Make Your Ezine Sizzle

Writen by Genesis Davies

Getting visitors to your site to sign up for your newsletter is one thing, getting them to actually read every issue is another. Research shows that many online newsletters just don't get opened.

Think about it. How many emails do you get a day? Even if you don't subscribe to many e-zines or services, you probably get a minimum of 25 a day. Most of us don't have time to read all those emails, so we either leave the ones we aren't as interested in or delete them to save space.

If your potential clients aren't reading your newsletter, they won't be clicking on your links or buying products that you advertise. To get them reading each and every issue, you need to make your content worth the time it takes to read!

1. Limit solo ads. Solo ads are ads sent out to your email list without any content attached. While your readers will probably tolerate one or two of these a month, you don't want to overdo it or they will stop opening your emails and may unsubscribe.

2. Personalize. Studies show that people are more likely to open an email that has their name on it. It also gives you a way to connect with your readers. They will feel like they have more than just a business relationship with you. The idea here is to build confidence and trust so you can keep your clients.

3. Relevant ads. Any ads that you place in your newsletter should relate to the material presented. If you send out an email on dog clothing, for example, you shouldn't include an ad for infant safety equipment. Your readers will be confused as to why you included it and it looks very unprofessional. Take the time to search out affiliate programs that relate to your topics.

4. Great Content. "Content is king." Is the new e-commerce catch-phrase. Even though it might seem overused, it's still true. You need to have interesting articles jam-packed with information that is relevant to your readers in order to hold their attention. You can find free content online, but you can also hire writers to write original content for fairly low prices. Try or

5. Pay for an auto-responder. "You get what you pay for." My mother always said and in this respect, it is very true. Free auto-responders are great to start off with, but they usually include an ad in your newsletter (how else are they going to make money?). This ad is usually at the header of your newsletter, otherwise known as your most valuable ad space! Just taking on a paid ad for this space will easily pay an auto-responder fee! If you really can't afford it right now, start with a service that gives you a free trial or that allows you to upgrade later.

Good newsletters require a bit of time and effort, but once you get your readers actually reading and responding to your work, it will all be worth it.

Genesis Davies is a freelance writer who currently runs 2 websites and an ezine. Check out her business site. Sign up for her free Create a Sizzling Ezine course