Make A Connection With Your Ezine Readers

Writen by Alicia Forest

Are there ezines that you receive that you just can't wait to read? I know I have 3 or 4 that I read as soon as they hit my inbox, and others that I print and put in my "reading box" next to my desk.

What do you think makes me want to read those few right away?

It's the personal connection I feel to the author, even if I don't know that person (some I've met, some I haven't yet). Besides the valuable content I get each time I read their newsletter, I am most interested in finding out what's happening with them, personally and professionally.

As they share more about themselves and their lives, I get to know, like and trust them (and their products or services) over time (and you know that people usually only buy from people they know, like and trust, right?). And eventually I tend to make the investment in them and their offerings.

For example, I was (and still am) a subscriber to Chris Barrow's "More Profit in Less Time" ezine for about a year when I learned through it that he was holding a live event in NYC. I signed up (at $200), attended the event, and left as a client (for $450/month). Do you think I would have invested that kind of money if I hadn't gotten to know, like and trust CB and his materials? Of course not.

So, how can you put more of YOU in your ezine to make that connection with your readers? Try some of the following:

> What's going on with you? Can you think of two or three things that are happening in your life right now that you could share with your readers? You only need to get as personal as you feel comfortable with, so don't feel that you need to share everything, by any means. Just a couple of things that you can share comfortably that your readers might find interesting as well as help them feel more connected to you.

For example, are you going on vacation soon or did you just get back from a trip? This is usually an easy topic to start with, and don't be surprised if your readers write to you to suggest hotels, tell you their experiences when they visited the same locale, etc.

Or do you have a pet that you can relate stories about? You'll be amazed at how many of your readers will feel like they really know you if you share your latest "adventures with Rover" stories.

> Ask for help. If you are trying to make a decision about something, ask your readers for suggestions and feedback. To continue the vacation example above, say you are considering taking a cruise. Ask your readers for suggestions as to their favorite cruise line, or which ones to avoid. They'll be happy to help!

Or for an another example, I know when we go to sell our house in the next few years that the first people I'm going to let know about it are my ezine readers. Maybe none of them would be interested, but they might know someone who is!

> Add photos. I try to add a photo every week, if I can (it's not hard when I take a lot of pictures of Chloe!). A photo of yourself is also a really good idea. It goes a long way in helping your readers see you as a real person.

Try to incorporate these ideas into one section of your ezine, either at the beginning or the end. You can call it anything you like: A note from you, personal reflections, from the desk of_______, etc. Personally, I like to see it at the beginning since it's usually the part I read first... :)

Remember not to take up too much space, though. You still want the majority of your ezine to contain quality content for you reader, since that's why they signed up in the first place!

Copyright 2005 Alicia Forest

Alicia M Forest, MBA, Multiple Streams Queen & Coach™, & Founder of, teaches coaches, consultants, online entrepreneurs and solo professionals to attract more clients, create profit-making products and services, make more sales, and ultimately live the life they desire and deserve. For FREE tips on how to create abundance in your business, visit

Profit From Reading

Writen by Raymond Johnston Jr

A while back my youngest son came to visit for a few days. He and his family arrived late one night and after visiting for a couple of hours, we all turned in.

The next morning when he came down for his caffeine jump start, I was sitting at my desk with my computer on. This is my normal daily routine. I start my day around four, yes that's four in the morning unlike my son who is usually going to bed about that time. Anyway, he just mumbled good morning and took his coffee and headed out to sit by the lake.

The second morning, he looked at me very strangely as he went by. Finally on the third morning he asked me what I could possibly be accomplishing sitting there staring at the screen for so many hours? When I told him that I was reading, I got another shake of the head and off he went.

Do you spend much of your day reading? If you are part of the internet marketing world and you answered no, you are making a big mistake.

What do I read? I subscribe to and read an amazing number of ezines. I know that most of you just use them to get your free ads and don't even pay attention to any of the content. If you want to succeed in the internet marketing field, I urge you to subscribe to ezines. Read the content and find which one's provide you with quality material. Keep subscribing to those you find useful and discard the one's that don't. Then go out and subscribe to some more and repeat this process.

If you spend all of your time sending out free ads to ezines and FFA sites instead of reading, you have your priorities in the wrong order.

I was reading an article on advertising the other day. The author stated that research was a big step in writing good ad copy. Well. I am here to tell you that reading is a big part of being successful in the marketing world.

I read ezines, I read books, I read news articles and I could go on and on. I read everything that might have an influence on the internet marketing industry.

Ninety to ninety five percent of the people who are trying to work in the internet marketing field are going about it all wrong. They are spending their time unwisely and will be in the same circumstances a year from now.

Most of you who are trying to work on the internet have a limited number of hours each week to put towards your marketing business. I strongly urge you to allot some of that time to reading. If you do this consistently for a few weeks, you will be amazed at what you learn.

Article was written by Raymond Johnston Jr You will find more of his articles along with web marketing tools on his website at

7 Ways To Selfpromote Within Your Ezine

Writen by Alexandria K. Brown

We all know that an e-zine won't attract and keep subscribers without offering insightful, practical content. If you only drone on and on about how wonderful you and your services/products are, your readers won't stick around for long.

But let's think about WHY you began your e-zine in the first place. It was likely to use it as a vehicle to promote you and your services/products, right?

You have every right to toot your own horn in your e-zine, as long as you don't drown out the useful content your readers are looking for. You work hard on your e-zine, so let's make your e-zine work foryou!

Here are 7 simple ideas on how to accomplish this:

  1. Make sure your MAIN ARTICLE always provides information that your readers will find valuable.

    By having a main article as the foundation of your issue, readers will feel they got what they came for — helpful information. Try a list of top 10 tips, a "how-to" article, a list of resources, a review of a trend in the industry — that sort of thing.

    So remember, if your e-zine is tonight's meal, your main article should be the entree. Any promotional info should be your side dishes!

  2. Begin each issue with an EDITOR'S NOTE or PUBLISHER'S NOTE.

    I began doing this during the fall of 2001, and have found it's the perfect place to let readers know about what's happening with me and my business, give them a taste of my personality, and announce any upcoming events or workshops. Because this is a personal message from you to them, and because it's NOT your main content, you have more leeway in being direct and self-promotional.

  3. In your article, throw in LINKS to related articles you've written or been featured in, when appropriate.

    Your readers will appreciate the additional information and resources, and it's one more chance for you to demonstrate your expertise and credibility.

  4. Directly after your article, give a quick PROMO BLURB, mentioning your e-books, reports, or workshops, if you offer them.

    Why right after the article and before anything else? If someone reads your article and says to themselves, "Gee, that was great information!" They'll be ready to hear what else you have to share on that subject.

    A great lead-in for your blurb is: "Did You Like Today's Article? If you did, you'll LOVE my [e-book, report, upcoming workshop, etc.]..."

  5. In each issue, offer a TESTIMONIAL from one of your clients or customers.

    I saw another e-zine publisher doing this last year and thought, "What a great idea! She's giving her readers further reason to try her services."

    I now also do this by featuring a short testimonial in each issue from someone who has bought my book and loves it.

  6. Tell us what YOU'RE all about!

    At the end of your ezine, take at least 10 lines and give a concise description of YOU and what you have to offer your readers.

    For example, here's what I put at the bottom of every "E-zine Queen" newsletter:

    Marketing writer and consultant Alexandria K. Brown, "The E-zine Queen," is author of "Boost Business With Your Own E-zine: 283 Secrets to Planning, Writing, Publishing, and Promoting an E-Mail Newsletter That Gets Results."

    It's a step-by-step manual that walks you through the entire process. It's available, along with "The E-zine Queen Resource Report" (more than 219 e-zine promotion resources!), at

  7. Occasionally, make a special announcement in a SOLO MAILING.

    A solo mailing is any mailing you make to your E-ZINE subscriber list that is NOT a regular issue of your ezine.

    Now, some e-zine publishers blatantly abuse this privilege, sending out announcements every two days about the latest and greatest product or affiliate program.

    If you do send out any solo mailings, keep it to a minimum (I'd say no more than one or two a month), and make sure they're truly newsworthy. Perhaps one of your special offers is coming to an end, you need your readers" help, or you"re offering a last-minute workshop and need to fill seats. Get the idea?

    IMPORTANT: Make sure to still include your masthead, contact info, and unsubscribe info in your solo mailings. This way your readers won't mistake them for junk mail.

(c) 2002 Alexandria K. Brown


Alexandria K. Brown, "The E-zine Queen," is author of the award-winning manual, "Boost Business With Your Own E-zine." To learn more about her book and sign up for more FREE tips like these, visit her site at

Ezining It Action Verb Createaword Project Gets Under Way

Writen by Lance Winslow

Perhaps you have heard that the Oxford Dictionary has added the verb; Google to their dictionary. As in; google it or I googled you. This is good news and bad news for the company. Bad news in that it jeopardizes their Brand Name Trademarks in all the English Speaking Countries, but good news in that it increases their brand awareness, as they are now officially a word in the English Language.

Nevertheless, many sectors and sub-sectors of the Internet still need words to be listed in the Oxford Dictionary, such as Ezine, Ezines and Ezining. And why not make Ezine a noun as in Electronic online newsletter or magazine and also a verb as well? How so you ask? Well simple consider the phrase; Ezine It.

Ezine and Ezining an article would have a definition; submitting an article intended for mass distribution by Ezine Publishers to put the article in their publication, which would be sent out via email. It could also be an action of an Ezine Publisher to Fling it out to their subscribers like a Frisbee, they are Ezining your article in mass email distribution.

It is about time that Ezine and Ezining become part of the human language as there are now nearly 50,000 writers writing articles and submitting them for mass distribution. Consider all this in 2006 and let us get a petition going too.

Lance Winslow

How To Handle A Hungry Ad

Writen by Theresa Cahill

Whether you publish or not, work overload hits us all sooner or later. But, with just a bit of forethought, you can crawl out from under... read on!

Since I am a publisher, and co-op owner, I can safely say that accepting ads is easily the leading cause of work overload for any ezine writer.

"I'm falling so far behind, it will take months to get caught up!"

Sound familiar? Well, it doesn't have to!

Having published for almost four years now, I believe I have developed a fairly decent method for handling those backlogged ezine ads.

Many ezines offer free ads. Many offer paid advertising. Many do both - with one result sooner or later... the dreaded backlog!

So, what's a publisher to do?

Initially the way I "handled" it was to add in additional mailings each week. I went from a once-a-week publisher to twice a week to three times (or more!).

Frankly, this isn't a good solution. Have you ever noticed that no matter what it is, if you manage to logistically handle it, it multiples itself anyway? Not unlike bunnies :)

So, my next solution - which was unnecessary and drastic - was to remove myself from many of the co-ops I'd listed with. This wasn't a smart move really because there are mutually benefical reasons FOR listing your ezine around the net - link popularity in the search engines to name just one.

And, worse still, removing myself from those co-ops still didn't solve the problem!

The problem wasn't with the paid advertising I was receiving through the co-ops, but a combination of paid ads along with the free ads I offered, and still do offer.

Even after taking the drastic step above, in a very short while I was back to wondering what can I do? The ads continued to pile up.

Above all else, publishing should be a joy not a chore, but I began to dread each issue :(

I've known many publishers who did pull the plug at this point, but I believe it was totally unnecessary to give up something they truly were enjoying - if it weren't for the ads.

So, if you are looking for a workable solution to this very common problem, implement one of the following:


One good method is to send a special mailing every now and then - maybe one extra mailing PER MONTH. Inside this mailing would be attractively arranged paid and free advertising - offset so everyone can tell the difference.

But, it doesn't stop there. DO NOT just send an ad sheet! Your subscribers deserve more :)

Include inside a contest for a free ebook or product, or even a free top sponsor ad or solo. Make a contest or game to go inside - you've seen them.

One truly creative contest is to strategically place individual letters throughout your mailing that form a word, or phrase, or famous person's name. Subscribers submit the correct answer via email, and then you randomly draw your contest giveaway winner.

And... don't stop there! Be sure every mailing you send out, be it catch-up or not, includes quality CONTENT!

Fluff is for the birds, your readers want and need quality input.

With just one additional mailing per month stress is a thing of the past. And, if you are wondering, your loyal subscribers will willingly accept one additional mailing per month without compliant, if that mailing is of high quality.


A second method is TO add just one additional mailing per week OR, better yet, push your ezine to every other week, with an inbetween filler week "Classified" issue.

I personally LOVE the second alternative. My own ezine, TheWizWorld MRC Newsletter, comes every other Monday and is vitually ad free. The only ads that appear inside the Newsletter itself are signature files from readers sending input.

The Classified issue goes out on the "odd" Monday, but it is much, much more than an "ad sheet."

To see this method, take a peek at:

The secret? A clear, easy-to-read format, along with quality content!


It is a joy now to publish! I look forward to every Monday and, I believe, so do my readers.

I also believe the above method of finding workable, strategic methods to decrease one's workload, while increasing quality, works for everyone, not just ezine publishers.

If you are suffering from work overload, pause and think things through. There are workable solutions for those looking for workable answers :)

As for publishers?

There ARE ways of handling those hungry ads without losing subscribers, without suffering a blow to your quality content.

Backlogs can become a thing of the past - forever!

Be creative! Your readers and advertisers will thank you.

© Theresa Cahill - All Rights Reserved. Feel free to distribute this article. Please keep it intact and with the resource box included below.


Theresa Cahill, a two decade veteran of marketing, is the owner of and invites you to take a look at the services of MWA and download helpful information and more at

Write Your Weekly Ezine In 5minutes Or Better Yet Dont Write It At All

Writen by Ron Hutton

How to write your ezine in 5 minutes by legally and ethically stealing other people's articles...

There are virtual storehouses of awesome articles and reports just waiting online for you to tap into. They're ready and available for your use; and, in fact, the authors very much want you to go grab them and use their articles.

You don't even have to search very far. You're only a scroll and a click away from a list of sites and locations that will provide you with hundreds of articles that you can browse, pick up and publish for free.

Free article content and syndicated article content is pretty much the same thing. The main difference is that syndicated article content is published or delivered either through the use of a service or a script feed. Free article content is usually hosted on the author's site with his or her expressed permission for you to use it.

A few general rules to consider in your quest for quick-and-easy newsletter content:

1) Look for content that fits well with the theme of your newsletter.

2) Answer this question for yourself... "Is this information of any value to my subscribers?"

3) How can I potentially benefit by using this article? And, yes, I am referring to money.

Points 1 and 2 above are obviously important considerations, and I don't really need to dwell on them.

Point 3 is equally important.

Authors who provide free articles for your use will always require that you include their "resource box" at the end of the article. This is right and proper since the author deserves to be recognized and it's their copyrighted material.

Are you asking yourself this question:

"If the article isn't mine, and the resource box isn't mine, how in the world am I going to take this 5-minute newsletter and turn it into income?!"

Good question. Read on.

An important key to monetizing the fre article content that you're borrowing from someone else is to seek out authors who will allow you to use an affiliate link to their products or services within the resource box. The resource box is usually four or five lines that lead you to the author's site.

If the author will allow you to sign up for his or her affiliate program and use your affiliate link in the resource box, you now have the opportunity to earn some income for anyone who clicks through that link and purchases a product from the author's site.

Alrighty then! It's a great combo isn't it? You don't have to agonize over copywriting. You can publish your ezine in about 5 minutes. You can send it to your millions of subscribers with one simple click of a button. AND you can profit in the process.

Here are some resources that you can begin to explore:

At Internet Marketing Power Tools (my site):

** Free Article Resources **

==> (This is my site that I use to support my ezine)


** Syndicated Article Resources **


Another awesome resource:

"Best of Web Gold" – this collection of articles is made available by Terry Dean of NetBreakthroughs (huge success online and all around great guy) You'll find over 75 articles that you can use in your newsletter. The only requirement is the resource box thing. But you can use your NetBreakthroughs affiliate link in the resource box so you'll have a chance to earn money.

Here's exactly what Terry says: "Feel free to use these articles below as long as the link in the resource box of each article points back to me."

As a NetBreakthroughs affiliate, your affiliate link is going obviously going to point back to Terry.

STEP 1: Sign up for Terry's affiliate program here:


STEP 2: Go here to access this super collection of articles:


If you haven't started your own online newsletter yet, use this technique to launch it today. Did someone say "Pulitzer"?

Copyright 2005 Ron Hutton

Ron Hutton is a 20 year sales and marketing veteran with a passion for coaching and training. Subscribe to "GoThrive Online", for big juicy marketing tips in small, easy-to-chew, bite size servings. 17 Free Cool Tools...

Marketing Article Technique Its A Numbers Game

Writen by Christopher Kyalo

One of the most common mistakes web site and blog site owners make in their article marketing technique is to ignore the fact that like any other form of marketing, it is a numbers game.

I made the same mistake myself. When I first started using a marketing technique that involved articles, I didn't think of the numbers involved. There is no doubt that a lot of people out there who may have posted one or two articles and forgotten all about it may be making exactly the same mistake I made. I wrote one article and sat back waiting for a response. I still got it (after about 3 weeks) but today I'm a lot wiser with my articles marketing technique.

You must have heard all those statistics about what kind of traffic a web site needs to be successful. Take a figure like 2,500 hits PER DAY. Now how does a site get that kind of traffic without spending a fortune on advertising? It is simple with this article marketing technique. Here is the math.

Supposing your article is viewed just twice every day at a certain articles directory web site. If you post the same article to only 20 similar sites, you'll have 40 hits per day. In this article marketing technique, you therefore need only 20 articles to get 800 hits per day. Of course the most important aspect of this article marketing technique is finding the highest traffic articles directories or web sites to post your articles to. Be careful because a vast majority of them are a waste of time.

Get more information now to help you grow your traffic overnight using articles. See my articles marketing blog or get my high value email newsletter on the same subject, send a blank Email Now to get it Free. This is a limited time offer.

A Complete Fiasco

Writen by Theresa Cahill

I thought long and hard about writing this article because I'm merely reinventing wheels that not only have I written about before, but others have also.

Yet, it is one of those "marketing themes" that bears repeating - so what the heck :)

Ezine advertising. Anyone who's reading currently understands the concept of ezines in general and, perhaps, why people advertise inside them.

What prompts me to write is a message I recently received which reads:

"I tried your ads and it was a complete fiasco, and I don't like to repeat fiascoes."

Not surprisingly, I'm not surprised.

This person unfortunately has no idea what ezine advertising is or what it does for one online.

Ask any die-hard marketer and they will tell you the amazingly simple "magic" answer to advertising:

"Do it. And keep doing it over and over and over..."

Is your classified ad or your solo ad, in and of itself, suppose to make you a sale? No!

Is it intended to get a reaction? YES! You most definitely need a website visit or a requested email.

So why do some marketers get results and many do not.

Let's face it, we all see ads day in and day out. Some catch our attention and entice us to cli'ck through, while others are so much pie-in-the-sky we'd never take even a small peek.

Are your ad words important? You bet!

[For example, if I'm doing my job right, you've made it this far reading this article. I've got your attention and, with luck, will keep it for just a few more paragraphs.]

Everyone says so and everyone is right. It's WHAT your ad says that entices the cli'ck through. It does not, and should not, be structured to try to "get the money right now."

That's what your website and mailtos are for - the link you want them to clic'k!

Can everyone write a good ad? Most definitely no.

But... the most important question to ask yourself prior to throwing in the towel is, "Have I tried?"

One run of an ad that fails to generate any interest is not a failure.

Two runs... no sales? Have you failed? No!

Three, four, five...? Still nothing? Give up? NO!

At this point (but hopefully before this point), you've got to ask yourself:

"What's wrong with my ad?"

A: Something, or they'd be clicking, right?

Two things to avoid are an excessive use of caps and exclamation marks. A few years back the use of both did make for a semi-successful way of catching someone's attention, but not anymore.

I think we can all safely say that most of us skip right past most of "those" types of ads, don't you?

Which leads to...

"Is it incredibly unbelievable?"

A: Is your ad so unrealistic that even you know you've gotten su'ckered into an impossible-to-achieve program, but still wonder why others won't follow along?

Quit wasting your time and/or money. Drop it like a hot potato and go RESEARCH a good, solid, reliable, long-haul program to promote. A good starting point for your research would be looking up the domain ownership, etc., at

"Did I write it from a 'benefits-packed' viewpoint?"

A: People want to know what's in it for them. When it comes to advertising, they really don't care a fig for what you get out of it. And that IS the right attitude, especially if you're asking them to part with cold hard cash.

The hardest, but best-producing, ads to write require sufficient intrigue to get the click and are 100% BELIEVABLE. Then, for heavens sake, have a professional enough looking website at the other end that explains the program in detail. The website also must have contact information, well beyond just an email address.

[I personally will not order from any website not willing to tell me who they are and how to get a hold of them other than by email... and neither should you! Heck, even test the phone number first just to be sure.]

So, was this persons' ad a fiasco? Yep!

Are the ezines to blame for his/her failure? No.

Was it the ads fault? Most likely, but even then I give it a no.

Is it the advertiser? ... Yep

Will this person succeed? Who knows, but it's going to require a lot more effort than he/she sounds willing to put forth.

The worst mistake ever propagated on the net was that there is "quick cash!" to be had just for the grabbing. Give me a break...

Marketing is hard work. There are very few, if any, true miracles online. Don't let anyone tell you differently.

Do advertise on a consistent basis. Do keep your ad out in front of others for the long haul. Do write articles, provide feedback to ezines, join forums, ask and give advice, etc.

Make yourself (not just your ad) known to others.

Work at it within a budget (fr'ee or otherwise), but work. Then you'll see results.

© Theresa Cahill - All Rights Reserved. Feel free to distribute this article. Please keep it intact and with the resource box included below.


Theresa Cahill, a two decade veteran of marketing, is the owner of and invites you to take a look at the services of MWA and download helpful information and more at

10 Ways How To Get Significant Exposure For Free

Writen by Erny Setyawati

Ezine are one of the best source of information on the web today. They are generally free and can make a huge impact marketing success if used correctly. Ezines may include ads, articles, jokes, quotes, advertorials, business opps, brief up dates about the publisher's site or business, testimonial and much more.

The word "ezine" is short for electronic magazine, also known as a newsletter. They are an excellent way to find detailed information about specific field on interest. At the same time they expose a gold mine of contact and possibilities! Ezines are delivered via email and 99 % of them are free. They can be sent daily, weekly, biweekly or monthly, it just depends on how the publisher of the ezine wishes to distribute the newsletter. Ezine is breakthrough of marketing solution today. We can promote our business with change banner, swap ad and write article. You can literally get hundreds of hits per day without spending a dime on advertising using ezines! There are ten techniques how to promote in ezine, although the impacts are indirect. They work and the potential is unlimited.

1. Write Testimonials!

Most Internet business look for and need testimonials. Testimonials give a business credibility and businesses know this. So they are always looking for kind words about their company that they can show to new prospect of customers. Therefore, anyone that comes to site and sees testimonial may well check out the site.

2. Write Articles and submit them to Ezine publishers!

Writing articles is really a great way to get free exposure. This particular method does take more time and some work but it can really reap huge rewards. I'm sure you've noticed when you read the articles in your favorite ezines , the author's information is listed at the bottom ( this is called a by –line ). Of course if you wrote an article, you would also include your own by- line. This tells folks who wrote the article and a little bit about the author including your URL. By submitting your article to as many ezines as fit your criteria, you have the potential of getting thousands of targeted hits FREE.

3. Give Away a Freebie!

Ezine publishers are usually looking for ways to keep their subscribers reading and interested contest are really a great way to accomplish this. A good way to get free exposure is to participate in a contest.

For example: Let's say that you sell health supplement. Suggest to an ezine publisher that relates to health possibly that you will be willing to give away one bottle of supplement to one lucky winner each issue. The publisher can do the drawing and email you the lucky winner's email address. Of course an announcement would take place in that issue and your company name and URL would be credited for the generosity. Of course you are giving away something of value but at the same time you are building credibility with the readership, creating recognition for your name and product .

4. Some Ezines Accept Free Advertising!

Do a search using The Directory of Ezines for ezines that accept free ads. This is a quick way to find them and is another way to get exposure at no cost. One thing to keep in mind, most ezines that accept free advertising are new and don't have many subscribers. Of course they are free you can place ads in as many as you have time for thus getting your ad in front of hundred of people.

5. Swap Ads !

This form of promotion may not apply to you unless you have your own ezine, another way to advertise free is to swap ads. Find other ezines that a circulation close to yours and who relate to what it is you are advertising. Offer to swap ads. Most will be glad to! This allows both of you to get fresh exposure. You will have your site being expose to hundreds of targeted.

6 . Trade links with other web sites. They should be related to the subject of your web site. Instead of trading links, you could also trade banner ads, half page ads, classified ads, etc.

7. Form an online community. It could be an online message board, e-mail discussion list or chat room. When people get involved in your community they will regularly return to communicate with others.

8. Participate on message boards. Post answers to other people's questions, ask questions and post appropriate information. Include your signature file at the end of all your postings.

9. Post your ad on free advertising areas on the internet. You can post it on free classified ad sites, free for all links sites, newsgroups that allow ads, free yellow page directories, etc.

10. Start an e-zine for your web site. When people read each issue they'll be reminded to revisit your web site. They'll see your product ad more than just once which will increase your orders.


About Writing For Ezines

Writen by Susan Scharfman

"You don't write because you want to say something. You write because you have something to say."—F. Scott Fitzgerald

Some of the greatest artists in history were ignored and even laughed at during their lifetimes. Yet their works are now in museums and libraries. New York City restaurants are brimming over with waiters and waitresses looking for their first big break. If you are a creative person that practices their art but has difficulty getting paid for it, you are not alone.

Newspapers, magazines, television networks and local TV stations hire interns who work for no pay and are happy to have the experience the jobs afford. Millions of aspiring artists, dancers, actors, poets, play writes, novelists and writers of every genre are willing to work for little or nothing for the love of their craft and most importantly—as a vehicle for self-expression. So what's it all about—this controversy over writing gratis for Ezines?

Unless success was white-gloved to them on a platinum tray, or they are parasites that plagiarized their way to fame and fortune, those already established writers that criticize writers who publish their original articles in cyberspace are forgetting where they came from and how they got where they are. I may disagree with their opinions, but I respect their right to express them. In fact it behooves these very flowers of the literati to encourage their fellow writers, rather than disparage them. Offer them a suggestion; give them a tip. Where else than through the frontier of cyberspace can a person's ideas be read around the world?

Writers who belittle other writers for writing for Ezines are either threatened with low self-worth, or they are victims of their selfish egocentric conscience. Making a living in any art form is tough enough without having to dodge snipers. When someone has written a piece that is accepted by a reputable publisher, including a reputable Ezine, that person is a writer. He or she should wear their rejections proudly, chalk them up to experience and persevere. A critic with limited vision should not deter them. I have received emails from as far as South Africa, China and Spain. As a result I've acquired great reference material and made new international friends who have asked me to edit their work. You never know where your next break will come from, or who will decide they like your style and hire you.

Like him or hate him, the following is a quote for all to imbibe from a master of the macabre, a man who suffered "the slings and arrows" of snipers, addiction and rejection.

"When asked, 'how do you write?' "I invariably answer," 'one word at a time'"—Stephen King


A writer/editor, I work with one client at a time, beginner or pro, for a cost effective solution to your writing and editing needs. Visit me at

The Disintermediation Of Content

Writen by Sam Vaknin

Are content brokers - publishers, distributors, and record companies - a thing of the past?

In one word: disintermediation.

The gradual removal of layers of content brokering and intermediation - mainly in manufacturing marketing - is the continuation of a long term trend. Consider music for instance. Streaming audio on the internet ("soft radio"), or downloadable MP3 files may render the CD obsolete - but they were preceded by radio music broadcasts. But the novelty is that the Internet provides a venue for the marketing of niche products and reduces the barriers to entry previously imposed by the need to invest in costly "branding" campaigns and manufacturing and distribution activities.

This trend is also likely to restore the balance between artists and the commercial exploiters of their products. The very definition of "artist" will expand to encompass all creative people. One will seek to distinguish oneself, to "brand" oneself and to auction one's services, ideas, products, designs, experience, physique, or biography, etc. directly to end-users and consumers. This is a return to pre-industrial times when artisans ruled the economic scene. Work stability will suffer and work mobility will increase in a landscape of shifting allegiances, head hunting, remote collaboration, and similar labour market trends.

But distributors, publishers, and record companies are not going to vanish. They are going to metamorphose. This is because they fulfil a few functions and provide a few services whose importance is only enhanced by the "free for all" Internet culture.

Content intermediaries grade content and separate the qualitative from the ephemeral and the atrocious. The deluge of self-published and vanity published e-books, music tracks and art works has generated few masterpieces and a lot of trash. The absence of judicious filtering has unjustly given a bad name to whole segments of the industry (e.g., small, or web-based publishers). Consumers - inundated, disappointed and exhausted - will pay a premium for content rating services. Though driven by crass commercial considerations, most publishers and record companies do apply certain quality standards routinely and thus are positioned to provide these rating services reliably.

Content brokers are relationship managers. Consider distributors: they provide instant access to centralized, continuously updated, "addressbooks" of clients (stores, consumers, media, etc.). This reduces the time to market and increases efficiency. It alters revenue models very substantially. Content creators can thus concentrate on what they do best: content creation, and reduce their overhead by outsourcing the functions of distribution and relationships management. The existence of central "relationship ledgers" yields synergies which can be applied to all the clients of the distributor. The distributor provides a single address that content re-sellers converge on and feed off. Distributors, publishers and record companies also provide logistical support: warehousing, consolidated sales reporting and transaction auditing, and a single, periodic payment.

Yet, having said all that, content intermediaries still over-charge their clients (the content creators) for their services. This is especially true in an age of just-in-time inventory and digital distribution. Network effects mean that content brokers have to invest much less in marketing, branding and advertising once a product's first mover advantage is established. Economic laws of increasing, rather than diminishing, returns mean that every additional unit sold yields a HIGHER profit - rather than a declining one. The pie is getting bigger.

Hence, the meteoric increase in royalties publishers pay authors from sales of the electronic versions of their work (anywhere from Random House's 35% to 50% paid by smaller publishers). As this tectonic shift reverberates through the whole distribution chain, retail outlets are beginning to transact directly with content creators. The borders between the types of intermediaries are blurred. Barnes and Noble (the American bookstores chain) has, in effect, become a publisher.

Many publishers have virtual storefronts. Many authors sell directly to their readers, acting as publishers. The introduction of "book ATMs" - POD (Print On Demand) machines, which will print every conceivable title in minutes, on the spot, in "book kiosks" - will give rise to a host of new intermediaries. Intermediation is not gone. It is here to stay because it is sorely needed. But it is in a state of flux. Old maxims break down. New modes of operation emerge. Functions are amalgamated, outsourced, dispensed with, or created from scratch. It is an exciting scene, full with opportunities.

About The Author

Sam Vaknin is the author of "Malignant Self Love - Narcissism Revisited" and "After the Rain - How the West Lost the East". He is a columnist in "Central Europe Review", United Press International (UPI) and and the editor of mental health and Central East Europe categories in The Open Directory, Suite101 and Until recently, he served as the Economic Advisor to the Government of Macedonia.

His web site:

Where To Submit Articles For Making Money Online

Writen by Bing Zou

We all know, the traffic is the everything for online business. No traffic, no money. So your sole work is to drive traffic to your website.

Submitting articles is the proven method to drive targeted traffic to your website and make money online. The advantages of submitting articles will be discussed in another article. Here we just discuss where to submit articles and how to find them for making more money online.

You may know, there are lots of free articles directories where you can submit your articles. But we need to improve out effect to spend less time and get more result. Here are some ways to decide which directory is worth to submitting your articles.

First, you can search Google, Yahoo and MSN to find them. You just use "free articles" or something like that to search on those main search engines; you will get,,,,, on the first page of Google search. You will get and on Yahoo. You will also get and on MSN. You can find the results are not exact same. For reaching visitors as many as possible, you may need to submit your articles to those different websites.

Second, you can use Google Page Rank to check them. You know, the higher the page rank is, the more important the website is. We will get page rank of above websites:,,,,,, , and The bigger the number is, the better the website is.

Third, you can use Alexa traffic ranking to check them. Alexa is the third party to display website traffic. We will get traffic ranking of above websites:,203),,982),,,957),,896),,031),,300) ,,643) and,340,750). The less the number is, the better the website is.

Combining those three factors to consider where to submit your articles, we may get the first three websites as this: the first is, the second is and the third is Actually, these three websites are the favorites for most authors to submit their articles.

Addition one factor you may think is the whole number of articles and authors of the website. It is a factor to check how popularity the directory is. You can imagine, how the search engine like the fresh content, the more articles the website has, the more exposure the website on search engine. The result is the more exposure of your articles. And you have to admit that almost every author is the visitor himself too. The more authors the website has, the more traffic the website has.

However, if you use software to submit your articles, it will save you lots of time. And if you have lots of time, you can submit your articles to as many as directories you can find. But it is not my interesting to focus on those topics.

Bing Zou is the owner of website and is designed for making money at home with a new lifestyle. recommends opportunities to make money online fast. You can contact him at email:

Publishamerica Publishing Parasites

Writen by Eddie Bruce

I have to admit to being readily impressed by company names. Maybe it's an age thing. You see, I was around when we had nationalised industries here in Britain, you know, British Railways, British Gas, British Steel, British Road Services, etc., etc. Those companies may have been over-staffed and under-efficient but you always knew you could trust them, and a product marked "Made in Britain" had class - in those days. Even after they became privatised the word "British" in a company name still, in my subconscious at least, gave that firm a stamp of approval. Those were the heady days when we had some traditional industries and workers could rely upon union protection to prevent their jobs being shipped out to third world countries.

When a company called PublishAmerica ( agreed to publish my small collection of short stories, I was delighted. This wasn't a 'tuppence ha'penny' outfit but an organisation that boasted "America" in its title. I've never been to America but I have made some good "virtual" friends there and know how patriotic Americans are. How could you not feel safe doing business with a firm that so proudly flew the flag of that famous super power? When I checked out PublishAmerica's website, all red, white and blue with the slogan "We treat our authors the old-fashioned way - we pay them," I felt truly blessed. A publisher of high esteem (I believed the testimonials) recognised the reader-appeal of my stories and my potential as a writer.

Further encouragement came from the "Why PublishAmerica?" page where I was told "The majority of our books that are sold retail are sold in physical brick and mortar bookstores" and "PublishAmerica can remove the stigma of paying to be published. With PublishAmerica, you will have the very important distinction of having your book ACCEPTED BY A TRADITIONAL PUBLISHING COMPANY."

Yet something about the company name puzzled me. I mean, why not "The American Publishing Company" or similar? As it stands "PublishAmerica" could be interpreted as an ambition to publish anything and everything that was ever written in that country. Amazingly, that interpretation very much sums up their objectives.

In my enthusiasm I had been studying PA's Author's Message Board, following links to previously published author's websites and reading all the reviews and book excerpts I could find (not realising that authors with anything pertinent to say are instantly barred from posting). Then I read one of their books from cover to cover. Now, my own education at an orphanage school in the Highlands of Scotland was very basic, so my grasp of English Grammar left something to be desired. Nevertheless, convinced I had stories to tell and the ability to tell them, I had joined Internet critique groups to learn how to present them. When I read my first PublishAmerica book my feelings were a blend of embarrassment, anger and disbelief. The writer had obviously worked hard to put the story together and it had the makings of an entertaining read. It reminded me so much of my own first and only attempt at writing a novel - abundant clichés, suspect word selection, contrived scenes and wooden characters existing in a plot that lacked cohesion. It was in fact a story barely at the first draft stage, complete with spelling and grammatical errors. How could an ethical, self-respecting publishing house allow this to happen, I wondered?

PublishAmerica/ScamAmerica are most definitely NOT traditional publishers whatever their slogan implies. Recently interviewed by Steven Zeitchik of Publishers Weekly, PublishAmerica executive director Miranda N. Prather admits that her company DOES NOT EDIT FOR CONTENT, only for grammar and spelling. For readers and writers everywhere this has to be the most worrying statement ever made on behalf of a publisher. But it gets worse. Simultaneously Ms Prather announced the creation of an affiliation between PublishAmerica and Online Publishing Bookstore - Tome Toaster ( Quote "Authors that generate sales and create a track record showing that they are able to promote as well as write a book will be referred to PublishAmerica by Tome Toaster." So we have a situation where a writer's ability to self-promote supersedes everything, including the ability to pen a readable story.

I find it a frightening fact that PublishAmerica already have 10,000 published books in the marketplace (recent announcement). Since they don't edit for content it is safe to assume that the bulk of these are badly written at best. By choosing PublishAmerica, genuine AUTHORS who have worked hard at sharpening their writing and storytelling skills find their works irretrievably associated with some of the most inane rubbish ever written, for the period of their contract - SEVEN YEARS! Meanwhile READERS have the dilemma of finding a readable piece of fiction (or non-fiction) in an environment awash with literary garbage.

The scam is brilliant in its simplicity. Instead of asking for money up front, PublishAmerica solicit a list of up to 100 of the author's friends and family whom they bombard with pre-publication flyers offering discounted copies. The sting is in the book's cover price - anything from 25-50% above the going rate for a similar book - ensuring that the friends-and-family discount does not effect the publisher's profit. My own 136 page "tome" was originally priced at $19.95 then reduced to the still prohibitive cover price of $16.95 when I expressed my disgust. Print-on-demand format allows the publisher to recoup publishing costs almost immediately on just a few such sales which are followed up by a "special" bulk purchase offer, irresistible to the author who has received only two free copies for review purposes. I invested three to four hundred pounds sterling and countless frustrating hours that I could ill afford on a marketing project that was doomed to failure from the start. PublishAmerica's lack of author support, only answering phone calls for book orders and ignoring almost all email complaints, is legend, as is the nigh impossible task of finding a bookseller willing to stock PublishAmerica non-returnable titles.

PublishAmerica have a branch called PublishBritannica and I now realise how naïve I have been to believe that a company would necessarily show respect to the country whose name they cynically exploit. Maybe such business practices are par for the course in today's dog-eat-dog, winner-take-all world. I know there are "authors" prepared to buy huge quantities of their books then sell them on to sympathetic, unsuspecting acquaintances, mug gullible punters at book fairs and the like or just sell them to each other. I just enjoy writing stories, being neither a super salesman nor a confidence trickster. Is it too much to expect that a writer's work might succeed on merit rather than misrepresentation and deceit? If companies like PublishAmerica are allowed to legally flourish while exploiting new authors, deceiving the reading public and stifling writing talent, apart from GENUINE TRADITIONAL HOUSES, the book publishing industry will surely drown in a dumbed-down literary quagmire of its own making.

NOTE: Many authors who value their work and who have fallen victim to this disreputable company are campaigning to have the sole rights to their material restored. To those who threaten legal action PublishAmerica offer a release agreement containing a gagging clause. Authors who feel that they have been misled or defrauded by this company are advised to write to -

Office of the Attorney General
Consumer Protection Division-Beth Silverman
200 St. Paul Place
Baltimore, MD 21202


BBB of Greater Maryland
1414 Key Highway, Suite 100
Baltimore, MD 21230 -5189
Phone: (410)347-3992
Fax: (410)347-3936

Eddie Bruce © 29.11.2004.

About The Author

Eddie Bruce is retired and writes Scottish and English short fiction. A recovering alcoholic, his works reflect the ordinary man's eternal struggle to find a niche in life. Some of his acclaimed stories can be read at

Trials And Tribulations Of A Newbie Publisher

Writen by Donesia Muhammad

Don't Knock Me Because I am New...

I am a publisher of a weekly newsletter. Since my newsletter is less than a year old, I am considered a Newbie. Learning the in's and out's of this whole publishing world. I don't break any rules. I know the term Opt-in. I abide by it 100%. I don't hold any hostages. If you don't like my issues, simply unsubscribe, no problem. My list is growing and occasionally someone buys something from me.

Life is Good

But what makes you think that I don't have feelings too. That I don't make mistakes as well. I don't have the expensive equipment like the big gurus have. That doesn't mean that my issue is any less worthy. Relax, your unsubscribe request will happen, just give me more than 3 seconds to take care of it..

No I can't buy every offer you send me. Does that mean that you must unsubscribe because of it. One strike and your out?

Maybe I can't write every article myself, but does that mean that my issue isn't good. Sorry if that hyperlink didn't work. Sorry if my server went haywire and you received a duplicate mailing. Sorry if I don't respond to your email within 30 seconds. I follow the standard 24 hour rule too.

Maybe I am just learning email etiquette. Maybe I am just learning the true definitions of Spam. I can't be quick to judge your email as spam. Maybe you just don't know. Maybe I just don't know.

But Remember

Don't assume that because I am new then you can pull out every trick. Been there, done that. An ad is an ad. If you did not receive the response you wanted, don't yell at me. People have a short attention span, you need to remind them again before they buy.

Give me the respect that I give you. Why should I keep you on the list if I get vacation responses from you (consistently), and "user unknown". If I was an advanced publisher, one bounce and forget it but I am forgiving. Sometimes, I just would rather wait and see for fear of losing a potential sale.

Being a Publisher does not give you the right to insult me or to vent your frustrations out on me. I put on my pants one leg at a time just like you.

Things happen. PC's crash , databases can crash. Please don't yell at me because that one solo ad "sent you over the edge"

If we didn't send out a classified edition every now and then your free ad would never get seen. It's called a back log of ads.

I am sorry that you don't remember when you subscribed to my newsletter and through what program.

I do know that if my entire issue would consist of nothing but unsubscribe links, someone would still send me an email saying "Remove Me" It is like expecting Windows to never crash.

Apparently I am allowed to make mistakes, or should I say X-Apparently?

For all of you who every week has the job of writing something new and making sure it gets out in time, and that everyone is opt-in and every unsubscribe request is handled, and to remember which ad is supposed to go in which issue, all while maintaining your own website and family and outside employment, Thank You.

Give me a break sometimes and I will return the favor

You see I enjoy this world of publishing and I value your opinions, good or bad. If I couldn't take constructive criticism then I am in the wrong business.

Now, if you will excuse me I have an issue to send out.

Read part two ==>

Copyright (c) KDM Publishing

Donesia Muhammad has been doing business online since 2001. Sign up For her Newsletter My IBiz Weekly ==> The Business Ezine For All Netpreneurs. Learn how to start and maintain your internet business and ezine, and stay sane while doing it. Read Our Archives and Learn with Valuable Resources. Helping Readers Online Since 2001... And Counting.

Market Your Ezine Properly So You Grab Every Visitor To Your Website

Writen by Mark Barnes

When marketing ezines, most people use sign-up forms or pop-up forms on a current website. This may not be new to most people, but here's another spin on it. In addition to your pop-up or basic sign-up form on your site, why not add a page to your site, with a link on your home page, that does nothing but promote your ezine.

You see, many people pass up your subscription form, because they are afraid of SPAM, or they don't know enough about your ezine. Will it interest them? Or, will it just bombard them with more advertising?

A separate page can explain exactly what the ezine does, promote articles that you have in it, even give a sample issue, so prospects can see what they are getting. Be sure to have several subscription forms on this page between sections of your text, so people have plenty of opportunity to subscribe. Also, be sure that visitors are linked back to your home page, once they've subscribed, so they get back to looking at your product.

Any good autoresponder will have this feature, which is crucial, because although you desperately want people signing up for your ezine, you also want them to read your sales letter and, hopefully, buy your product.

Make sure your ezine articles always link back to your web site, so you are constantly promoting yourself. After all, this is really what ezines are for.

Another part of good online networking is to set up affiliate programming, in a similar fashion to the aforementioned ezine promotion. That is, instead of just offering your own product as an affiliate program, set up a separate page on your web site for affiliate programs you use. So, you might have a link on your home/sales page called "Other Great Products." Obviously, you can use your own creativity for this title. This link will take visitors to a site that promotes other products, for which you gain a commission as an affiliate. If you are unfamiliar with affiliate programs, visit ClickBank, the largest free affiliate program on the Internet.

Most Internet marketers only offer their own product to people, who want to join affiliate programs, or they may offer just one other related product, with a link on their home page. Plus, don't forget any other web sites of your own. Always be sure to link to them on all of your URLs and in your ezine articles. The key to building your own online network is to be sure you have promotional pages for all of your products and affiliates on your web sites and to link everything together. Remember, you want every visitor on your e-mail list, and you always want them landing back on your promotional pages.

Mark Barnes is an investment real estate and real estate finance expert. He also runs several successful ezines. Get his free mortgage finance course at and also learn how to gain financial independence through proper real estate investment strategies. Mark is also the author of the new novel, The League, a shocking, sports-related conspiracy. Learn more about his suspense thriller at

What Makes An Ezine Worth Reading

Writen by Donesia Muhammad

What makes your ezine hot stuff? With literally thousands of ezines online today, how can yours stand out or is it doomed to stay in the junk mail folders??

The first thing to think about is, what is your ezine about? Do you have a clue? If you don't know then you can bet a million dollars that your readers haven't the slightest idea what you are talking about.

Define what your purpose is in the first place.

Information, Advertising, Current Events, Reviews.

The choice is yours and the possibilities are endless..

One of the biggest mistakes I see a lot of people do is to mirror another ezine. We all have ezines that we love to read and learn from but that doesn't mean that you need to duplicate the exact same type of ezine. Many of us get sucked into this online world completely forgetting our original goals and end up just jumping on the band wagon instead of being unique.

What works for one may not work for you.

Don't get fooled into that "If I can do it so you can you" Syndrome.

It is not just about copying and pasting anymore...

> Put some flair into your words. You don't have to sound like a robot. Develop your own style of writing so that everyone knows your style and will come to appreciate it even more.

> You don't need to reveil your entire life story but stories that are relevant to the topics are great openers.

> If you use advertising in your ezine, try to compliment the advertising according to your topics. Targeted advertising means a more increased chance of someone purchasing your products and services.

> Ask and you shall find out.

Poll Your Readers and find out what interests them. You may be surprised at the responses. Publishers have to think in three ways.

As A Publisher

This is my name on this ezine. Do I care what I publish or will I just keep this ezine the same way? Do I care what my readers think, will paid advertisers want to pay to advertise with me?

Am I committed to helping people through the power of email advertising or do I just care of making a fast buck telling people about every fly-by-night program that comes along?

As A Reader

What keeps you subscribed? Is it because of the good information. Do you find yourself waiting for another exciting issue to come out. If the issue doesn't arrive do you contact the publisher to find out if an issue is coming out.

Do you read the issue and feel you have learned something new? Something that will help make your life better, easier, more helpful?

As An Advertiser

If I want to advertise in this ezine, why should I? Is it because of the low prices or is it because the ezine has a responsive list of people who WANT to read what the publisher has to say. If the publisher doesn't care what they put in their ezine, then why should I bother pulling out my credit card?

Many publishers new and old all go through this problem. That is when you need to sit down and view yourself from those three perspectives and then you can understand where you, your ezine, and your reputation is headed.

Donesia Muhammad is the owner of Ezine Ad where you
can by quality ezine advertising for one low price. Doesn't
Your E-Business need help with their advertising. Let Ezine Ad
Helper guide you the right way.

Ok People Lets Get Real

Writen by Cathy Bryant

It's all about numbers - or so some ezine publishers would have you believe.

10,000 subscribers and counting!

20,000 subscribers and counting!

30,000 subscribers and counting!

You get the picture...or do you?

Now let me ask you - how many of those are actually READING your newsletter? Do you even know? Have you checked?

You might really be surprised!

I've got bad news - especially for those publishers who use free ads to entice their readers to subscribe.

If your publication is business-oriented, you're lucky if 10% ever lay eyes on that wonderful work you labored so long over. And if it's filled with dozens and dozens of ads from all the free and low-cost ad placement programs now available, I have three words for you -

- can you say, "scan and delete?"

Because that's exactly what the majority of your subscribers are doing. I promise.

That is, those who are even GETTING your newsletter.

Now I know that most of you, especially the ones who are currently still running those free ads, know that what I am saying is true.

Yet there are those among you that insist on hanging on to all those precious subscriber email addresses for dear life (even the ones that have bounced five times) on the outside chance that one day that email will gloriously begin to start accepting mail again and your count will be a true one.

Fat chance.

I'm not saying that all publishers do this; I know many that clean their lists on a regular basis. The long-time publishers who have grown their lists by traditional means certainly do. That's why they can command good prices for advertising - and get it.

But how many of you have the guts to do what I did?


Go ahead - I challenge you.

Make them take some sort of action that REQUIRES them to say "Yes, keep me on your list." Or else they don't get the newsletter. Period. No exceptions.

Watch those subscriber numbers drop like a rock - and watch your "open rate" climb.

Because what you're really after is sustained, loyal readership. Trusting subscribers who know that you are going to provide them with good, solid information.

And you're going to have to give it to them - otherwise, you'll never accomplish what it is you intended to do when you started publishing your newsletter.

Like making money.

About The Author

Cathy Bryant's newsletter, the HomeBizJunction Herald, has NO outside advertising - free or paid. Just solid, reliable information to help those who want to start and succeed in their own home business. Subscribe at to read her reviews of business opportunities and products.

Explode Your Business

Writen by Matt Bacak

You can make a decent income selling products and services but you can become insanely rich by creating and controlling markets.

That's what I'll help you to do.

You see the Internet is the cheapest and easiest way to attract and capture people who are interested in what you have to offer.


Ezines, newsletters, e-courses, Internet magazines. (They are all the same nothing different but their names.)

Just think back to the last time that you did a search on the Internet. Were you looking for something to solve your problem? Yeah, tons of people everyday are doing the same exact thing and they are looking for you.

If you're like most people, you just have a simple website that searchers can go to, and like most people they come check you out and leave. And you never have any idea who they were, and because of that, you don't have a way to follow-up.

Boy, you are missing out. Big time!

Because the fortune is in the follow-up.

See, if you created a newsletter, ezine or whatever you want to call it, you could capture their email address and market to them over and over again.

Now you have created your own market of which you are in control.

This *will* dramatically increase that amount of money that you make and your business will skyrocket because of all the great things that you can offer them. Whether it is a special sale, a free trial offer, a sample of your book, or sample of your product, the list goes on and on. You can make thousands or even millions because you created and control a market of tons of people that are just hot and hungry for your information, products or services.

Warmest Regards,

Matt Bacak The Powerful Promoter #1 Best Selling Author & Trainer

Toll-Free #: 1-866-MATT-123 or visit

P.S. "I'm Turning Authors, Speakers, and Experts Into Overnight Success Stories! You want to be next?"

First step, go here:

Matt Bacak, The Powerful Promoter and Entrepreneur Magazine e-Biz radio show host, became a "#1 Best Selling Author" in just a few short hours. He has helped a number of clients target his specialty, opt-in email direct marketing systems. The Powerful Promoter is not only a sought-after internet marketer but has also marketed for some of the world's top experts whose reputations would shrivel if their followers ever found out someone else coached them on their online marketing strategies. For more information, visit Bacak's site at

The Power Of Newsletters

Writen by Margie Fisher

When discussing the possibility of creating a newsletter for one of my clients, he asked me, "How will a newsletter help me get sales?"

"Great question," I replied. Here's how:

A newsletter is a form of contact, just like a phone call, visit or direct mail postcard. Your business (or non-profit) and any messages you want to get across will be in front of your current and prospective clients each time you send out a newsletter. If you send out a newsletter several times a year, there is a good chance that you will reach your prospects at a time when they are ready to buy. Even if they're not ready to buy, they might be talking to a friend or business associate who needs your services – so you might get a referral.

To maximize your sales or donor opportunities, keep a few points in mind:

1. Focus content on what is beneficial to the reader. Good newsletters include a combination of information aimed at educating readers, sales messages and client kudos.

2. Decide on an e-mail newsletter or a printed newsletter. Besides your budget and access to e-mail or address information, your business or organization provides clues to the best choice. If you are a non-profit that wants to include a donor form in each newsletter, printed newsletters will be best for you. If you are a Web-based business, it makes more sense to create an e-mail newsletter.

3. Spend time on the newsletter's design and copywriting. Your newsletter design is a branding and image opportunity for your company or organization. Correct grammar and spelling are also important. Mistakes detract from your message and image.

Spending time creating effective newsletters is well worth the time invested. Send out newsletters and watch your sales grow!

Copyright 2006 Margie Fisher All Rights Reserved

Margie Fisher, President of Zable Fisher Public Relations, is the author of the Do-It-Yourself Public Relations Kit. For more information on the Kit, the Pay for Results Publicity Program, and to sign up for the complimentary PRactical P.R. newsletter, visit

Ezines And Newsletter Software How To Drive Traffic And Improve Your Business Cashflow

Writen by Mike Greenfield

So how do smaller businesses use the internet to drive traffic and improve their cashflow?

The upfront answer is building a permission based contact database tied into your website.

Build a targeted list and you will have cashflow on demand.

Of course you will still optimise your site for the search engines as an integral part of your marketing strategy, but putting your main effort into building your list will grow your business quicker and speed up listings in the search engines.

Remember once you have a database list – it's YOURS to use over and over again to bring in profitable sales to your business!

And the more you use it the more it will grow, provided you MANAGE it correctly.

Use your list to keep in regular contact with subscribers, much like you would manage relationships in a bricks and mortar business.

Everyone likes to do business with people they know and trust. Treat them right and they will not only come back again and again, but will refer their friends and others to you.

Put an opt-in form on your website, collect email from walk in customers, run contests to collect email addresses, and ask existing customers and friends for referrals.

You should include your URL and email address on EVERY piece of printed material you produce for your business, including invoices, email signatures, Yellow Page ads, business cards, labels, EVERYTHING!

You should be collecting email addresses from EVERY visitor that walks through your door!

You will be surprised how quickly your database will grow.

And the good thing is, once it grows to a certain point it self generates and grows even faster.

Doing it right means developing TRUST with your subscribers.

Like friendship, trust grows with the number of successful contacts.

The more a person gets to know you, the more they will trust you.

Of course if you let them down they're probably gone for good - so you better have a good product and back it up with good service.

A regular newsletter is one of the easiest ways to keep in contact.

Your newsletter doesn't have to be a lengthy document; it can be as simple as a one page article published under your banner and sent out on a regular basis to your list.

It must contain useful information of interest to your subscribers and it should be devoid of blatant advertising.

If a person has opted into your list, they'll know what your business is about, so you don't need to be in their face constantly selling.

Keep your newsletter lean on advertising, but full of useful, interesting information, then when the customer is ready to purchase they'll come to you.

Its human nature, we all want to deal with a person we know and trust.

And the beauty is they come back again and again –but you must keep in regular contact with them or they simply slip away and forget about you.

Another payoff is, as your list grows, traffic to your website grows, and all of a sudden search engine spiders start listing your site – it's like magic, traffic drives traffic!

Also, once you have developed trust through communicating valuable information regularly to your subscribers they will look forward to hearing from you.

AND they will forgive you for sending them blatant advertising now and then, in fact they will expect it.

You will be able to promote specials through promotional emails and postcard announcements, advise them of new vintages, and offer them pre-release deals, making them feel special and that you value their custom.

Each time you do a mail out you will get a return in the form of increased sales, but please don't over do it.

Depending on the business you are in, and how effective you are at targeting, a subscriber could be worth anywhere from a few cents to several dollars every time you do a mail out.

Here is how to calculate the value of subscribers in your list, but first you will need to establish your list and have completed at least two or three successful campaigns.

Divide the number of subscribers in your list by the average sales in dollars received in response to your mailout.

Let's say you have built your list to 2500 opt-ins and have calculated the subscriber value as $0.75 (subscribers/divided by the average amount of business in dollars received from previous mail outs).

So, it's getting towards the end of the month and your sales aren't up to scratch – ok send a mail out with a special offer. Presto you have just generated an extra $1875.00 in sales! (That's 2500 subscribers x $0.75)

Every marketing person will tell you sales is a numbers game.

If you get your offer right and target correctly you will get consistent results every time.

Here is another example: If your average conversion is just 1% of your subscribers, and your average sale is $220.00, then you will convert 1% of your list and receive 25 orders x $220.00 = $5500.00, for an average return per subscriber of $2.20.

It's 10 days before Christmas and you need to clear some stock:

Send out an extra special offer and tell your customers you need to quit the stock within nine days or you will be in serious trouble (or whatever).

You have been honest and given them a reason for your special offer.

They know you mean what you say and they can trust you to give them an honest deal!

Bingo, orders start coming in and you clear the stock!

The above examples show what you can do when you have an opt-in database of customers and prospects that you have build up on the basis of TRUST, that know your business, and who willingly open your emails.

AND, how much did it cost you? Did you have to run expensive advertisements in the paper (that, by the way, now show diminishing returns on your investment because of the high cost), or print thousands of flyers, or employ staff to get out and spruik for business?

No, none of the above. To send the promotion out to your list cost virtually nothing, zilch, beano, absolutely nothing, just half an hour to an hour of your time.

Imagine the cashflow you could generate if your database grew to 10,000 or 50,000 subscribers.

It doesn't matter what you are selling, it could be hotel rooms, cases of wine, restaurant meals, toys, services, or seminars - it doesn't matter, if you target carefully and have built a trusting relationship with your list, you will get consistent results.

If you want more information on how you can build profitable online business through automated online catalogues, newsletters and promotional email, contact Mike Greenfield NOW.

Mike has over 35 years experience in marketing, sales, and entrepreneurship, with a history of taking businesses from small beginnings to sales in the tens of millions of dollars.

SiteDesignNOW specialises in low cost small business online marketing systems, including interactive catalogues, ezine systems, e-classifed ad systems, and shopping carts.


Create Your Own Ezine Traffic Machine

Writen by Jason Morris

How would you like to reach millions of people with your products and service for free?

That is exactly what occurs when you start writing articles and submitting them to hundreds of ezines. Currently there are tens of thousands of ezine publishers online and almost all of them have one thing in common. They are all looking for good content to publish in their newsletter.

If you have good content (not a sales letter cloaked as an article), then you can be their savior. You can give them exactly what they need. Then, they will give you what you need in exchange. They will give you exposure for your business.

Every article comes with a resource box attached at the end of it. While your article should not be an effort to promote your business, your 4 to 6 line resource box should be an outright ad for you and your business. You are free to advertise your website, your products, your services, or any affiliate program you are a member of.

You may say to me that you are not a writer. Well, that just doesn't matter. What do you know about your industry? I am sure there is something you know. The writing style online is not that of English professors. The best explanation of what is popular in the online world would be to define it as a "down home" style of writing.

Since the technology we are all using seems so impersonal, your readers are seeking someone who is real. You can write in a conventional tone. Below is a quick step by step system to writing your first article.

1. Decide on a topic

You want to choose a hot online topic. What are people talking about on the news, in discussion boards, and in ezines that you are receiving? Look at the articles from some of the magazines in your industry to gauge where people's interest is at. You want to make sure that your article is covering a subject people are excited about.

2. Create a Title

The title will make or break your article. A title for an article is just as important as a headline for an ad. If your title doesn't grab people's attention they will never read the rest of the article. If they don't read the article, they won't see your resource box. Write a minimum of 10 - 20 titles and then let your family or friends pick the most interesting one to use in your article.

3. Write 3 - 5 Major Points

The key to making your writing easy is dividing up the content. Through creating these main points you can also establish a flow to the article. Using a step by step system will also help you stay organized in your mind.

4. Decide on the number of words, probably around 300 - 500 for ezine articles

Most ezines publish shorter articles than you what you see in magazines. The best number to plan for is to create articles that are around 300 - 500 words in length. Although some ezines may ask for a little bit longer articles.

5. Divide up the number of words and create each section invdidually

If you have 5 points, each one only gets 100 words. Once you add on a short introduction and a short conclusion, then you are at about 80 words per section. If you have 3 points, then each section will have around 150 words plus an introduction and conclusion. It is easier to get started when you think of it like this. You don't have to write 500 words. You need to write 150 words.

6. Create Your Resource Box

Give your contact info such as your name, email address, and web site. Then, give one or two benefit phrases, headlines you could say, along with web site links. You will receive your absolute best results if the benefit phrases coincide with the article you have just written.

7. Edit it

Take a step back after you have written and prepared your article. Sleep on it. Come back to your article the next day and edit it. Re-phrase sections that you can make better. Do a spell check. It is amazing what a short rest will do for the creative process.

8. Email it to ezine publishers with a short covering letter.

Find a large section of ezine publishers with their name and contact emails. Send it to them with a short personalized cover paragraph at the top. Personalization is a major key since most ezine publishers receive hundreds of these emails every day. You need to make your emails stand out from the crowd.

Thanks for reading my article. Please feel free to rate it at the bottom of this page.


Jason Morris is co-author, search engine optimization and marketing consultant of Business Phone Systems Direct. An established communications company, offering advice and implementation of high quality business phone systems.

Building Small Business Using Ezine

Writen by Joyce Oladipo

Is it worth keeping in touch with clients via ezine?

Yes, Yes, Yes and it does work.

Ezines are a great way to keeping in touch with your clients and an effective way to promote additional products and service to your clients. Clients will appreciate your efforts to keep in touch with them on a regular basis as well.

I am amazed by the amount of small businesses that are not using this method to build a relationship with their prospects. Some even try sending and giving up because there is no response from their subscribers.

Isn't it hard for you to get a sales person into the home of a client sweet talking for you?

A campaign is a sustained attack on something. So in other words if we keep sending we will build out list incredibly.

Here are some things you need to know before starting your own ezine.

1. Patience and perseverance

It takes sometime to get a responsive list. Most small business owners give up after sending a few ezines or they don't email their list often. As long as they are still on your list they are still interested in what you have to say. Do you respond to all ezines that arrives in your mail box? You may be interested in the product they are promoting but it could take six months for you to realize that getting the product could be of great benefits to you. So keep sending your ezines and keep it interesting and make sure it contains relevant information for your prospects.

2. Ezine Objective

Your ezine can have a variety of objectives depending on your goals. For instance, your ezine could be used for:

• Establishing your name and reputation
• Selling your products and services
• Keeping in touch with clients
• Driving traffic to your website
• Announcing new products and service.

3. Good Content

Your ezine needs to content good information relevant to your target market. It also needs to be in sync with your objectives. If it's to build relationship you might consider using personally written articles with an interactive question and answer section and if it's for advertising you can add an advertising section to your ezine.

Here are a few ideas for contents that you might consider for your own ezine:

• How-To tips, hints and articles
• Your answers to readers questions
• Reader testimonials, opinions, and feedbacks
• Guest experts corners
• Recommend website resources
• Contest
• Product reviews (books, tool etc.)

And if you think you can't write an ezine you can go to and have someone write one for you. You can also visit free reprint right directories and use their articles. Here are a few, and

4. Your List

You can dramatically expand your response rate by positioning your ezine to a particular group. Try marketing your ezine on directories of your target market. You might also call a list broker to get a list for your target clients, or run ads that attracts the attention of your clients offering them free information.

5. Your Frequency

How often you send your ezine is important. There are six choices for you to decide to send your ezine.

• Daily ezine requires some commitment unless they are short. Normally this type of ezine consists of tips, quotes, or news.
• Weekly ezine are sent weekly
• Bi-weekly is an ezine sent every 2 weeks
• Monthly of just beyond the forgetting point.
• Quarterly ezine are simply a waste of time. It's not useful if you are going to be keeping in touch with clients every 90 days. People will forget who you are and just delete your message when it arrives.
• Whenever ezine is the worst way of keeping in touch with your clients

Choose which frequency you want and stick to it.

6. Follow Ups

Follow up on everything properly. You can have your subscribers get messages in a certain way. Let them know they are dealing with a real person. Let them know you care.

7. Automated the system

Once you have decided on your objective, content, and frequency you'll use for your ezine. It's time to actually set up a system like:

• Gathering target clients email addresses
• Installing and setting up your email management system
• Having a subscription form on your website

The bottom line is this… if you don't mail out to your clients you are losing or missing out on increased takings? We all need reminding of everything these days, life is busy. Your clients are no different. Keep in touch with them, set up a system where you mail them at least every six weeks and it will pay of big time for you.

Finally if you start it, never give it will pay off.

Online entrepreneur Joyce O. Oladipo, "The Home Business Sistah," publishes the award-winning 'Home Business Success' ezine with 750 subscribers. To Learn to Recession Proof Your Business and Rapidly Attract More Clients, Sell More to Existing Clients, and Bring Back Your Clients More Frequently, without Pushing So Hard — No Matter What Product or Service You Sell sign up for FREE how-to articles and FREE audio class, at

7 Useful Free Services For Epublishers

Writen by Dejan Bizinger

If you want to have an online business, without doubt, you should have your own newsletter. Why is that important? Most people won't buy your product on their first visit to your web site. They need your advice to buy exactly your product because "it is the best, the cheapest" etc. You can tell them when you will make an update, to visit your site again, and so you get repeat visits. You should provide some useful content in your newsletter to make them stay as your subscribers.

When you decide to have a newsletter, you should promote it, so that you will have more people on your list. It is easy to build a big list very fast, if you pay for that. However, many people don't have much money to spend for their list promotion so they mostly must use free services. This brings up a good question? Which services are useful for e-publishing and are also free? Here, I will write 7 services that I use and which have showed good results.

1. Swap ads

Swapping ads can be very useful. You have to find newsletters that have quality content and a contact to the owner. When you make a contact you have to write why you are interested in swapping ads with that newsletter. You have to tell about the benefits of swapping with you.

Swap Resources

2. Article submit

It is very useful for list promotion to submit your articles to other publishers that are looking for some content. You should put a resource box at the end of your article where you will write who are you; you can also put your web site and list address... It is more likely that they will subscribe to your newsletter if they liked your article rather than reading your ad. You have to find those publishers who will be interested in your articles.

3. List submit

There are services where you can submit a description of your list or announce when you are going to publish it. These services can be useful because, they provide quality lists. Therefore, people can decide to subscribe to your list.

4. Participate on discussion lists

You can subscribe to discussion lists of your interest. When you post your answer you can include your resource box. If people find your answers useful it is more likely that they will subscribe to your newsletter.

LED Digest


5. Pick a domain name

If you want to have a professional newsletter you should consider registering a domain name. Today it is not very easy to find a good domain name, especially a dot com name. However, there is a free service where you can get a list of domain names that are free because of non-payment. Also, you have to check if a certain name is available.

6. Applications and Services

Scripts can be useful for promotion. For example you can use a script for recommendating, for form mail...

Useful services


Hot Scripts

7. Search engines

There are many different opinions as to how useful are search engines. Having a good placement in a search engine for relevant words can be very useful for your list promotion. I must say that it is not worth submitting to every search engine. There are a few that are the most popular.



These 7 services can get you subscribers for your newsletter. Don't expect that you will immediately have several thousand subscribers using free services because it doesn't work that way. Don't believe in everything that you read on the Net, because you can be disappointed. E-publishing can be very useful for you and for your business if you use it in the right way, because, it establishes you as an expert in your field of expertise.


Dejan Bizinger is a Contributing Editor for Infacta. Infacta is email messaging services company providing powerful, yet easy-to-use award-winning Group Mail, software for sending highly-personalized email messages and Group Metrics, software for email tracking. For more information visit:


NOTE: This article may be used freely in opt-in publications and websites, provided that the resource box is included and the links are active.

Ezine Promotion The Three Forgotten Tactics

Writen by Peter Murphy

If you are like most ezine publishers you want more ideas that work. But hold on a minute what about all the key strategies that you have overlooked?

1 Teamwork:

Hook up with a fellow publisher who does not compete directly with you. I do this to find out what really works. Share ideas and results. Brainstorm even by email and you will discover new ways to promote your newsletter that you will not have spotted before.

You could save yourself weeks or months of wasted effort if you know which strategy people are responding to today. And not what used to work last year when that guru wrote his expensive ebook with all the answers that were true back then.

For example, last week I learned from a fellow ezine writer that his new ecourse was taking off like a rocket. So, I have cancelled my plans to write another ebook and instead I am working on developing an ecourse. And when it comes to promoting my new ecourse I already know an expert I can check in with instead of spending weeks to learn what works best.

2 Help other ezine publishers to get what they want:

Spend time solving the problems that other ezine publishers face. For example, read their back issues and point out ways they can offer an even better product. If you can help them to get more subscribers you will be rewarded with your articles getting priority treatment and appearing in their upcoming issues.

Do these other publishers offer a free report to new subscribers? Ask if they would like one suitable for their audience and then produce one that focuses on your area of expertise. They get more subscribers by offering a truly useful report and you benefit by getting your byline in front of even more people.

Give first and you will be amazed at how receptive people are to working with you for mutual gain. You will immediately stand out from the crowd in a world where so many people always wants something without any consideration for the needs of the other person.

3 Use information as a bonus:

Write an ebook or ecourse with genuinely useful information and offer it to other ezine publishers. Let them use it as a special bonus to keep their existing subscribers coming back for more. They will also benefit from referrals when their readers pass on the newsletter to friends so that they too can read your ebook or ecourse.

Too many ezines are short on great articles they can use. There are plenty of articles available out there but very few high quality ones that you will use in your own ezine.

The same applies when ezine authors want to offer incentives to encourage their readers to buy their own information products. If you give publishers a high quality ebook or ecourse that they can bundle with their information product you will get your message out to a lot of people and very quickly.

These tactics could help you to build your ezine in ways you never considered before now. Test them for yourself and enjoy new success with your ezine.

Peter Murphy is a writer and ezine publisher. He has a number of information products that you are welcome to use to promote your ezine. For details send