Online Article Submission Websites And Format Changes In Secure Writer Member Area

Writen by Lance Winslow

The online article submission website venue on the Internet is a fast charging and highly competitive sector of the ever-changing Internet. One way for an owner of an online article submission website to attract the highest volume and most competent writers is to provide additional tracking tools. This can be done by offering a secure writer membership only area where each author can monitor their individual and over all article performance, thus allowing them the information to get more out of what they write by adjusting the types of articles they write and the way in which they write them.

Of course once an online article submission site is up and running and gaining market share they must also realize that any format change takes getting use to, I suppose. Indeed any change requires risk, so as long as authors have no risk of data loss, they will eventually adapt and with new features or more humanly thought out navigation in the end it will be good.

It would take getting use to of course. But it will become second nature rather quickly for those authors posting 5-10 or more articles per week. New authors will never know the difference having not been acclimated to the old way you see? Change is good on the back end as long as it works. Now then the important concentration should also be increasing traffic counts to the site. If you own an online article submission site, then you should be considering all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow