Why Offer Your Own Ezine Newsletter

Writen by Ken Mathie

Good question. One with many good answers. While the ultimate goal of every Internet marketer is to make a sale of some kind, Ezines can get you to that point in more ways than one. Some directly and some not so.

The word "Ezine" is actually short for Electronic Magazine, which is one that is emailed to a list of subscribers. There are many different Ezines depending on what it is you're interested in. Not every Ezine has to do with making money on the Internet. Some Ezines are monthly newsletters that keep people informed about the latest video games or other products. People subscribe to Ezines because they want to be kept informed about that particular topic, which ever it may be.

So, why offer your own Ezine? The answer is not as obvious as some may suspect. Yes, of course you want to get subscribers in order to ultimately make a sale, something which actually happens much farther down the road, but an Ezine will do much more than that.

For starters, by offering your own Ezine you will in effect educate yourself along with your subscribers. While you may know a good part of the information that you'll be sharing with people, there are going to be subjects that you'll have to do a little research on yourself, especially if you're writing about a new technology. People who publish an Ezine on video games constantly have to keep up with new releases and try them out in order to be able to accurately report on them. Yes, some Ezines can actually cost you some money in order to do them justice.

Then of course there is the point of educating your subscribers. In doing this, you're not only educating them but also building up credibility for yourself. You're also making yourself into an authority on the subject of your Ezine. In giving your subscribers all this information, which they are getting for free, you are providing a valuable service for them, especially if the information you provide them with is useful. How will you know? Most likely if you see your list of subscribers increasing and members are sticking with you, then you must be giving them something they want.

Ultimately, as you build credibility and people see you as an authority on the subject you're reporting on, they will be more inclined to purchase one of your products, which hopefully will be closely related to the Ezine itself. Let's say for example that you are reporting on the latest video games in each issue and you happen to be a game designer. If you recommend games to people and they write back saying the game was as good as you said and you just happen to have your own game that you created, they may be more inclined to give your game a shot because you have developed a trusting relationship with them.

And of course, as this credibility spreads throughout the Internet, your name will start to become attached to the particular medium that you're reporting on. People will start subscribing to your Ezine in droves. No, it won't happen overnight, but if you keep giving people good quality content, word will spread.

And all of that is the reason why you should offer your own Ezine.

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Copyright 2006 – Ken Mathie. Editor HBNezine... You are free to reproduce this article as long as no changes are made, the author's name is retained and the link to our site URL remains active.