Online Article Submission Websites And Format Changes In Secure Writer Member Area

Writen by Lance Winslow

The online article submission website venue on the Internet is a fast charging and highly competitive sector of the ever-changing Internet. One way for an owner of an online article submission website to attract the highest volume and most competent writers is to provide additional tracking tools. This can be done by offering a secure writer membership only area where each author can monitor their individual and over all article performance, thus allowing them the information to get more out of what they write by adjusting the types of articles they write and the way in which they write them.

Of course once an online article submission site is up and running and gaining market share they must also realize that any format change takes getting use to, I suppose. Indeed any change requires risk, so as long as authors have no risk of data loss, they will eventually adapt and with new features or more humanly thought out navigation in the end it will be good.

It would take getting use to of course. But it will become second nature rather quickly for those authors posting 5-10 or more articles per week. New authors will never know the difference having not been acclimated to the old way you see? Change is good on the back end as long as it works. Now then the important concentration should also be increasing traffic counts to the site. If you own an online article submission site, then you should be considering all this in 2006.

Lance Winslow

Publish An Ezine Your Website Depends On It

Writen by Merle Stinnett

So you've done all the research, built your website and you're ready to show it off to the world and make your Internet fortune. "Whoa," not so fast there, Mister. If you haven't included an ezine, your site is missing out on a major online marketing tool. Here's why the decision to include one or not can lead to your website's success or ultimate failure.

1st Time Visitors. Let's face it: the first time someone comes to your website, the odds are they're going to be leary and not buy from you right away. By giving them the chance to subscribe to your newsletter you're actually giving yourself another chance to sell to them down the road. Your ezine will give them multiple incentives to visit your site and make a purchase.

Build an Opt In List. There's a reason why off-line marketers have done direct mailings for years: they work. Collecting email addresses of visitors to your website allows you to compile a list of people who want to hear from you. By signing up for your newsletter, you're given permission to market to these people on a regular basis. Your list will become your most precious marketing commodity.

Establishes Trust. The truth is, your site visitors have no idea if you're an upright business person or some mad hacker in a dark basement out to grab their credit card number. By giving them the opportunity to subscribe to your ezine you'll be able to establish a "relationship" where your subscribers will come to trust and rely upon you. By providing them with helpful information on a consistent basis you'll become someone they turn to when in need of the types of products/services you sell.

Establish Yourself as an Expert. Let's say you're an accountant and I'm considering using your services. How do I know you're any good? Well, if you had been publishing a newsletter with helpful accounting tips and tax saving information all along, you would have established yourself as an expert in my mind.

By sharing your knowledge with others, you'll establish yourself as an expert in your field. An ezine helps you to establish credibility in your chosen subject and distinguishes you from others online who may be working in a similar vein. Be the one people turn to, become the EXPERT.

Sell Back End Products. As long as your ezine supplies helpful information, you can actually pitch your sales talk softly between the lines. As long as your ezine is not 99% ads, you can use it to plug any product or service you sell. If you don't have your own products/services, you can plug affiliate programs you may be involved with as well. Just try to keep everything you promote related to the theme of your newsletter. If your ezine is health related you should only include health related products to keep it on topic for your target market. As you run sales or specials you'll also want to make your subscribers aware of them. Remember, your ezine is a marketing tool; use it as such.

Drives Traffic. There are millions of websites out there, so what's going to bring me back to yours? An ezine, of course! By emailing your subscribers a newsletter which always includes a link back to your site, you're reminding them to come back again and again -- driving traffic on a consistent basis. How many times have you gone to a website and signed up for their ezine and forgotten about the site? I know I have, but when their ezine shows up in my mailbox it reminds me of how much I enjoyed their site and usually results in my re-visiting. This is POWERFUL STUFF.

These are just some of the reasons why you need to be publishing an ezine. A website needs a newsletter and a newsletter needs a website. They just go together like Peanut Butter and Jelly. One without the other is a weak link in the online marketing chain. Don't underestimate the importance of your very own ezine. As your list grows you'll have a very powerful marketing tool on your hands, one you can sell to again and again!

Merle has been "working" the Net for over 8 years and has a Special Gift just for you. Download my FREE E-book "50 Easy Ways to Promote Your Website". Get your copy now at

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A Blog 5 Minutes A Week And These 5 Simple Steps Equals Your Own Online Ezine

Writen by Mike Makler

One of the fastest ways to gain "Guru" Status online is to publish an EZine. Notice I said Publish. A Publisher is often responsible for finding and using the works of others. By using these 5 simple Step you will be able to publish an EZine with 5 Minutes worth of Effort Weekly.

A Blog is probably the easiest way to get your EZine online. Besides being the fastest and Easiest way to get your EZine Online, a Blog has the Added Advantage of allowing you to publish an RSS feed.

The First 2 Steps you would only be done once

1 - Find a Theme for Your Ezine

You of course need to decide on a Topic or theme for your EZine, If you are Promoting Financial Services the Theme of your EZine would be Financial Services, If you have no Idea what so ever what your theme should be you may try using the Below Theme Joggers to help you find one.

  • What are you good at?

  • What do people seek your ideas, Opinion or Advice on?

  • What is Your Hobby?

  • What is Your Passion?

  • What do you do at Your Job?

  • What are your Favorite Sports?

  • Health and Fitness

  • Self Improvement

  • Politics

  • Current Events

  • How-To's

2 - Get a Free Blog

Go to and set-up a Free Blog. Try to name your blog so it matches your Ezine theme. If your Ezine Theme is on Why a Vegetarian Diet is best for dog, you wouldn't want to name your blog man-eating-plants

3 - Find Content

Go to an Online Article Directory and do a keyword Search for an Article that matches your theme. (

4 - Post Your Content

Login to your Blog and Cut and Paste the Article from Step 3 into your Blog.

(If you would like to have more then 1 Article in your EZine Just Repeat Steps 3 and 4 for each article)

5 - Ping Your Blog

Go to and Ping your blog

If you are using your Blog for promotion you may want to have a Top Sponsor Ad above the Article and a Bottom Sponsor Ad Below the Article. The Ads can either be 3rd party Ads that you sell or Ads that Promote your own Product or Service. If You have more then one Article you can also place Ads Between the Articles.

It is also Ok to use content you create yourself in your E-Zine

About The Author:
Mike Makler has been Marketing Online Since 2001 When he Built an Organization of over 100,000 Members

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Copyright © 2005-2006 Mike Makler the Coolest Guy in the Universe