What Do You Need To Know About Ezine Advertising

Writen by Deanna Mascle

Ezine advertising is powerful and effective but getting started with ezine advertising might be confusing to the novice.

You need to know what kinds of advertisements are available and how to format your ezine ad. While the answers to these questions will vary from publication to publication there are some common aspects.

What types of advertisements do ezines usually offer?

~ Solo

~ Sponsor

~ Classified

The solo ad is actually a separate mailing sent to the ezine or newsletter audience. It will come with the same "from" line so it is whitelisted and should make it through spam filters. It may also include a few lines of introductory copy, such as "this advertiser makes it possible for us to bring Marketing Wonder to you each week" or something of that nature.

The format for the solo mailing is often controlled by word or character count and is usually much larger than the other forms of advertising. You usually can also write the subject line for the mailing as well as the body copy. Your body copy can be written as a letter, article or traditional ad format.

The sponsor ad is incorporated into the body of the ezine or newsletter. There may be one or more sponsor ads but each ad should run surrounded by newsletter content. Usually if there is more than one sponsor editors will run sponsor ads between content sections. Advertisers usually purchase a specific sponsor placement (such as top sponsor).

The format for the sponsor ad is usually pretty specific -- most often a certain number of lines of text (the standard line length is 60 characters). Usually any contact information (url, email, etc.) is included in this total.

The classified ad also runs in the newsletter but often runs with other classified ads. Classified ads are usually placed lower in the ezine than sponsor ads.

The format for the classified ad is usually quite strict with a restricted word and/or character count. Usually classified ads are smaller in size than sponsor ads.

Visit Ezine Advertising Works and How To Advertise With Ezines to learn more. Want to save money on Ezine Advertising? Check out our ebook "Harness The Power Of Ezine Advertising" which includes $21 of free ezine advertising plus our Ad Club. Our ebook not only offers FREE ezine advertising but additional tips to help you with your ezine advertising.