ezines in case you want to expand later on. A service that provides personalization is also great, it's just another detail that you don't have to worry about.

Genesis Davies is a freelance writer who currently runs 2 websites and an ezine. Check out her business site. Sign up for her free Create a Sizzling Ezine course

Making Money Online With Web Publishing

Writen by R.G. Srinivasan

Who doesn't want to make money online? Internet is here to dominate our lives and spreading its tentacles very fast. Every month millions of pages are added to the web space and more and more people are getting online for almost everything – from shopping to e-learning. Would you believe there are even online beggars with payment gateways where you can donate through your credit card if you are feeling charitable. If you do not exploit the internet for marketing your services or products you may as well be living in prehistoric times.

While there are many ways to make money, web publishing is one of the most popular online businesses due to its suitability to internet as a least expensive online publication medium. E-publishing is tailor made for internet.

Content is the key to web publishing. If you specialize in anything at all, and I think everyone does specialize in something, you could start your web publishing business and be up and running in hours. Web publishing could include:


You can start a multi part e-mail course which your subscribers can pay for if you are in a highly specialized area. These courses could be offered either as stand alone subscriber only lessons through your website or offered free to promote your other e-publishing products which I have described here. You can write these courses of 200 to 300 words each lesson.

Creating Special Reports

While special reports are generally offered free to promote your services, you can sell your special reports if you are in exclusive niches. The special reports can be marketed for as low as $1. You only write it once and they can be downloaded from your site for long periods if you keep updating them. Just imagine if they are downloaded by 100 persons every week you pull in $4800 dollars a year for a few hours of work.

Create CD's

Your content can be transferred to CD's and marketed through offline as well as online channels. Your website could be the your shop taking orders and you can ship your orders as many people are still comfortable buying a tangible physical good rather than e-product.

Start an e-zine

This is still a very popular online business with multiple ways to generate income. You may offer a free e-zine within your niche and promote all other content based products. However it may take some time to create a large subscriber base and establish yourself. The key again is good content. Once your ezine becomes popular you can bring out paid subscription based editions.

Write an e-book

This is similar to the special reports. E-books would have more pages with extensive coverage of the chosen subject. Just look at to find out how popular e-Books are.

Web publishing is a huge area of online marketing with an immense potential in the future. I have already written about the future of web publishing in my article featured here. Half dozen e-books could be written on the subject. However it is best to get started and keep learning as you go along.

Srinivasan is a Management professional, Writer and Author. You can view his home-business resources blog at for online marketing tips, resources, opportunities and online promotional strategies.

Email Newsletter Format Html Or Text

Writen by Mario Sanchez

An email newsletter is probably the most effective way to communicate with your target audience. One of the main considerations before you create and deliver an email newsletter is what format to use: HTML or Text.

Until a few years ago, some email programs couldn't handle HTML. Nowadays that is not an issue, since most email programs are HTML compatible: AOL versions 6 and higher, Internet Explorer versions 4 and higher, Microsoft Outlook and Outlook Express, Eudora, Yahoo Mail, and Hotmail all support HTML. HTML email newsletters can easily be managed and sent using services like Constant Contact or Vertical Response.

Using HTML for your newsletter can be a plus from a usability perspective. Studies conducted by usability guru Jakob Nielsen show that most people prefer HTML newsletters because their enhanced layout makes articles easier to read (provided that the design of the HTML newsletter is clean and simple). The same design guidelines recommended for web pages also apply to HTML email newsletters.

However, HTML newsletters are often confused with unwanted advertising, since HTML is the format of choice for marketers trying to sell their wares and services through email messages. For this reason, text email newsletters are still popular, since their plain, no frills look helps differentiate them from advertising.

Text is also the format of choice for those who use a free service (like Topica or Yahoo! Groups) to administer their mailing lists and deliver their email newsletters, since these free services usually don't support HTML. If you use text, remember that you won't be able to use formatting tags, such as bold or underline, and that you must create hyperlinks by adding the prefix http:// before the URL (or the prefix mailto: before the email address, if you want to create an email link).

The approach I prefer is a hybrid between HTML and text. I compose my email messages in HTML, but using only text. HTML allows me to use simple formatting tags like bold, underline and italics, and a nice, screen-friendly font. I use a lot of white space to facilitate scanning, and include only a summary of each article, with a link to the full article (which is hosted on my website), since most users don't like to read long articles in the body of email messages.

My email newsletters, therefore, are similar to the table of contents of a magazine, in the sense that they give readers a broad overview of the current edition's content, and tell them where to find it if they are inclined to read further.

This hybrid format is never mistaken for advertising, is easy to read and scan, and loads fast. Furthermore, by offering links to the full articles, your users will be encouraged to visit your website, where they can have access to more information and learn about your products and services.

About The Author

Mario Sanchez is a Miami based freelance writer who focuses on Internet marketing and web design topics. He publishes The Internet Digest ( ), a growing collection of web design and Internet marketing articles, tips and resources. You can freely reprint his weekly articles in your website, ezine, or ebook.

Internet Marketing Tools Part Nine Ezine Basics

Writen by Shelley Lowery

One of the most powerful marketing tools used on the Internet is the ezine. An ezine, also known as an email magazine, online publication or electronic newsletter is simply a newsletter available via email and/or online. There are hundreds of thousands of ezines on various subjects available on the Internet free of charge.

Publishing an ezine is a great way to build an opt-in list of potential customers. Not only will it enable you to share your expertise, but it will also build your credibility. Developing a trusting relationship with your subscribers is the key to your ezine's success. You must have a sincere desire to assist your subscribers to the best of your ability. Provide them with helpful information that will teach and inform in regard to the subject matter.

Although offering your ezine to your subscribers free of charge may seem to be a waste of time, you have to look at the entire picture. This publication will enable you to have a direct line of communication with your subscribers. Your subscribers are not just subscribers -- they're actually targeted potential customers. When they subscribed to your publication, they were letting you know they have an interest in your ezine's focus. This provides you with the opportunity to advertise your products or services, and provide them with recommendations.

Once you've developed a trusting relationship, your recommendations will be very effective. However, you must only recommend a product or service that you truly believe in, as your professional reputation is on the line.

If you've been marketing on the Internet, then you know it may take several contacts with a prospective customer before closing a sale. What better way to make those contacts. In addition, you can eventually make a nice income selling sponsor advertising and classified ads.

If you're not publishing an ezine, you really should be. The Internet offers a wealth of quality information and resources to assist you.


Learn everything you'll need to know in order to begin publishing your ezine.

How to Publish an Ezine

The Handbook of Ezine Publishing

A Beginner's Guide to Ezine Publishing

Ezine Tips

If you'd like a head start in writing your ezine, the following sites will provide you with some ezine templates:

How to Use A Template to Create Your E-Zine

Ezine Success

You can publish your ezine completely free. Free list hosts will provide complete email list subscription management including list hosting, subscribes, unsubscribes, mailings and more. They will place a small ad within each message sent to your group. This is a small price to pay and well worth the great service they provide.

Free List Hosts:

Yahoo! Groups -

Topica -

Smart Groups -

Fee based mailing list hosts provide complete email list subscription management including list hosting, subscribes, unsubscribes, mailings and more for a fee.

Fee Based Mailing List Hosts:

SparkList -

Email Factory -

Lyris -

L-Soft -

If you'd rather take care of your own list, there are a couple of different options:

• Use a software program that resides on your computer

• Use a script that resides on your server

Mailing List Software:

This outstanding program will enable you to have complete control over your lists including:

• Automatically filters your email

• Completely run your newsletters

• Import your leads or orders into a database

• Automatically email your personalized customer database

• Send out an unlimited amount of autoresponses

• and more.

Group Mail
Another outstanding software that will enable you to send highly professional formatted messages that are personalized for each of your recipients. You can manage an unlimited number of lists with an unlimited number of recipients in each and much more.

If you're using a software program like Group Mail, you'll also need a good form processing script to enable your visitors to subscribe:

Master Form
This form will enable you to have the results of your form emailed to you or to a specified address. It can write your information to a database file and you can even have a personalized thank you page. In addition, you can even have multi-page forms with no limit on the number of pages. Cost - $35.00

Alien Form
This powerful script will enable you to have the results of your form emailed to you and any additional addresses you specify. It can write directly to files, allowing you to log every time the form is submitted, or to store order or subscription details securely on your server.

Mailing list scripts will enable you to run your mailing list completely online via your web browser.

Mailing List Scripts:

1-2-All Broadcast
A complete list management system including HTML or plain text newsletters, MySQL database, personalization features, automatic removal links and more.

AutoResponse Plus:
Complete list management including unlimited lists, HTML or plain text mailings, MySQL database, customizable auto-personalization of messages, automatic removal links, unlimited follow-up autoresponses and more.

Although a quality ezine should contain some original content, it is completely acceptable to use articles written by other authors.

Free Content:

Article Announce Groups - Articles that may be freely published delivered to your email each day.

Ezine Articles - Article Directory

Marketing Seek - Article and Ezine Directory

Idea Marketers - Article Directory

Author Connection - Article Directory

Internet Wire - Offers broad, real-time dissemination of company press releases and material news.

If you're not collecting your visitor's email addresses, don't wait another day to start. Opt-in lists are one of the most powerful marketing tools on the Internet.

Copyright © Shelley Lowery

About the Author:

Shelley Lowery is the author of the acclaimed web design course, "Web Design Mastery" ( and "eBook Starter - Give Your eBooks the look and feel of a REAL book" (

Visit to sign up for a complimentary subscription to eTips and receive a copy of Shelley's acclaimed ebook, "Killer Internet Marketing Strategies."

You have permission to publish this article electronically, in print, in your ebook, or on your web site, free of charge, as long as the author bylines are included.