Ezine Publishing 5 Tips To Publishing A Successful Ezine

Writen by Debbie LaChusa

I've been in the ezine publishing business since 1998.

I started out in the early days with short, text emails directing my readers to my web site for articles and tips I thought would be of interest to them.

It was a crude beginning.

I used Microsoft Outlook and managed my list manually. At the time it was all I knew and you know what? It worked! For over five years I generated 100% of my small business marketing consulting clients from referrals that I tracked directly to those email messages.

Those messages enabled me to maintain contact with people I am confident I would have lost touch with otherwise. And to keep them posted on what I was doing as well as to help them by sharing useful small business marketing information and tips.

So when I was ready to launch a new small business marketing business in 2004, you can bet I turned to email marketing.

I've learned a lot about successfully publishing an ezine and using email marketing as a client attraction and relationship building tool in the past seven years.

Here are 5 tips to help you be more successful with your ezine:

(1) Publish in html format so you can track your sent/opened ratio.

Some Internet gurus will argue that you should only publish text messages; that if you publish in html your ezine will get caught in spam filters. And, too many people can't or don't want to receive graphic-intense html email. I disagree. Html ezines are easier to read, they allow you to include images so they are more interesting, and best of all they enable you to track your sent/opened ratio.

If you want to see how many of your subscribers are reading your ezine every week, you need to be able to track your sent/open ratio. This can help you determine what subject lines are most effective and what content your readers are most interested in.

(2) Use a program that has MIME capabilities so 100% of your subscribers can receive your messages.

If you're going to publish in html, I highly recommend you use a program that allows you to also publish a text version of your ezine. Use a program that has MIME capabilities - this allows you to create both an html and text version of your ezine.

Your subscribers' computers determine which version gets delivered based on their preferences. This allows you to publish in html but also have a back up for those subscribers who don't want or can't receive html messages. It's the best of both worlds.

(3) Use email marketing software or an autoresponder program to manage your email marketing - Don't try to manage it manually.

There are many programs available, some are even free, that you use can use to manage your list, your opt-ins and your unsubscribes. It's not only time consuming to try to do it manually, it can get you in trouble. You don't want to be sending out emails to large groups through an email program like Microsoft Outlook, or you may be accused of sending spam.

Spend your time writing great articles that your readers can benefit from and leave the subscription and broadcasting management jobs up to a software program designed to do just that.

(4) Always run your messages through a spam-checker before sending them to ensure deliverability.

Even if you write to avoid typical spam trigger words, it's still important to run your ezine through a spam checker before you send it out. This gives you the chance to edit out any problem words so you can increase the odds your ezine will be delivered to 100% of your subscriber list.

(5) Always write content that is of high interest to your readers. If you're not sure what that is, ask your readers to tell you.

Of course your ezine is a marketing vehicle, but if you lean too heavy on the marketing and don't include enough valuable content, your subscribers won't stay on your list very long. Be sure to consistently include articles, tips and information that are of high interest to your readers.

And make sure the information is consistent with the content on your web site and what you promised to give them when they subscribed. Keep your marketing to less than 50% of your total content and you'll maintain a fair balance of free information and promotion.

Reading your ezine helps them get to know you as well as building trust. And those who know and trust you are a lot more likely to purchase from you.

(C) 2006 Copyright Debbie LaChusa

Debbie LaChusa created The 10stepmarketing System to make marketing your own business as simple as answering 10 questions. Learn more about this unique, step-by-step system and get a free 10-week Marketing E-Course when you subscribe to the free, weekly 10stepmarketing Ezine at http://www.10stepmarketing.com.

The News About Newsletters

Writen by J. Lindsay Kellock

"A newsletter is the paring knife of communication tools. It seems simple and is easy to take for granted. Handled well, however, it's a highly capable tool." --Al Czarnecki Communications


Test yourself Newsletter Quiz:

Q. Do I need a newsletter?

A. Yes, because …

a) my business coach says I need one.

b) most speakers have one.

c) I believe it would be a perfect component for my communication strategy and action plan for building platform. It will be consistent with the strategy and congruent with all the other tactics (advertising, brochure, business card, web site, new book, sponsorships, etc.) It will also reinforce my messages in a cost-effective way.

d) I want an additional tool to promote advance sales of my new book.

e) It will cost nothing, won't take any time and I haven't any time.

f) It's a project I would enjoy, or could easily delegate.

B. What's in it for whom? Scratch your head. What are specific benefits for me? What's in it for the reader? Who are my mover and shaker recipients? If content is king, what would compete with their golf game? How much subtle sell should I include, what value-added? Will it be interactive? Will you survey your readers for preferences and suggestions for content? Will you run competitions? Offer prizes?

C. Once you've drawn up your list of proposed recipients, what would you like them to do with your newsletter? Choose only five of the following:

a) delete unread and block further delivery

b) print out and use to wrap yesterday's fish

c) sign up, enjoy, share with a friend, request information, keep on file.

d) Sign up and offer you either a media interview on your new book or to review your book for the Globe and Mail/New York Times.

e) Sign up, praise your communication to the skies, sign two other friends and suggest you use their compliments for a testimonial.

f) sign up and book you for the 2008 International Speakers Federation's convention keynote, hire your training company for an eight-year contract and buy 10,000 copies of your book.

D. Next, take a tour. Study your colleagues' newsletters. Venture onto sites such as: www.companynewsletters.com/index.html; www.bcentral.co.uk/marketing/ebusiness/writing-your-newsletters.mspx. Review email campaign software, such as ConstantContact, www.constantcontact.com

E. Identify awards your newsletter could win. Newspapers vie for awards each year. Then you can advertise: ''my award-winning newsletter …''!

And finally, when you send out your newsletter, put us on your list?

By Lindsay Kellock, whose own newsletter is available at www.yourbooksbestfriend.com

J. Lindsay Kellock is a writer, editor, and writing consultant with a background in print journalism and communications. Lindsay's email counseling service enables writers to create sentences that sing. Her email Grammar Person is available Mondays through Fridays at http://yourbooksbestfriend.com

Newsletter Formatting

Writen by Kenth Nasstrom

Formatting your text newsletter correctly can make a failure into a success! Learn how to do it, and why.

Why using a text newsletter?

Sending an email (newsletter) in text format instead of word or html format will allow everyone on the internet to read it. No special software or utility will be needed.

However, to really make it work, consider the following.

• Make sure you use a monospaced font. A font where the width of the letter i is the same as the letter w. The letters may look different in width, but if you use a monospaced (instead of proportional) font, the space each character use, will be the same. This is necessary to be able to use row length row breaks and alignment.

• As said above the monospaced font in your newsletter will allow you to format your newsletter to use for example 65 characters width. This is pretty much the standard number of characters used in a newsletter today.

• Also, remember that things like underline, bold, italic, left, center, right and justified are adjustments not allowed in pure text, as they require special formatting.

• Use white space to make reading easier. Allow for two or more empty lines between content that is different.

• Also, make sure your formatting includes some kind of planning. This will allow you to maintain a similar look for your newsletter in each issue and that makes reading easier for your subscribers.

Tools of the trade

Use things like newsletter templates to make creation and publishing of your newsletter easier. Make sure you use the correct tool to write and format your newsletter.

Spy on other newsletterz

Subscribe to newsletters that have many subscribers. They will be of interest to you if nothing else for you to study their ways to format the content. Take notes on how they start their newsletter, table of index, menu and similar.

What type of information they include at the top and at the bottom of each issue.

This will help you decide and start formatting as well as make layout choices easier for you.

Kenth Nasstrom is the owner of Free Newsletter Templates. To read more about Newsletter Formatting and other newsletter and newsletter template related information, visit his website at Free Newsletter Templates

6 Ways To Catch More Optins Than Ever Before

Writen by Alexandria K. Brown

Remember that when you have new visitors at your website, your #1 goal is to get them on your ezine list! That way you have permission to contact them again and again, educating them about your helpful services and products that they came to learn more about.

But you can't just put up a link that says "free newsletter". No one cares! You need to carefully craft an opt-in box that works like a big net, catching the exact type of "fish" you want as your ideal clients and customers.

Also remember, don't hide your box at the bottom of your web pages. Right now, most testing shows that the best place for your opt-in box is the upper right corner... loud and proud!

Here are six simple things you should have in your opt-in box that will help you get more signups than ever before.

1) An Attention-Getting HEADLINE

Remember that online readers SKIM copy - they don't read it word for word. So the headline in your opt-in box may be the ONLY thing they read, which determines whether they sign up or not. So don't waste this space saying something like "Free Newsletter" or even worse... "Sign up for our mailing list." Ugh! Instead, tell me the MOST exciting thing your ezine will give me!

Examples: "Are You Ready to Blast Off Your SALES This Year?" "FINALLY: Learn How to Keep That Weight Off For Good" "Insider Secrets to Writing Novels for Big Bucks"

2) A Raving Description of Your Ezine

Work hard at putting together a description of your ezine that gets prospects excited to sign up! Remember they're tuned into station WIIFM ("What's In It For ME?"). Tell them what your information is going to DO for them as well as everything they GET. Examples: How-to articles, quick and easy tips, free resources, insider secrets. Aim for your description to be between 15 and 30 words.

3) A Field to Enter Their FIRST NAME.

Getting people's names along with their e-mails allows you to personalize your ezine for them. For example, if I was on your list, your e-mail would come to me saying, "Dear Ali..." The subject line could even say, "Ali, here's your free tip". Why do you want to do this? Studies prove that having the recipient's name in the subject line of your e-mails can increase your open rates by 60%!

The problem is, many people value their privacy and are hesitant to give you their full name. For this reason, just ask for their FIRST name. It's been proven that you'll get MORE names from people if you only ask for the first name. (And their first name is generally all you'll need anyway.)

4) A Field to Enter Their Primary EMAIL ADDRESS.

Many people have a backup or personal e-mail address that they use just for receiving newsletters and promotions. The problem is they are often from free e-mail services like Yahoo or Hotmail. These services filter e-mail like crazy, and their mailboxes fill up quickly, so there's a good chance your e-mails won't even reach these recipients.

The solution is, simply ask for their primary e-mail. It's amazing, but simply ASKING them to enter their primary e-mail will get you more quality e-mails on your list! (You'll also get less bounce-backs from undeliverable e-mails. If you get too many of those, it raises a red flag to some spam filter programs.)

5) A BUTTON That Says "Subscribe" or "Sign Me Up Now"

Make it very clear what they should click on to activate their subscription once they type in their name and email. Don't use something confusing like a link that says "submit form".

6) Your PRIVACY POLICY, right then and there.

Everyone's scared to receive more spam these days, so put your prospects at ease. Don't make them wonder what you're going to do with their e-mail addresses. State right next to or below your opt-in form what your policy is. Mine is, "We will never sell, rent, trade, or share your e-mail with any other organization." (Feel free to use that yourself.) DON'T make people click on a link to read your privacy policy - it looks like you have something to hide. In fact, in some U.S. states, it's now required that you state your privacy policy right at the point of opt-in, so it's a good idea no matter where you do business.

Want to See a Sample of This in Action?

If you'd like to see many of these components in action, see my pop-under box at www.ezinequeen.com/popup.htm.

And if you'd like MORE step-by-step instructions on how to get more signups at your website (and beyond) and build your list bigger than ever before, see my SPECIAL REPORT: "101 Simple, FREE and Low-Cost Ways to Quickly Build a Massive EMAIL LIST", which you can learn more about here.

© 2005 Alexandria K. Brown

Online entrepreneur Alexandria K. Brown, "The E-zine Queen," is creator of the award-winning 'Boost Business With Your Own E-zine' system. To learn more about this step-by-step program, and to sign up for her FREE how-to articles and FREE audio class, visit http://www.EzineQueen.com

Free Content Without Articles Blog Feeds And Copyright Issues

Writen by Suzanne Fyhrie Parrott

Fresh content is a must for survival in this informational world. Unfortunately, many web businesses are grabbing up all the Gutenberg, and RSS feed content in site. This strategy lacks for the long-term.

There is always the problem of duplicate content. Type in a sentence from one of your article pages into Google and see how many other sites have that exact same article – word for word. If you don't care about long-term results, stop here and you will still enjoy short-term financial gain. But if you are concerned about longevity and all you need is some content to work with, read on.

First of all, finding untapped free public domain content is getting difficult. Grabbing up all the free content, graphics, videos and slapping them up on a site is starting to wear thin not only with visitors but the search engines. It's not the free content that is the problem; it's how it is used.

Look at this from the standpoint of writing a research paper. Gather information from various Public Domain sources – then re-write it in a coherent manner that will not only appeal to your visitors, but will aid you in gaining Search Engine Traffic.

Did you know that US Government publications, including many websites are public domain? Here's a great search trick that lets you find US government webpage(s) that cover the topic you need. If you aren't sure, US government sites have very clear copyright and terms pages on their sites. Look at them, because not all US state/local government sites allow copyright-free use.

For MSN , Altavista and Yahoo , search for .gov sites using ".gov" and desired keyword phrase in the search field.
For Google , enter a desired keyword phrase plus "allinurl:.gov" in the search field. Verify that the results are in fact .gov sites or try Google Search Unclesam

In turn, any book published before 1922 is in the public domain. There are also literally thousands of books published past 1922 that didn't renew their copyright in time and fell into the PD as well. Some of these PD books are online or available compiled into a collection. Keep in mind, compilations are a new work and are copyrighted, but the individual pre-1922 books included are not. To be on the safe side, you can often purchase the original, hard copy pre-1922 book online for your collection, and keep it in the event you are accused of copyright infringement from scraping the text from someone else.

Creative Commons licensing has the option for the author to allow commercial use, and there's quite a bit available. Just take an extra minute to verify what the license allows – sometimes it's only a link or a credit back to the author. The same thing for Flickr photos which also use Creative Commons; some of the photos only require a credit back to the photographer. We included on our list a link to a handy search form that allows you to query only commercially allowed CC licensed sources.

The sources we've provided don't require copyright checks, but it's still up to you to figure it out what's legal and what's not in the end.

First of all, some resources on US Copyright (beware doesn't apply to all countries) and alternative content licensing:

Sources: We've spent years compiling a great list of that includes a wide variety of content sources which inlclude videos/movies, graphics, manuals, text sources, information, tips; pretty much anything you would need on hundreds of topics. This list helps in the challenge of trying to increase fresh content and build traffic.

For over 100+ of the sources Visit our website at: TrafficGeni.us' List of Public Domain Sources- all completely free, and no sign-up required.


Suzanne Fyhrie Parrott is co-owner of TrafficGeni.us where Geni.us is Fresh, Innovative and Creative. With a combined marketing experience of 30 years, Suzanne and her partner Provide free traffic tips and content through their newsletter each month. Join TrafficGeni.us newsletter today.

10 Newsletter Ideas To Write Articles For Your Newsletter

Writen by Ladan Lashkari

Since you publish your newsletter on a regular basis, sometimes it's difficult to find newsletter ideas for your next issue's content. You sit in front of your monitor and stare at the white screen where the typing cursor is blinking... but your mind doesn't seem to come up with any ideas.

Here are 10 tips to help you find good article ideas...

#1. Make an Ideas List

If you've been writing articles for a while, you know your brightest ideas don't usually come to your mind when you need them. Actually, you usually get the best ideas when you're doing something else and thinking about another thing.

But everything changes when you decide to sit and write an article... you get the writer's block. You really need a good idea for your next issue... but your mind doesn't help a bit.

The solution is creating an idea list. Whenever you get a bright idea, just add it to your list. After a short time, you'll have a list full of creative ideas for your next 20 issues at least. So whenever you want to write an article, you simply take a look at your list and choose an idea you feel like writing about.

I've been using this technique for almost a year and it has really helped me write better articles faster and easier!

#2. Do a Little Keyword Research

Find out which keywords your target market are searching in search engines. Then write an article about it. So not only you will provide your subscribers with the exact information they're looking for, but you may also get a top ranking for that article in search engines - which will bring you lots of targeted traffic for free.

Wordtracker is an essential keyword research tool that I always use to get many keyword ideas and find out how many times people have searched for them. You can also use Overture free keyword suggestion tool.

#3. Ask Your Readers

To turn your subscribers into loyal readers and win their trust, you should provide them with the exact information they're looking for.

The easiest way to find out "what" exactly they want to know is simply adding a "Ask the Editor" section to your newsletter. Soon you will receive lot of emails from your readers asking you for advice about various topics.

You can choose the most common questions and problems and write an article about it. So you'll get lots of great article ideas for your future issues. What's more, your readers will love your newsletter for providing them with the exact information they need!

#4. Study Forums where Your Target Market Hangs out

More and more people participate in forums these days. One of the reasons is because you can get professional advice for free. And this is exactly what makes forums a great place for you to get bright ideas for your newsletter content.

You simply need to go to the forums where your target market hangs out. There you will discover many of the most common questions and problems your target market has. So you can write helpful articles about them.

#5. Browse Article Directories

There are many article directories available online. You just need to browse related categories to your newsletter topic and take a look at article titles. They will inspire you and give you awesome content ideas for your newsletter.

Here are some of the largest article directories...

* http://www.ezinearticles.com

* http://www.goarticles.com

* http://www.articlefinders.com

* http://www.articlecentral.com

* http://www.article-directory.net

* http://www.articlesfactory.com

* http://www.connectionteam.com

#6. Review Other People's Products

You might know many great books, software programs, and services that will benefit your newsletter readers. So why not write an honest review about one of them to help your subscribers make the right decision?

What's more, you can join their affiliate program and earn a commission from every sale you make via your affiliate link. This can make you a lot of money because if you provide your readers with a honest review about a useful product, many of them will buy the product and you'll get a commission.

Just remember your role as an affiliate is NOT to sell. It's the most common mistake affiliates make. Selling is the duty of the merchant. Your role is PREselling. It means warming up your visitors and putting them in an open-to-buy mindset.

I had almost no affiliate income before I discovered this secret. Then a friend recommended me Make Your Content PREsell - An awesome ebook about the #1 secret to affiliate marketing success.

I owe a big part of my success to this ebook. I highly recommend it! You can learn more about it at: http://mycps.sitesell.com/best-offer.html

#7. Interview an Expert in Your Field

People like to hear success stories and learn how successful people have reached to where they are now. You can interview successful people in your field by email or phone.

Well-known experts are usually very busy, so they won't accept long interviews. In general, the more famous an expert is, the shortest your interview must be or they won't accept it.

The experts you choose to interview should not necessarily be very famous - like multi-millionaires. They hardly accept to let you interview them. You can interview an ordinary person who has been fairly successful in your field.

#8. Write How-To Articles

You can write how-to articles about almost anything. People love how-to articles. Here are some sample titles...

* How to Go to Sleep in 3 Minutes

* How to Cure Your Headache in 5 Minutes without any Medicine

* How to Look 10 Years Younger

#9. Give a Certain Number of Tips, Ideas, etc.

People love articles that promise to give a certain number of tips - like this article :). These articles are also easy to write. For example you can easily find 3 tips about any topic and turn it to an article. Here are some title examples...

* 5 Tips on How to Deal with an Overbearing Boss

* Top 10 Questions to Ask in an Interview

* 9 Creative Home Business Ideas to Start with Less than $100

#10. Use Guest Articles

Don't feel like writing an article or just don't have the time? No problem. You can publish someone else's article in your newsletter for free. I've introduced some large article directories here in this article in Idea #5.

Since it's much easier to copy and paste a written article than spending time on writing your own, you may be tempted to use guest articles as your main article in many of your issues. But do yourself a favor and don't do it too often. Let me explain why...

What's the goal of your newsletter? Isn't it to win your prospects' trust and prove your expertise to sell them your own products or affiliate products? So if you don't write the majority of your newsletter articles yourself, how can you prove your expertise?

# Final Thoughts

I hope this article helps you get creative article ideas for your newsletter. But if you haven't found a good idea yet, don't push yourself too hard. Don't point a gun to your mind and order it to give you a great idea or you will shoot. :)

After all, it's YOUR mind. It's what has always helped you in your business... and your life. So be kinder to it. Relax and take sometime off. Go outside and let your mind rest for a while. Don't even think about your newsletter.

Then get back to this article and try to find a good idea. If you get an idea for your next issue, well done! I'm happy for you!

But if you still can't seem to come up with anything, no problem. Just send a message to your readers and let them know you won't publish your newsletter this week/month.

And remember... your happiness, your health, and enjoying your life is what matters the most. You don't have to write your newsletter until next week, next month... or even next year. Your newsletter is just a small part of your business... and your business is only a small part of your life.

Wish you happiness, health and wealth! :)

Ladan Lashkari

About The Author: Ladan Lashkari is a respected Internet marketing expert, and the owner of http://www.FreeNewsletterIdeas.com/ where you'll find free newsletter templates, creative newsletter ideas, honest reviews, and helpful resources to start your own highly profitable email marketing campaign.

Does Your Business Need A Newsletter

Writen by Steve Dimeck

Have you ever thought about it?

If you don't have a business newsletter yet, have you ever thought of the importance of having one?

Why is it so vital to one's healthy business dealings?

Let's explore some important factors even if you do have a newsletter.

If you are not yet using a newsletter as a part of your marketing efforts, then you are missing out on new potential and already existing customers becoming valuable long-term buyers.

Communicating with your subscribers as well as customers is vital for their continued involvement. It's hard nowadays for someone to remain interested in your business if they never or rarely hear about it. Hence, a newsletter is the best way to keep them involved in your business and show them your appreciation for their subscription.

When you have a customer buy from you, but no newsletter to follow up, then you are virtually handing him or her back to your competitors. On the same note, when you have a visitor coming to your website and not capturing his or her name and e-mail address, it's a lost marketing effort. Of course, if the service was good and the product memorable, they may come back.

But, what if they lose your website address? What if they just forget about you? What if you have a new product that your existing customer may wish to buy and they don't know about it?

A newsletter will prevent these things from happening. It's a good way to connect with people, and eventually they will connect with you and your website.

Having your own opt-in newsletter or loading purchased e-mails in your autoresponder. Which is the most effective and less troublesome?

Your own opt-in newsletter is the most effective and the only choice nowadays. When your visitors give you their name and e-mail address, they're telling you that they agree to receive further e-mails from you. Therefore, if someone forgets that they've subscribed and complains that you've spammed them, you've got a proof that they've voluntarily given you their personal info.

But, when you purchase leads and load them into your autoresponder, you don't know how those e-mails were harvested off the Internet. Those poor people might have opted-in somewhere, but certainly not for your newsletter. You're a toast if only one person complains that you've spammed them.

Also, when people personally opt-in to your newsletter, they will be more acceptable to your further e-mailings as opposed to people who haven't gotten a clue how they ended up on your list.

What do I write about? – you might be asking yourself.

What's your business, service or product about? What's your niche?

That's the reason why your subscribers gave you their personal info. That's what they want to hear more about. Your job will be to constantly improve on that subject and deliver information that will be both educational and informative to your subscribers.

My newsletter deals with the Internet marketing industry. My subscribers are expecting information on that subject. Therefore, for each issue I pick a different topic directly related to it, and I write about it. If I don't have enough knowledge or experience, I improve on it and then deliver the info.

And, you don't need a long newsletter. A sale alert or announcement of a new service or product can do just as well. Only, don't over do it and misuse it. You would very quickly lose your integrity.

Subscribe to several competitors' newsletters and see how they do it. That will definitely give you some ideas. Don't copy their format, but adapt a format that will be suitable to you.

Keep your newsletter consistent.

It's amazing the amount of newsletters that thrive online. Because of this, subscribers can forget which ones are legitimate and which are spam. And people often subscribe to multiple newsletters on top of the spam e-mails that they get on a daily basis.

Keep your format consistent at all times so your newsletter becomes visibly familiar. When your subscribers see the subject line of your e-mail, they will know immediately that it's your newsletter.

Also, indicate that the subscriber requested the information and provide an unsubscribe link in EVERY issue. You must do this if you want to limit complaints or spam reports. And nowadays, you're obligated by law to provide unsubscribe link and your physical mailing address in each one of your e-mails sent to your subscribers.

How often would you want to send it out?

That depends on various factors. Some businesses contact their subscribers as often as every day, others as infrequently as several times per year. You can do it once per week, twice a month or once a month.

More often, and your subscribers may unsubscribe or routinely delete your messages. Less often, and you're allowing your competition the chance to win over your potential customers.

What works for you depends a lot on what you are selling, what information you can give to them, how often your subscribers will want to hear from you, etc. But most importantly, your time availability. How soon can you get the newsletter ready?

The newsletter is an excellent integrity builder. It builds you as an expert in the field.

More than 90% of the people will not buy from you the first time they see your ad. They will want to get to know you and see if they can trust you. Only then will they consider buying from you. If you don't have a newsletter, how else are you going to build the trust with your visitors?

Your newsletter will prove to your subscribers that you or your business is not a "fly by night." You're serious in what you're doing and you mean business. They will begin to trust you and slowly but surely become your valuable long-term subscribers and buyers.

What's your subscription ratio? With other words, how many people are subscribing to your newsletter every month vs. how many are unsubscribing?

When you see more people unsubscribing from your newsletter in one month than people subscribing, you're either doing something that they don't like or you're not providing quality information.

The way you treat your subscribers will be the same way they treat you. You treat them with respect, they will return same respect back to you. You give them value, they give you value. You take care of them, they take care of you.

You give them crap, ……… boy oh boy. They will give you 10 times more crap back to you. It takes a long time to build the credibility and the trust, but you can lose it all in one simple e-mail.

I saw it with my eyes when one supper-affiliate tried to take advantage of his subscribers by trying to profit from them while delivering sad news. Hundreds of them unsubscribed in one day and many of them sent him nasty e-mails back.

He was a topic of nasty conversations in many forums.

The quality of the content in your newsletter is the other determining factor of the ratio between the people subscribing in one month vs. the people unsubscribing. What is quality, you might ask?

Quality content is useful content. It addresses a need or solves a problem. So, ask yourself what problems or needs your subscribers have, and use that as a starting point for developing quality content.

But, don't be too constrained. People have a need to laugh, learn, get informed, and so on. For example, typically useful content might: save time or money, entertain, inform or educate.

A good rule of thumb would be to provide the information that will be useful to your subscribers. Only, don't stop at "good enough." After you're done writing your newsletter, read it yourself.

If you get the "WOW!" feeling, your subscribers will too. If you get the "WHATEVER" feeling, guess what? We're all humans. We all think alike. Your subscribers will see you as "whatever" person too.

How do you balance your content with promotions?

More promotions and less content, your newsletter loses in value. On the other hand, if you, the publisher, don't benefit too, then you're just being charitable with your time (by the way, that's a perfectly valid reason to be publishing).

So, it's a bit of a riddle - how to produce content that readers are interested in, and at the same time ensure you get a (financial) benefit too. A good guideline is to keep it at around 80% content and 20% promotions.

When a reader finds himself or herself coming close to a purchase decision, who will he or she turn to? He or she will turn to a credible and trustworthy source of relevant advice and information. And that's you my friend!

Your newsletter deserves time and attention - it is the voice of you and your business and will help you build relationships with your customers (and potential customers) in a way that no other tool can.

© Steve Dimeck. Author and Publisher. To receive more quality articles such as the one you've just read, sign up for Steve's [TSM] Bulletin at: http://tsmbulletin.ogdteam.com - and receive a free ebook. [TSM] Bulletin - free Internet Marketing newsletter that you can't be without.

Why Offer Your Own Ezine Newsletter

Writen by Ken Mathie

Good question. One with many good answers. While the ultimate goal of every Internet marketer is to make a sale of some kind, Ezines can get you to that point in more ways than one. Some directly and some not so.

The word "Ezine" is actually short for Electronic Magazine, which is one that is emailed to a list of subscribers. There are many different Ezines depending on what it is you're interested in. Not every Ezine has to do with making money on the Internet. Some Ezines are monthly newsletters that keep people informed about the latest video games or other products. People subscribe to Ezines because they want to be kept informed about that particular topic, which ever it may be.

So, why offer your own Ezine? The answer is not as obvious as some may suspect. Yes, of course you want to get subscribers in order to ultimately make a sale, something which actually happens much farther down the road, but an Ezine will do much more than that.

For starters, by offering your own Ezine you will in effect educate yourself along with your subscribers. While you may know a good part of the information that you'll be sharing with people, there are going to be subjects that you'll have to do a little research on yourself, especially if you're writing about a new technology. People who publish an Ezine on video games constantly have to keep up with new releases and try them out in order to be able to accurately report on them. Yes, some Ezines can actually cost you some money in order to do them justice.

Then of course there is the point of educating your subscribers. In doing this, you're not only educating them but also building up credibility for yourself. You're also making yourself into an authority on the subject of your Ezine. In giving your subscribers all this information, which they are getting for free, you are providing a valuable service for them, especially if the information you provide them with is useful. How will you know? Most likely if you see your list of subscribers increasing and members are sticking with you, then you must be giving them something they want.

Ultimately, as you build credibility and people see you as an authority on the subject you're reporting on, they will be more inclined to purchase one of your products, which hopefully will be closely related to the Ezine itself. Let's say for example that you are reporting on the latest video games in each issue and you happen to be a game designer. If you recommend games to people and they write back saying the game was as good as you said and you just happen to have your own game that you created, they may be more inclined to give your game a shot because you have developed a trusting relationship with them.

And of course, as this credibility spreads throughout the Internet, your name will start to become attached to the particular medium that you're reporting on. People will start subscribing to your Ezine in droves. No, it won't happen overnight, but if you keep giving people good quality content, word will spread.

And all of that is the reason why you should offer your own Ezine.

Learn more…

HBNezine... Home Biz News & Tips... Receive weekly up-to-date powerful strategies to outsmart, out market and outsell even your toughest competition. Learn how to drive traffic to your website and explode your sales. You don't want to miss this ezine... A must read! Receive 4 FREE gifts when you subscribe! mailto:HBNezine-3@smartprosystems.com http://www.homebizniche.com/hbnezine.htm

Copyright 2006 – Ken Mathie. Editor HBNezine... You are free to reproduce this article as long as no changes are made, the author's name is retained and the link to our site URL remains active.

Private Label Articles 5 Simple Ways To Use Content To Make Money Online

Writen by Raymond Lai

Are you aware of how vitally important and valuable Private Label Articles is to your online business? In fact, content can do more to build your business and profits than just about any other resource or service available.

The numbers of ways in which you can use materials from Private Label Articles to make money online are almost as varied and infinite as the Internet itself.

Following is a list of just 5 key ways that content can help build your traffic, subscribers, and customers starting today!...

1. Boost your search engine ranking and daily visitor count by posting keyword rich articles and content on your web-site. For example, if your business involves offering products and services related to fitness, posting fitness related articles and content will attract unlimited prospective customers on a regular basis!

2. Generate double or even triple the number of newsletter subscribers you do currently, simply by offering content in the form of "special reports" or manuals as bonuses for subscribing to your publication. People love freebies, so give them what they want and watch as your results increase!

3. Create an automated cashflow by using content to formulate multi-part email training courses with related web-site or affiliate links "sprinkled" throughout each course. Use an autoresponder service to automate the delivery of your training course (such as a 5 part training course delivered over a 5 day period).

Training courses can also serve as excellent bonus offers for your prospective newsletter subscribers.

4. One of the most important keys to a successful online business is not JUST having a list of mailing list or newsletter subscribers... It's about building a trusting relationship with your subscribers (ie, "cultivating" your list)...

By sending informative articles to your list on a regular basis you will establish yourself as an expert on your topic of business, as well as gain the trust of your subscribers over time.

As a result, your subscribers will be EAGER to take advantage of your "paid" product and service offers. (Just make sure that you NEVER take advantage of the relationship you develop with your list by offering products or services of poor quality just to make a quick buck!)

If there is one "constant" in Internet marketing, it's this: A cultivated list of subscribers is as good as money in the bank. Write that down and never forget it!

5. Another excellent way to generate no cost traffic is by submitting ready-made articles to "content hungry" web-site and newsletter publishers with your "resource box" attached. A resource box is nothing more than a little 3-6 line "bio" about you and/or your web-site - including a link to your site (or even instructions on how to subscribe to your newsletter)...

When submitting or offering your article(s) for reprint purposes, just make sure to specify that each article is to be reprinted "as is" with your resource box attached.

...Even one article can go a LONG way towards generating no cost traffic and visitors for you. Just imagine your article being sent out to a newsletter subscriber base of 100,000 individuals - many of whom will be reading YOUR included resource box and clicking on your URL to learn more about what you have to offer!

Well there you have it, 5 sure ways to build your online business exponentially with the help of articles and content...

With the declining effectiveness of many of the online advertising methods that we've relied on in past years, content is only strengthening its position as the ultimate KEY to generating unlimited traffic, subscribers, and customers!

Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety in your ezine, on your website, blog, or autoresponder, as long as you leave all links in place, do not modify the content and include the following blurb with it:

Thank you.

Niche E-book Coach, Best-selling Author, Raymond Lai is the ceo of nicheebookmarketing.com. To learn more about this step-by-step niche e-book authoring and internet marketing system, and to sign up for free E-book tips to making money on line at: http://www.nicheebookmarketing.com

10 Critical Things To Do Before You Spend A Dime In Advertising

Writen by Karin Manning


Let's say it again…


The word "research" can make many eBusiness owners cringe. Why? Because it sounds like such hard work.

Let's analyse the word itself. "Search" means to go looking for something and "re" means "again". Put them together and it means to go looking for something again.

Guess what?

Research is hard work. However, to survive online research must be done and it must be done on a regular basis. So if you don't like doing research, well basically, that's too bad. It's time to take it by the hand and make it your friend because you need to do research to be a successful eBusiness owner for these reasons:

  • Research is going to take time, however, in the long run it's going to save you a lot of money.

  • Research is what's going to set you apart from everybody else. By taking the time to research hot topics, hot websites and the latest techniques of Internet gurus you are going to learn what is currently working and what is currently not working – taking advantage of the mistakes that others have made – and that information alone is priceless.

  • Research is going to make you look like an expert. People will want to join your list, belong to your private site, read your books because they know you spend the time researching the latest up to the minute trends and techniques.

  • Research is what the majority of eBusiness owners avoid doing like the plague. Why? Because people are inherently lazy and if there's an easier way of getting from (a) to (b) people will consistently choose that route.

  • Guess what? By doing research that other people hate doing you will become a valuable regular source of information to an unlimited number of people.

So let's say the word again and this time let's say it slowly and with a smile…

:O) R E S E A R C H :o)

See, it doesn't seem so awful now, does it? Because research is what is going to save you a lot of money, make you a lot of money, and research is what all successful Internet marketers do on a regular basis.

It's time consuming

It's annoying

Sometimes it's a right royal PITA (Fill in the blanks with this one ;O))

However, it's a necessary evil so let's learn to really love it.

Okay, now that I hope you are feeling a little warm and fuzzy towards doing research ;o), what every Internet marketer must do on a regular basis is research what advertising works.

And the first step is to find a newsletter/ezine to advertise in and to do that you need to spend a bit of time collating some information.

Here's 10 things to do before you spend a dime on advertising:

  1. Take time time to look at the newsletter publisher's website.

  2. If you like the website then subscribe to the ezine and look at the format of the ezine closely.

  3. Contact the publisher and ask the following questions:

  4. What is the number of subscribers?

  5. Has each subscriber specifically asked to be subscribed to the list or has it been automatic through a co-op etc?

  6. Is double opt-in used ie. Has each subscriber confirmed their request to subscribe?

  7. How often and what days of the week is the ezine published? It is generally believed that Tuesday through Thursday are the best days for readership, however, I know of many successful ezine publishers who publish regularly on a Friday or Saturday targeting weekend readership.

  8. Is the ad published in the newsletter itself or is it published as a separate ad sheet (newsletter preferred).

  9. Will the publisher use your choice of subject line and, if so, will it just say your subject line (always preferred) or the words "SOLO AD" and then your subject line?

  10. Is there a queue before your ad will be published (this is a really good sign)? A queue usually means that ad results are good and the ezine is a recommended advertising source.

By taking the time to wait for these answers and going over the responses carefully you will immediately be able to place ezines in rankings of importance as a result of the answers you receive.

The more "yes" answers you get to the above questions the higher the quality of the readership will be. The number of subscribers is not an indicator of how well your ad will pull. Quite often newsletters with low subscribers pull as well as newsletters with thousands of subscribers.

The bottom line at all times is the sales you receive as a result of your ad placement. The higher the readership quality the higher quality prospects and customers you will receive and the less refunds you will have to process :O).

So next time that you're in two minds about doing things the quick way (looking for quick results with no research, high chance of monetary loss) or the slow methodical way (looking for quality results, possible delayed gratification, definite monetary savings in the long term) remember that Turtle who gave a certain self-confident Hare a big run (pardon the pun) for his money.

Now which one are you…that Turtle or that Hare?

Copyright 2003. Karin Manning. All Rights Reserved.

About The Author

Karin Manning is the author of The Ultimate Campfire Kitchen & Camping Guide which contains 580 delicious and easy camping recipes guaranteed to tantalize your taste buds. To immediately download your copy go to http://www.easy-family-camping-recipes.com

What Do You Need To Know About Ezine Advertising

Writen by Deanna Mascle

Ezine advertising is powerful and effective but getting started with ezine advertising might be confusing to the novice.

You need to know what kinds of advertisements are available and how to format your ezine ad. While the answers to these questions will vary from publication to publication there are some common aspects.

What types of advertisements do ezines usually offer?

~ Solo

~ Sponsor

~ Classified

The solo ad is actually a separate mailing sent to the ezine or newsletter audience. It will come with the same "from" line so it is whitelisted and should make it through spam filters. It may also include a few lines of introductory copy, such as "this advertiser makes it possible for us to bring Marketing Wonder to you each week" or something of that nature.

The format for the solo mailing is often controlled by word or character count and is usually much larger than the other forms of advertising. You usually can also write the subject line for the mailing as well as the body copy. Your body copy can be written as a letter, article or traditional ad format.

The sponsor ad is incorporated into the body of the ezine or newsletter. There may be one or more sponsor ads but each ad should run surrounded by newsletter content. Usually if there is more than one sponsor editors will run sponsor ads between content sections. Advertisers usually purchase a specific sponsor placement (such as top sponsor).

The format for the sponsor ad is usually pretty specific -- most often a certain number of lines of text (the standard line length is 60 characters). Usually any contact information (url, email, etc.) is included in this total.

The classified ad also runs in the newsletter but often runs with other classified ads. Classified ads are usually placed lower in the ezine than sponsor ads.

The format for the classified ad is usually quite strict with a restricted word and/or character count. Usually classified ads are smaller in size than sponsor ads.

Visit Ezine Advertising Works and How To Advertise With Ezines to learn more. Want to save money on Ezine Advertising? Check out our ebook "Harness The Power Of Ezine Advertising" which includes $21 of free ezine advertising plus our Ad Club. Our ebook not only offers FREE ezine advertising but additional tips to help you with your ezine advertising.

How Many Articles Can An Author Write As An Expert In A Field

Writen by Lance Winslow

More and more smart business people are finding the value of writing articles and putting them online in order to propel their expert status in their field. From this they develop a clientele base, which will patronize their businesses. One anonymous author has debated the number of articles one individual can write as an actual expert. Is there really a limit? Can it be possible to write 1000 articles on one subject? I believe it is possible and let me tell you why.

I started and founded a mobile car wash business, built it up and then set up franchises in 23 states, it took many years to do this. It took countless hours and along the way I encountered many experiences; each new experience each day could be summarized in a short story or article on the industry. This means after 20 years you could have, if you had kept track of all these experiences over 7300 articles; one for each day. Wow, well that is a lot indeed. Some authors and in particular a new critic of my article writing is, well let's just call him Ed as whoever it really is refuses to identify their true identity.

Now before you say that there is no way to write that many articles, let me point out where you maybe sadly mistaken. First in any business there are countless rules and regulations. Each regulation is many pages. The OSHA laws are actually 47 stories high if you were to stack them on top of one another; page-by-page. If each one were the an article then in fact you might have some

Each foot is 10,000 pages times 8 feet per story times 47 stories is over 3.5 million articles. That my friends is only one agency which governs the business world. What about the environmental laws, building codes, ADA, employment laws? In my car wash business we dealt with laws in 23 states plus the fed. Imagine how many articles one could write? A lot is an understatement.

So what is the upper limits of articles you can write on a business model? I say it is unlimited. It is not is not 50, it is not 500, it is not 1000 and it is not 7300; in fact it could be over 100,000 or half a million. In building my company, we had to write manuals for our franchisees. We could not make them too awfully complex as people would not be able to read them all. When I finished my set of manuals, which is needed to run a mobile car wash business; we had over 1000 pages, each one have a different topic or sub topic. Then I wrote manuals of how to clean boats, aircraft, trucks and concrete. Each over 500 pages; think about how simple the mobile washing business is? If you read books like the E-Myth you will see that the first step to take a business past step one is to systematize it, organize it and set up procedures which can be duplicated. Anyone who has done this in real life could easily write 1000 articles on the subject if they really set their minds to it and committed themselves to write it all down.

Moral of the story: Anyone who limits them selves in life to an artificial barrier of the mind, has in fact limited their potential. Are you limiting yourself? If so, why do you do that? Think about it.

Lance Winslow

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Coop Eration

Writen by Theresa Cahill

An online advertiser has numerous options when it comes to getting the word out about their particular product or program or website, and the ezine co-op is an excellent resource.

The purpose of the co-op is very simple. For the advertiser, it is a one-stop spot to order advertising inside various ezines without having to do the manual labor for themselves. It's a time saver, a labor-saving tool only, and the selection of ezines is outstanding.

For the publisher, the co-op exists as a great method of advertising (or listing) their own ezine, it enhances the link popularity many search engines look for, and it's a great way to gain subscribers.

A publisher should join a co-op for two reasons:

1. To gain a subscriber in exchange for running a new ad.

Most ezines offer a first free ad and/or various ways to advertise for little or no money in their publications, so this doesn't create a big conflict - it's what a publisher is doing anyway.

The co-op assists by sending subscribers that have come via their website in the publishers direction. The publisher adds the new subscriber and runs the ad. The cost of advertising for that new subscriber is absorbed by the co-op, and the publisher benefits by having to advertise less to grow. It's a simple, win-win arrangement.

2. To be paid to perform a service over and above Item #1.

While almost every co-op has some sort of affiliate program available for anyone to join, the co-op/ publisher relationship should be such that the publisher does not have to rely upon selling in order to get paid for helping a co-op expand their services beyond Item #1.

With the increased number of solo advertising going on online, a publisher who agrees to get involved with additional solo mailings must weigh the value of taking on that additional service. They need to understand that they've agreed to add to their existing workload, and they've agreed to contact their subscribers more frequently. Neither should be taken lightly.

Every time a publisher does make contact with their list, they do lose some people - through bounced email or unsubscribes. How often a list is contacted is a critical component in keeping that list alive and well. Strain that resource, and a publisher and his or her readers feel the consequences.

A publishers purpose over and above providing good, useful information is to grow a list, a list that will ultimately make that publisher money. They work hard to establish a relationship of trust and confidence with their subscribers, they work on their own personal name branding. The publisher's hope is that by providing a quality service and good information their readers will follow their lead when good programs surface online and join with them or buy from them. It is a business, too.


How many publishers finally give up and close down a list of loyal subscribers because the workload of maintaining that quality contact gets strained to the point of breaking, and the income they hoped to generate with their subscribers just isn't happening?

Many... and it's a shame - because even the subscriber and advertiser can see that the publisher also has the right to make money online.

A year or so ago, the sole purpose of a co-op was ezine advertising - the regular "classified" advertising listed in Item #1 above. Recently, including our service at My Wizard Ads, co-ops are adding additional ways for advertisers to get the word out - solo advertising, guaranteed hits, meta tag services, and more.

Yes these same additional services typically fall under the "make a sale, earn a fee" affiliate program. But the key difference a publisher should look at is the "make a sale" to get paid, particularly when it comes to solo ads - a primary source of income for the publisher who puts great effort into selling their own.

And, while it may not be a popular idea to express, I keep asking myself, "Why would anyone run solos for free?!?"

Back in October 2001 when My Wizard Ads opened it's doors my primary goal was, and remains to this day, to help publishers make money.

Why? Because I also publish and it's hard work! And over the course of several years online I've met many wonderful hardworking people who deserve to get paid for their efforts.

So I figured I could make a difference - expand upon the existing co-ops of the time, and put some cash back into the pockets of those working with me by paying them to help me grow.

And, if the cash wasn't readily available, I'd at least help them grow their list by sending them subscribers - because we all know "the money is in the list."

Sure, I've got the standard affiliate program (the first I believe to include PayPal), but I also understand the potential repercussions for a publisher every time they run a solo ad. To help offset this, I pay every publisher a fair market price, every time, regardless of who sold it.

And, what's more, I believe every co-op can, and should, do the same.

The sheer numbers of a co-op make it easier to allow advertisers less expensive methods of advertising. But, to this day, I believe that the co-op should not undermine the individual publisher.

As publishers we need to weigh the pros and cons and choose to participate wisely.

Common sense and good business practices can, and do, ensure that everyone has a fair shot at their online dreams.

Remember... Co-op...eration.

© Theresa Cahill - All Rights Reserved. Feel free to distribute this article. Please keep it intact and with the resource box included below.


Theresa Cahill, a two decade veteran of marketing, is the owner of http://www.mywizardads.com and invites you to take a look at the services of MWA and download fr.ee helpful information and more at http://www.mywizardads.com/sitemap.html

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Formulating Those Great New Ideas

Writen by Ken Mathie

The great thing about Ezines is that there are no hard and fast rules. The whole purpose of your Ezine is to be informative. People love information and don't really care how they get it as long as it's easily attainable and easy to read. So don't be afraid to be different with your Ezine. You don't want to be outrageous to the point where people think of your Ezine as a joke, unless of course it's an Ezine about humor, but there is nothing wrong with being a little out there.

So, how do you come up with all these great new ideas? What if you're not exactly the most creative person in the world? What if your artistic talent consists of drawing stick figures on napkins? What if you don't know a GIF from a JPEG? What if you think HTML means How To Make Lasagna? No problem. Want to get ideas for an Ezine look? Go right to the source.

Subscribe to some of the more popular ones. Take a look at what's included in them. Look at the design. Look at the layout. Is a simple one page email Ezine or is it something more complex like a PDF file or an HTML page with several sections? Read as many of these as you can. Get a feel for what's out there. The more popular Ezines probably got that way because of how they are put together. I'm not suggesting you copy a look exactly but there is nothing wrong with getting inspiration from these other Ezines.

It is probably best to view competing Ezines. These are the ones that focus on the same subject matter that you're going to focus on. The reason for this should be obvious. If you do a search for say, "Automotive Ezines" the ones that appear at the top of the search are probably going to be the most popular and they are for a reason. Examine them carefully. You'll probably find they are either PDF files or HTML based web pages. You'll probably also find that they contain lots of photos of autos. Take these Ezines apart and see what makes them tick.

And then, go one step further.


Look to see what ISN'T there. This is where you become unique. This is where you give people something that other Ezines don't. If you're very familiar with a topic then you should know everything there is to know about it. Certainly there is something that you are personally familiar with that you're not finding in other Ezines. If it's an entire sub topic you may want to devote a whole section to it. This could end up meaning a huge subscriber base if it's something that a number of people want to know about.

Yes, coming up with those great new ideas is work. It's not going to just come to you. You're going to have to exert some brain power and it won't be easy. But after you've done it, you'll have an Ezine that you'll be able to have pride in and one that many people are going to want to read.

Learn more…

PMCezine" Internet Marketing Bulletins... Receive weekly up-to-date powerful marketing tips, strategies, and secrets to grow your online business. Money making tips and tricks you must use to save you massive amounts of profit & time, increase sales & ad responses. You don't want to miss this ezine... A must read! Receive 6 FREE gifts when you subscribe! mailto:PMCezine-13@smartprosystems.com http://www.promarketers-club.com

Copyright 2006 – Ken Mathie. Editor PMCezine... You are free to reproduce this article as long as no changes are made, the author's name is retained and the link to our site URL remains active.

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How To Write Sticky Features Articles

Writen by Claudine Williams

Are you trying to write sticky content for your website? People love to read features articles, particularly about other people who have succeeded or overcame challenges. Profiles are a great addition to your website. Your readers will be able to relate to the people you interview and empathize with them. They may even be inspired to succeed or learn from others' mistakes. You don't have to be a Pulitzer Prize winning author to write effective profiles. The following tips will help you choose good interviewees, formulate questions, and write a solid, thought-provoking profile.

1. Your first job is to select a good topic. Article topics are all around you, but you certainly want to choose a topic that is related to your website and newsletter. Visit bulletin boards; talk to people. Hear their stories. You are looking for people who have overcome challenges or have done something interesting or unique. For example, if you have a website related to internet marketing you may find someone who has increased her site's unique visitors from 25 to 100,000 visitors within a day using a new marketing tool. If you are running a work at home site, you may find a person who has become a millionaire by selling knitted blankets on eBay. The stories become even more interesting if the subjects have faced particularly difficult challenges to succeed.

2. Once you have found your subject, you need to politely ask if she is willing to be interviewed. Most people will be flattered and happy to receive the publicity, especially if you offer to include a link to their website or include a short blurb about their business in the article. Other people receive so many interview requests that you may not even get a response.

3. Now you need to come up with your questions. You need basic background information, their name, location (city or state is fine) and occupation. Now, what else would you like to know about this person? How did this person achieve her goal? When she begin? How hard did she work? Was it luck? What were some of the challenges she overcame to succeed? What advice would she give to others in the the same boat? Did she expect to succeed? If the person failed at something, what did the person learn? As you interview the person, you can always add other questions based on what your subject has said.

4. Interviews can be conducted in person, by telephone, instant messenger, e-mail, or faxed questions. Ask the person if you can contact her for additional questions if you think of something else while writing the profile.

5. Writing the lead, the first paragraph of the story, can be your most difficult challenge. Your lead should capture your reader's attention. The best leads have a twist or a surprise. Here is an example:

With more than a million hits a day, Joe Snoe has already made his first $1 million in advertising from his home-grown blog. So far, he has planned to buy his first mansion in St. Croix with his profits, as long as his parents agree. Joe is 10 years old.

See how the last sentence gave the readers a surprising twist in my made-up example?

6. Your second paragraph should tell the reader more about the subject. You can include a quote from the person you interviewed and weave in a little background information.Let's see how that works in my Joe Snoe example.

"I learned how to create blogs from my dad," said Joe, who created his video game blog when he was 9. "I told all of my friends at school about it, and they told their friends. Before I knew it, people were chatting about my blog on bulletin boards and advertisers were offering big money to place ads on my blog."

Each quote should appear in its own paragraph, followed by a paragraph that paraphrases information from the person you interviewed. Use transitions, like next, although, first, now, later, etc., to move your story along.

7. Your conclusion should wrap up your story with a final thought. Consider ending with a strong quote.

"Just last year, I was an ordinary kid who loved video games," Joe said. "Now, I am an ordinary kid who fulfilled an extraordinary, grown-up dream. If I can do it, you can too."

Claudine Williams is the published writer of hundreds of business and features articles. Get work at home job leads and business advice at http://www.KissDebtGoodbye.com .

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