Readers Rule

Writen by Ed Howes

It was a large directory – small directory horse race on my particular articles that convinced me of this matter. The large site has far and away the most readers and the most content. The small directory has protracted homepage exposure and a surprising supply of readers. In other words, the small directory has a much better reader to content ratio than the large. If my goal is to expand my regular and loyal readership, on which directory should I submit?

Unless the word of mouth advertising for my work is strong enough to bring new readers to the directory or my web site, my popularity will shrivel over time. To prevent this, I and other writers will create and submit fresh content and further reduce the reader – content ratio. If we need fresh material to attract readers we need readers to consume our writing.

Today the best directories cater to authors, if they are serious. They must begin to focus much more attention on reader satisfaction and enjoyment – on site. A recent comment on the Ezine Articles Writers' blog shines a light on the nature of the problem. Blog Moderator Chris Knight said approximately 80% of article views went directly to the article from an off site link, such as a search or Email. That means only 20% of the views are from people finding and opening the article on site. Those percentages need to change.

At Ezine Articles there are 7326 registered on site readers. Of those, 5112 have achieved expert status by logging five onsite hours or more each of the past four weeks. Of these, 1421 are platinum level readers logging ten or more onsite hours for each of the previous four weeks. These readers submitted 8743 comments on articles they read and rated 13533 articles. 8589 comments were accepted by the reviewers. 317 comments were deleted by authors. Where did I get these statistics? I got them from the future where they will be posted on the home page or linked from the home page to the website report page. This page will have extensive statistics and averages for the entire site and all members. It will be a wonderful page for new visitors, whether readers, writers, publishers or marketers. It will make it easier to sell directory sponsored services because the numbers won't lie. The buyer knows exactly what to expect.

The more successfully content providers meet the needs of readers, writers, and publishers, the more they can increase revenue streams from most sources. E content providers will branch into audio and podcasting. Wouldn't it be great to hear articles read by authors or very good readers, when sitting in front of a monitor or reading print is inconvenient? Yes, we could use screen reader software and have the computer read to disc. But the computer and the software will never have the writer's intention and will not soon sound like an author or a good reader.

An article connects reader and writer. They have a brief if perhaps recurring relationship. But a website can bring people together in communities around any particular interests – if its operators so choose. For example; a reader web log in each popular article category. I predict the ones who so choose will be the most successful. If you are an online reader who has good ideas about the improvements any website can make for you and other readers, start talking to the site operators. You will be doing the whole world a favor. One person with one good idea is worth more than a million with no ideas.

Ed Howes sought and found, knocked and entered. Now he sees things differently. To see more of what he sees, please visit or do an author search here at Ezine Articles. Readers grow: wiser, faster, better.